Using KPIs to Visualize SaaS Performance


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) measure an organization's performance and help identify areas for improvement. When looking at success metrics in the SaaS world, KPIs provide an immediate, quantifiable view of how a product or feature is performing. Visualizing data from KPIs can help organizations identify trends, inform decisions, and create opportunities for growth.

In this blog post, we'll discuss the benefits of visualizing SaaS performance data, how to measure specific KPIs and create useful views for decision-making, and how to get started.

What are KPIs?

KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are metrics used to measure the performance of a company and provide insights into areas such as sales, customer service, and product development.

Benefits of Visualizing SaaS Performance Data

There are several benefits to visualizing SaaS performance data:

  • It's an easy way to quickly identify areas where performance can be improved
  • It's an effective way to track progress over time
  • KPIs can provide actionable insights for improving products, services, and customer experience
  • Easy to present to stakeholders

Overview of the Remainder of the Post

In this blog post, we'll go over how to measure and report on specific SaaS performance metrics, how to create useful visuals for better decision-making, and how to get started creating useful KPIs for your business.

Systematically Gather Data

Collecting data is the first and most crucial step in visualizing the performance of your SaaS product. However, due to the variety and number of data sources, it can be challenging to compile an accurate data set. Effective management of data requires a systematic approach to gathering data from various sources.

Different sources

Data for business related products can be gathered from a variety of sources. These sources vary in terms of the nature of the data that they provide and the time period for which the data is provided. For example, customer feedback on the product could be gathered from web-based surveys, while data on the usage of a particular feature could be collected from a backend tracking system. Other sources of data could be financial statements, previous research papers and reports, competitor marketing materials, and both internal and external customer databases.

Use a tool for automated collecting data

Automated data collection tools have gained considerable popularity due to their efficiency and accuracy. These tools allow users to collect, analyze and store data from multiple sources in a single database. With this data, users can quickly generate metrics and views that help identify patterns, trends and performance gaps. Moreover, some automated tools provide features to set thresholds for KPIs allowing users to proactively monitor performance. By having automated collection and monitoring of data, businesses are able to react more quickly to any changes in the product performance.

Common SaaS KPIs


Monthly Active Users (MAU) are used to measure how many users interact with a product in an assigned time period, such as a month. MAU helps track the size of a user base and can be used measure growth or identify declines. By tracking MAU, it is easier to make data-driven decisions about product changes.


Churn rate is a metric used to measure how many users have stopped using a software or service over a given time period. Businesses use this to measure the health of their product or service and make decisions about where to increase user adoption and reduce attrition. Churn can be measured as a percentage, or absolute number.


Engagement is used to measure how different users interact and use the product or service. It is measured by analyzing user's activity over a set amount of time and tracking how often userscome back to the product. It is a key indicator of user satisfaction as well as user loyalty and can often be tracked with webinar or a/b tests.

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is a metric used to track how successful a product or service is at turning leads into customers. It is calculated by dividing the number of potential customers who take an action and convert into customers by the total number of leads. By tracking the conversion rate, it is easier to identify what works and adjust future marketing campaigns.


Revenue is used to measure the profitability of a software or service. It is calculated by taking the total amount of money earned from the product or service and subtracting out any costs associated with it. By tracking revenue, it is possible to measure return on investment and make data-driven decisions about future investments. Additionally, revenue can be used to track how successful a product is in the marketplace compared to its competitors.

Design Charts

Charts are a great way of visualizing data to gain insight into the performance of a SaaS business. The design of a chart should be considered carefully as different charts should be used for different types of data. By choosing an appropriate chart type for the data, the insights become easy to understand and can even make an impact on the bottom line of the business.

Pick Relevant Data

The first step to creating charts is choosing the right data. It is important to only select data that is relevant to the goal of the chart, as this will help to make sure that the most meaningful insights can be drawn from the chart. Look at the overall goal of the chart, and pick the data points which will be most useful in showing the relationship between the relevant factors.

Choose an Appropriate Chart Type

Once the relevant data is identified, the next step is to choose an appropriate chart type. There are many different chart types to choose from, such as line charts, bar charts, scatter plots and pie charts. Different types of data are better suited for different types of charts, so it is important to consider the type of data, the relationship between data points and the goal of the chart before deciding on a chart type.

  • Line charts are ideal for showing changes over time.
  • Bar charts are great for comparing different data points.
  • Scatter plots are good for visualizing the relationship between two different sets of data.
  • Pie charts are useful for displaying the proportions of different data points.

Analyze Performance

Analyzing performance is critical to understanding how a SaaS product or service is faring. KPIs makes it easy to assess the success of a SaaS progress by providing a visual representation of SaaS performance and industry data in one place. By breaking down the performance into KPIs, one can quickly compare the performance of SaaS to the industry standards and identify whether any improvements are needed.

Compare with Industry Data

The first step in analyzing SaaS performance is to compare it with industry data. This allows one to see how their performance stacks up with the rest of the industry, and identify areas for improvement. The KPIs provide a visual representation of the performance and helps to quickly compare the performance of SaaS with industry averages. By comparing the KPIs with the industry data, one can quickly identify any areas of concern or areas where the SaaS product or service is outperforming the competition.

Identify Trends and Patterns

In addition to comparing the performance with industry data, analyzing the KPIs helps to identify any trends and patterns in the performance. By regularly reviewing the KPIs, one can identify areas where the performance has improved or declined over time. This helps to identify areas where the SaaS product or service needs to be optimized or improved, as well as areas where detailed analysis is required to uncover the reasons for the change in performance.

By using KPIs to analyze performance, one can easily compare the performance of SaaS with industry averages, identify trends and patterns, and track the performance over time. This makes it easy to quickly identify areas for improvement, allowing for the optimization and enhancement of the SaaS product or service.

Create Actionable Insights

One of the most important uses of key performance indicators (KPIs) is to gain insights that will help you to create strategies and assess changes that can lead to measurable improvements in performance. By visualizing your KPIs, you can observe data over time to identify trends, changes, and insights that can help you to make more informed decisions.

Create New Strategies

Once the insights are generated, they can be used to create new strategies to improve your software-as-a-service (SaaS) product. For example, insights from analyzing KPIs related to customer engagement could uncover opportunities to improve the design and functionality of your product. Insights from analyzing KPIs related to customer support could lead to changes in how customer support is handled. Insights from analyzing KPIs related to customer satisfaction could reveal how to ensure that customers are receiving the highest level of product satisfaction. By integrating insights from your KPIs into your product strategy and design, you can create strategies that will help ensure the product’s success.

Decide on Changes in Layout or Design

Once you’ve identified insights, you can use those insights to determine what changes need to be made to your product. For example, if you’ve identified that users are having difficulty understanding how to use a feature, you could consider redesigning the feature to make it easier to use. Or, if you notice that feature usage has dropped off in recent months, you could experiment with different ways of presenting the feature to make it more attractive to users. By carefully analyzing KPIs and using the insights gathered to drive product changes, you can ensure that your SaaS product is constantly improving and growing.

  • Brainstorm potential strategies to improve performance.
  • Analyze customer feedback to inform any potential changes.
  • Run split tests to determine the best solution.
  • Gather insights on how to engage users more effectively.
  • Continually monitor KPIs to evaluate the success of changes.


Using KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to visualize SaaS performance data allows businesses to effectively track their progress and make educated decisions. In this post, we discussed how to identify KPIs that best reflect business goas, how to select the right data sources, and what tools to use in order to analyze the data. Additionally, we discussed the importance of timely action and clear presentation of data when monitoring performance.

Recap of Key Points

  • Identify KPIs that best reflect your business goal and objectives
  • Select the right data sources (internal or external)
  • Use the right tools to analyze SaaS performance data
  • Take timely action and present data in an easy-to-digest format

Benefits of Visualizing SaaS Performance Data

Visually presenting SaaS performance data enables companies to track progress towards their goals and quickly identify any room for improvement. With the help of KPIs, businesses can define what data is meaningful to them, identify areas of strength and weakness, and use this information to make strategic decisions.

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