How to Use a Gantt Chart to Track Resources


Gantt charts are one of the most popular and effective project management and resource tracking tools available. From the simplicity of tracking progress on complex projects, to scaling deadlines and planning resources, a Gantt chart provides visual clarity for both stakeholders and teams. Here, we’ll explore how to use Gantt charts to best track resources in order to maximise efficiency and keep projects on track.

What Are the Different Types of Gantt Charts?

Gantt charts are a common method for viewing and tracking resources and timelines. Different types of Gantt charts can be used for different uses. As such, it is important to understand the features of the various types. Below is a discussion of the different types of Gantt charts.

High-Level vs. Detailed

By design, Gantt charts are flexible and can be used for tasks and projects at all levels. For high-level Gantt chart networking views, the focus of the chart is generally on big-picture resources and tasks. Most high-level Gantt charts display the major resources and tasks across the length of the chart. Detailed Gantt charts, on the other hand, drill down more specifically into tasks, resources, and timelines.

Different Types of Bars

Another way to distinguish Gantt charts is by the type of bars used in the chart. Common types of bars used in Gantt charts include bars for task deadlines, bars for specific milestones, bars for important dates, bars for summary tasks, bars for task dependency and bars for resource allocations. Depending on the specific purpose of the Gantt chart, different types of bars can be used to represent resources and tasks in greater detail.

Gantt charts are a powerful tool for resource management and timeline tracking. By understanding the different types of Gantt charts and their features, you can use a Gantt chart to the best effect.

The Basic Components of a Gantt Chart

A Gantt chart is a visual project and resource management tool that allows organizations to clearly define tasks and resources and track progress towards project completion. The chart can be tailored to the specific needs of an organization and customized to fit any type of project. To be able to effectively use a Gantt chart to track resources, you must be familiar with its basic components.


A Gantt chart typically breaks down project tasks into individual activities. Each activity is typically assigned a label, a description of what needs to be accomplished, and a timeline or duration estimate. In addition, the individual activities may be assigned to different resources or personnel, given different priorities, and grouped together into task categories.


Resources play a critical role in the successful completion of a project. When using a Gantt chart to track resources, it is important to assign resources to each activity, specify the duration of each activity that is dependent on the resources, keep track of any resource conflicts, and keep track of resource availability and utilization.

In addition to tracking resource availability and utilization, Gantt charts also allow for further customization of resource tracking, such as by assign costs to resources and activities, keeping track of how resources are allocated to different tasks and projects, and monitoring task deliverables.

Calculating Work and Resource Allocations

Calculating the work and resource allocations necessary to complete a project can be done easily with a Gantt chart. This chart is a helpful tool to ensure all tasks are completed in the allotted time and that the resources necessary are employed as needed. There are two key elements to consider when looking at this chart: time estimates and resource requirements.

Time Estimates

Time estimates are a critical piece of information that must be included in the Gantt chart before it can be properly utilized. Depending on the size of the project and the complexity of the tasks, the associated time estimates may vary. Therefore, it’s important to have realistic expectations and to build the chart with enough detail to account for any potential changes in the actual duration of each task.

Resource Requirements

The resource requirements for each task must also be tracked in the Gantt chart. Depending on the size and complexity of the project, these resources can range from materials and equipment to personnel and outside contractors. It’s important to include this information in the chart to ensure that all resources are available when they are needed.

Calculating the work and resource allocations required for a project can be made much easier with a Gantt chart. By including both the estimated time requirements and resource requirements in the chart, project managers can ensure that tasks are completed in the allotted time with the appropriate resources.

Assigning Resources to the Activities

Assigning the right resources to the right activities is essential for project success, and a Gantt chart is an ideal tool for managing this process. It is important to understand the differences between sequential and non-sequential activities to assign resources effectively.

Assigning Resources to Sequential Activities

Sequential activities have clear dependencies with each other and require the completion of one activity before the next begins. To assign resources for a sequential activity, it is important to consider the schedule, resource availability, and other key constraints. The Gantt chart provides an overview of the timeline, duration of activities as well as which resources are already assigned to each activity. This is an effective way to identify and assign the appropriate resources.

Assigning Resources to Non-Sequential Activities

Non-sequential activities, also referred to as parallel activities, do not have dependencies and can be completed simultaneously. While this reduces the timeline of the project, it also requires additional resources. To assign resources to these activities, consider the skills and abilities of the resources, the availability of the resources, and the project budget. The Gantt chart can help identify which resources are available to assign for each activity, and the timeline for the project.

Updating Resources as the Project Progresses

As the project progresses, it is important to update the Gantt chart to reflect changes in the resources assigned to each activity. Additionally, resources may need to be re-assigned due to illness or departure from the project. The Gantt chart should be updated to reflect these changes, so the project team has a clear overview of the timeline and resource availability for each activity.

  • Assign resources to sequential and non-sequential activities.
  • Update resources as the project progresses.

Identifying Resource Bottlenecks

A gantt chart is an effective tool that can help you recognize and track both potential and actual resources bottlenecks. With the help of a gantt chart, you can pinpoint which of your team members, departments, or individual tasks are behind schedule and may be affected by lack of resources.

Recognizing Indicators

By analyzing your gantt chart in detail, you can easily identify a variety of indicators to recognize if there is a bottleneck in your project. For example, if tasks for a single team member are consistently running late, it may point to a lack of resources. Similarly, resources that are over-allocated could be a sign of a resource bottleneck.

Utilizing Slack Time

Another great way to spot potential resource bottlenecks on your project is to look for tasks that have a lot of slack time. Slack time is the gap between the Early Start and Late Start dates. Tasks with a lot of slack time typically indicate that a resource is doing the task quicker than expected or they are not taking full advantage of the allocated resources.

Overall, a gantt chart can be a powerful tool for tracking resources, and recognizing potential bottlenecks. By analyzing the indicators correctly, you can make sure your project stays on track and complete it within the designated timeline.


With the help of this article, you now have a better understanding of how to use Gantt charts to track resources. This type of tool will not only give you a better idea of the resources you have available, but also of the timeline in which your project needs to be completed, allowing you to work smarter, not harder. With planning and practice, you can use Gantt charts to help ensure your projects stay on track, on time, and on budget.

It’s important to remember that Gantt charts provide you with an overview of your resources, but won’t give you precise details or resource allocation advice – for that, you will need to use other tools, monitors and techniques.

By applying the steps outlined in this article, you will be well on your way to become a Gantt chart expert. Good luck!

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