Printing an Entire Workbook by Default in Excel


Printing an entire workbook by default in Excel is a time-saving feature that many users overlook. Whether you're creating a business report, a budget spreadsheet, or a project plan, being able to efficiently print the entire workbook is essential for sharing and reviewing your work. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of this functionality and how it can enhance your productivity.

Key Takeaways

  • Printing an entire workbook by default in Excel is a time-saving feature that can enhance productivity.
  • Understanding default print settings in Excel and their limitations is crucial for efficient printing.
  • Configuring Excel to print the entire workbook can be done through the Page Setup options.
  • Utilizing the Print Preview feature in Excel provides benefits and options for customization.
  • Adjusting page layout for optimal printing ensures clarity and readability.
  • Troubleshooting common printing issues can be done by exploring potential solutions and additional resources.

Understanding Default Print Settings in Excel

In Excel, the default print settings determine how the workbook is printed when you press the print button. These settings can be customized to meet your specific printing needs. However, it is important to understand the default settings and their limitations to ensure that your entire workbook is printed correctly.

Explain the Default Print Settings and Their Limitations in Excel

By default, Excel is designed to print the active worksheet only. This means that when you click the print button, only the current worksheet that you are working on will be printed. The other worksheets in the workbook will be ignored.

This default setting can be useful in situations where you only need to print a single worksheet. However, if you have a workbook with multiple worksheets that are interconnected or contain important data, it can be frustrating to realize that only a portion of the workbook is being printed.

This limitation can cause confusion and inconvenience, especially if you are not aware of the default print settings in Excel. It can lead to missing or incomplete information when sharing or presenting your workbook, which can negatively impact the understanding and analysis of the data.

Discuss the Common Issue of Excel Only Printing the Active Worksheet by Default

A common issue faced by Excel users is that when they press the print button, only the active worksheet is printed by default. This can be problematic when you have a workbook with multiple worksheets that need to be printed together.

To overcome this issue and print the entire workbook, you need to customize the print settings in Excel. By modifying the default settings, you can ensure that all worksheets within the workbook are included in the printout.

Fortunately, Excel provides options to change the default print settings. By accessing the Page Setup dialog box, you can specify whether you want to print the entire workbook or just the active worksheet. Additionally, you can choose other settings such as the paper size, orientation, margins, and scaling options.

To access the Page Setup dialog box, go to the Page Layout tab in the Excel Ribbon, click on the Print Titles button in the Page Setup group, and then select the Sheet tab in the Page Setup dialog box.

Once you have accessed the Sheet tab, you can select the option Print Entire Workbook to ensure that all worksheets are printed by default. You can also apply any other desired print settings to customize the output.

By taking the time to understand and modify the default print settings in Excel, you can ensure that your entire workbook is printed accurately and avoid any potential issues or misunderstandings related to missing or incomplete information.

Configuring Excel to Print the Entire Workbook

Printing an entire workbook in Excel can be a convenient way to have a physical copy of all the data and contents within it. By default, Excel only prints the active sheet when the print command is issued. However, with a few simple steps, you can configure Excel to print the entire workbook, including all sheets. This chapter will guide you through the process.

Accessing the Page Setup Options in Excel

In order to configure Excel to print the entire workbook, you need to access the Page Setup options. Follow these steps:

  • Open the Excel workbook that you want to print.
  • Select the "File" tab at the top-left corner of the Excel window.
  • In the drop-down menu, click on "Print" to open the print settings.
  • On the right-hand side, you will find the "Settings" section.
  • Click on "Print Preview" to open the print preview window.
  • In the print preview window, click on the "Page Setup" button.

Changing the Print Settings to Include the Entire Workbook

Once you have accessed the Page Setup options, you can proceed to change the print settings to include the entire workbook. Here's how:

  • In the Page Setup dialog box, click on the "Sheet" tab.
  • Under the "Print" section, locate the "Print Active Sheets" checkbox.
  • If the checkbox is selected, click on it to deselect it. This will ensure that all sheets in the workbook will be printed.
  • Verify that the "Print Entire Workbook" option is selected. If not, click on it to select it.
  • Review the other print settings, such as margins and orientation, to ensure they are set according to your preferences.
  • Click on the "OK" button to save the changes and close the Page Setup dialog box.

Step-by-Step Instructions

To ensure a successful configuration of Excel to print the entire workbook, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Open your Excel workbook.
  2. Select the "File" tab at the top-left corner of the Excel window.
  3. Click on "Print" in the drop-down menu.
  4. In the print settings on the right-hand side, click on "Print Preview".
  5. In the print preview window, click on the "Page Setup" button.
  6. In the Page Setup dialog box, click on the "Sheet" tab.
  7. Deselect the "Print Active Sheets" checkbox.
  8. Select the "Print Entire Workbook" option.
  9. Adjust any other print settings according to your preferences.
  10. Click on the "OK" button to save the changes and close the Page Setup dialog box.
  11. Click on the "Print" button in the print settings to print the entire workbook.

By following these steps and configuring Excel to print the entire workbook, you can efficiently generate hard copies of all the data and contents in your Excel workbook.

Utilizing the Print Preview Feature

Printing an entire workbook in Excel is a common requirement for many users. However, navigating through multiple sheets and ensuring that the desired content is included in the printout can be a tedious task. Fortunately, Excel provides the Print Preview feature, which allows users to easily view and customize the printing options before sending the workbook to the printer. In this chapter, we will explore the benefits of utilizing the Print Preview feature, explain how to access and navigate the Print Preview window, and discuss the available options for further customization.

Benefits of Utilizing the Print Preview Feature

Before delving into the specifics, let's take a moment to highlight the advantages of using the Print Preview feature in Excel:

  • Accuracy: By previewing the printout before actually printing the workbook, you can avoid any undesired surprises. This way, you can ensure that the content, formatting, and layout are exactly as intended.
  • Saves Time: The Print Preview feature allows you to make adjustments and modifications to the print settings without wasting unnecessary time and resources. You can easily spot and correct any errors or inconsistencies beforehand.
  • Customization: With the Print Preview feature, you have the ability to customize the printout to suit your specific requirements. Whether it's adjusting the page orientation, scaling the content, or choosing which sheets to include, you have full control over the printing process.

Accessing and Navigating the Print Preview Window

Accessing the Print Preview feature in Excel is a straightforward process:

  • Step 1: Open the workbook you want to print and navigate to the "File" tab located at the top left corner of the Excel window.
  • Step 2: From the drop-down menu, select the "Print" option.
  • Step 3: In the Print pane, click on the "Print Preview" button. This will open the Print Preview window.

Once the Print Preview window is open, you can navigate through the pages of your workbook using the arrow buttons at the top. You can also zoom in or out to get a closer look at the content by using the zoom slider or the zoom buttons.

Options Available Within Print Preview for Further Customization

The Print Preview window offers several options to further customize the printing of your workbook:

  • Page Setup: By clicking on the "Page Setup" button in the Print Preview toolbar, you can access a range of settings to adjust the page layout, including options for margins, paper size, orientation, and more.
  • Scaling: In the Print Preview toolbar, you will find the "Scaling" button, which allows you to adjust the size of the content to fit the paper. You can choose between options like "Fit Sheet on One Page" or "Fit All Columns on One Page" to optimize the printout.
  • Print Selection: If you want to print only a selected range or specific sheets from your workbook, you can use the "Print Selection" option available in the Print Preview window. This allows you to exclude unnecessary content from the printout.
  • Headers and Footers: The Print Preview window also provides the option to add headers and footers to your printout. You can include page numbers, date and time, file name, or custom text to enhance the professional appearance of your printed workbook.

Once you have made all the necessary changes and adjustments in the Print Preview window, you can simply click the "Print" button to send the workbook to the printer with the specified settings.

Adjusting page layout for optimal printing

When it comes to printing an entire workbook in Excel, adjusting the page layout is essential to ensure that the printed output is clear and readable. By optimizing the page layout, you can effectively present different types of data, whether it's a simple table or a complex chart. Here are some tips to help you adjust the page layout for optimal printing.

Importance of adjusting page layout for different types of data

Each type of data in your Excel workbook may require a specific page layout adjustment to enhance its presentation. For example, if you have a table with numerous columns, adjusting the page layout to fit all the information neatly on the printed page is crucial. Similarly, when printing charts or graphs, ensuring the proper scaling and orientation can make the difference between a confusing visual representation and a clear, comprehensible one.

Tips on optimizing page layout to ensure clarity and readability

  • Consider using landscape orientation for wider tables or charts: Using landscape orientation can provide more horizontal space, allowing you to fit wider tables or charts without compromising their clarity. This orientation is particularly useful when dealing with extensive datasets that would otherwise be cramped or require multiple pages to print.
  • Adjust print scale for large or small datasets: Optimizing the print scale ensures that the data is neither too small to read nor takes up unnecessary space. Experiment with different percentages to find the optimal scale for your specific dataset.
  • Set appropriate margins: Setting the margins correctly helps maintain a clean and organized appearance. Ensure that important information is not cut off, and leave sufficient whitespace to avoid overcrowding the printed page.

Significance of considering print scale, margins, and orientation

When printing an entire workbook, it's crucial to take into account the print scale, margins, and orientation to create a polished and professional final output. Ignoring these aspects can lead to poorly formatted prints that are difficult to read or convey the intended information effectively.

Considering the print scale ensures that your data is neither too small nor too large, striking a balance between comprehensiveness and readability. Adjusting the margins enables you to maintain a visually appealing layout that doesn't cut off any essential information. Lastly, choosing the appropriate orientation provides the necessary space for wider tables or charts, allowing your data to be presented accurately and legibly.

By carefully optimizing the page layout of your Excel workbook, you can ensure that the printed output is of high quality and effectively communicates your data to the intended audience.

Troubleshooting Common Printing Issues

When it comes to printing workbooks in Excel, users may encounter several challenges that can affect the formatting and overall quality of the printed output. This chapter aims to address these common issues and provide potential solutions to ensure a smooth printing experience.

Distorted Formatting

One of the most frustrating problems users face while printing workbooks is distorted formatting. This can include misaligned text, cut-off content, or improperly sized charts. To resolve this issue, consider the following solutions:

  • Adjust Page Setup: Access the Page Setup options by clicking on the "Page Layout" tab and selecting "Page Setup" from the toolbar. Here, you can modify settings such as margins, scaling, and orientation to fit the content properly on the printed page.
  • Resize Columns and Rows: If certain columns or rows are not fitting on the printed page, adjust their widths and heights accordingly. Select the desired column(s) or row(s), right-click, and choose "Column Width" or "Row Height" from the context menu to make the necessary adjustments.
  • Check Print Area: Ensure that the correct range of cells is selected as the print area. If the print area is not properly defined, go to the "Page Layout" tab, click on "Print Area," and select "Set Print Area" to specify the desired range of cells that should be printed.

Blank Pages

Encountering blank pages while printing a workbook can be both confusing and wasteful. To troubleshoot this issue, consider the following solutions:

  • Check Data Range: Make sure that the selected data range for printing does not include any blank cells or extra rows/columns. Adjust the print area to exclude any unnecessary empty cells or ranges.
  • Verify Page Breaks: Inspect the page breaks to ensure they are appropriately positioned. Click on the "Page Layout" tab and select "Breaks" from the "Page Setup" group. From there, you can either reset the automatic page breaks or manually adjust them by dragging them to a more suitable location.
  • Ensure Data Contains Content: Double-check that the specific data you intend to print contains actual content. If the cells you wish to print are empty, Excel may generate blank pages. Fill the data with appropriate content before printing.

Other Anomalies

In addition to distorted formatting and blank pages, users may encounter other anomalies while printing workbooks. Here are some additional troubleshooting tips:

  • Update Printer Driver: Outdated or incompatible printer drivers can lead to unexpected issues. Visit the manufacturer's website or the Microsoft Windows Update catalog to download and install the latest printer driver for your device.
  • Restart Excel and Printer: Sometimes, a simple restart of both Excel and the printer can resolve various printing issues. Close Excel, turn off the printer, wait a few moments, and then turn it back on before reopening Excel to print.
  • Consult Online Resources: If the above solutions do not resolve the printing anomalies, consider seeking additional support from Microsoft's official support website, user forums, or online tutorials specific to your printer model.

By following these troubleshooting tips, users can overcome common printing issues in Excel and ensure that their workbooks are accurately and neatly printed.


In conclusion, efficiently printing workbooks in Excel is an important skill to have in order to present data effectively and save time. By following the key steps and considerations outlined in this article, users can easily print an entire workbook by default and avoid the hassle of manually selecting each sheet. Excel's printing capabilities are a valuable tool for improving productivity, so we encourage users to explore and utilize them for more efficient and professional-looking printouts.

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