How to Use the Unique Military Date Format in Excel


In the military, dates are written in a unique format, known as the military date format. This format greatly differs from the traditional date format used in Excel and other applications. However, as you may know, Excel is an essential tool that businesses, organizations, and individuals alike rely on to keep track of data and information. In this article, we will discuss the importance of military date format in Excel, and how to use it to your advantage.

Explanation of Military Date Format

The military date format is written as YYYY-MM-DD, where YYYY represents the year, MM represents the month, and DD represents the day. This format is often used in military operations and documents, as it provides a clear and universal method of recording dates.

Importance of Military Date Format in Excel

  • Uniformity: As previously mentioned, the military date format provides a universal method of recording dates. This format is particularly helpful when working with individuals or organizations that use this format consistently.
  • Sorting: Excel offers a sorting feature that can arrange data in chronological order. When working with traditional date format, the sorting function may not always work as intended. However, when using the military date format, Excel will accurately sort the data based on the date.
  • Efficiency: By using the military date format consistently in Excel, you can streamline your workflow and increase efficiency. This format eliminates confusion and minimizes errors.

Now that we understand the importance of military date format in Excel, let's dive into how to use it.

  • The military date format is written as YYYY-MM-DD, representing year, month, and day in Excel.
  • The military date format provides uniformity, sorting and efficiency while working with dates in Excel.
  • Sorting feature in Excel will accurately work with military date format and documents.
  • Military date format is particularly helpful when working with individuals or organizations that use this format consistently.
  • Streamlining workflow using military date format can minimize errors and confusion in Excel.

Understanding the Military Date Format

Excel is one of the most popular computer software programs for managing data and generating reports. Within the program, there are several ways to format dates, including the popular YYYY-MM-DD format. But there is another date format that is specific to the military, which is known as the military date format. In this chapter, we will explore the military date format in detail.

Explanation of the format (YYYYMMDD)

The military date format is quite simple. It consists of four digits representing the year, followed by two digits for the month, and lastly, two digits for the day. This format is often used by the military for its record-keeping needs, as it is an unambiguous way to represent dates. For example, June 7th, 2021, would be written in military date format as 20210607.

Comparison with other date formats

One of the key differences between the military date format and other date formats is the lack of separators. Unlike the traditional YYYY-MM-DD format, which uses dashes to separate year, month, and day, the military date format does not use any separators, making it more concise and easier to type.

Another difference is the order of the date elements. In the United States, the standard date format is MM/DD/YYYY, while in many other parts of the world, the format is DD/MM/YYYY. However, the military date format always follows the same order of YYYYMMDD, regardless of where the date is being used.

Advantages of using military date format in Excel

There are several advantages to using the military date format in Excel:

  • Consistency: By using the military date format, you can ensure that all dates in your Excel worksheet are consistently formatted.
  • Sorting: The military date format is easily sortable because it is a numerical format. This is particularly useful when working with large datasets.
  • Compatibility: If you are working with data from the military or other organizations that use military date format, it is essential to be able to read and understand the dates correctly. Using the military date format in Excel can improve compatibility and reduce errors.

Converting Dates to Military Format

The military date format is widely used by military personnel, emergency services and in other industries where precision and clarity is important. In order to use this format in Excel, there are several methods you can use:

A. Using the TEXT function in Excel

The TEXT function in Excel is a powerful tool that allows you to convert dates into various formats, including the military format. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Select the cell that contains the date you want to convert to military format.
  • Open the formula bar and type =TEXT(cell reference,"YYYY-MM-DD").
  • Press Enter.

Your date will now be displayed in military format.

B. Applying custom number formats

You can also apply a custom number format to your Excel cell to display the date in military format. Here's how:

  • Select the cell that contains the date you want to convert to military format.
  • Right-click on the cell and select "Format Cells".
  • In the Format Cells dialog box, select "Custom" and enter the custom format "yyyy\-mm\-dd".
  • Click OK.

The date in the selected cell will now be displayed in military format.

C. Converting large datasets to military format using formulas

If you need to convert a large dataset to military format, using formulas can save you a lot of time. Here's how:

  • Create a new column next to the date column.
  • In the first cell of this new column, enter the formula =TEXT(cell reference,"YYYY-MM-DD").
  • Copy this formula down to all the other cells in the new column.
  • Select the entire new column and copy it.
  • Right-click on the original date column and select "Paste Special".
  • In the Paste Special dialog box, select "Values" and click OK.

The original date column will now be replaced with the new column containing the dates in military format.

Sorting Dates in Military Format

If you are working with military dates in Excel, sorting them can be a challenge. In this section, we will discuss the importance of sorting dates in Excel, how to sort dates in ascending or descending order, and how to sort mixed date formats in Excel.

Importance of Sorting Dates in Excel

Sorting dates in Excel is important because it allows you to arrange your data in a logical order. For example, if you are working with a list of military personnel and their dates of service, you may want to sort the dates by year or month to see patterns or trends.

Sorting dates in Excel can also make it easier to find specific information. If you are looking for data from a specific time period, sorting the dates in chronological order can help you quickly find what you need.

Sorting Dates in Ascending or Descending Order

To sort military dates in Excel, follow these steps:

  • Select the column of dates you want to sort
  • Click the "Data" tab
  • Click the "Sort A to Z" button to sort the dates in ascending order, or click the "Sort Z to A" button to sort the dates in descending order
  • Click "Sort"

Excel will automatically recognize the military date format and sort the dates accordingly.

Sorting Mixed Date Formats in Excel

If you are working with a dataset that has mixed date formats, sorting can be more complicated. However, Excel has a solution for this as well.

To sort mixed date formats in Excel, follow these steps:

  • Select the column of dates you want to sort
  • Click the "Data" tab
  • Click "Sort"
  • In the "Sort" dialog box, select the column you want to sort by in the "Sort by" field
  • Click the "Add Level" button to add more levels of sorting
  • Select the column with the mixed date formats in the "Then by" field
  • Click the "Sort On" drop-down list and select "Values"
  • Select the desired sort order (ascending or descending)
  • Click "OK"

Excel will sort the dates based on the order you specified, taking into account any mixed date formats in the data.

Filtering Dates in Military Format

Once you have your dates in military format in Excel, you may want to filter them to quickly find specific dates or date ranges. Fortunately, Excel provides a variety of ways to filter your data.

Using Excel's filter function

The easiest way to filter dates in Excel is to use the built-in filter function.

  • Select the column with your military-format dates.
  • Click the Data tab in the ribbon bar, and then click the Filter button.
  • Click the drop-down arrow in the header of the date column and choose Date Filters.
  • Select the desired filter option, such as "Equals" to find a specific date or "Before" to find dates earlier than a certain date.
  • Enter the filter criteria, and then click OK.

Filtering by specific date ranges

If you want to filter by a specific range of dates, you can use the "Between" option in the Date Filters menu.

  • Select the column with your military-format dates.
  • Click the Data tab in the ribbon bar, and then click the Filter button.
  • Click the drop-down arrow in the header of the date column and choose Date Filters.
  • Select "Between" and enter the beginning and end dates for your range.
  • Click OK to apply the filter.

Filtering by multiple date criteria using advanced filter

If you need to filter by multiple criteria, or if you want to use more advanced filtering options like conditionals or wildcards, you can use Excel's Advanced Filter function.

  • Select your data range, including column headers.
  • Click the Data tab in the ribbon bar, and then click the Advanced button in the Sort & Filter group.
  • In the Advanced Filter dialog box, choose the "Filter the list, in-place" option.
  • Enter your filter criteria in the appropriate fields.
  • Click OK to apply the filter.

With these filtering options and your military-format date data, you can quickly sort, analyze, and make decisions based on your Excel date data.

Calculating Time Differences in Military Format

Calculating time differences is an important aspect of many industries, including the military. Excel offers multiple functions that can help calculate these differences, including the DATEDIF function.

Importance of calculating time differences in Excel

There are many reasons why it may be important to calculate time differences in Excel, such as:

  • Tracking employee hours worked
  • Calculating turnaround time for tasks or projects
  • Determining the length of time between two events

Using the DATEDIF function to calculate time differences

The DATEDIF function is an Excel function that can help calculate the difference between two dates. It follows the following syntax:

=DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)

The start_date and end_date parameters are the dates you want to calculate the difference between, and the unit parameter is the unit of time you want to measure the difference in.

For example:


This function would calculate the number of days between the dates in cells A1 and B1.

Calculating time differences between military and standard date formats

If you have a date in military format and need to calculate the difference between it and a date in standard format, it can be a bit trickier. One way to do this is to convert the military date to a standard date format before running the DATEDIF function.

For example, let's say you have a military date in cell A1 and a standard date in cell B1. You could use the following formula to convert the military date to standard format:


This formula would extract the year, month, and day from the military date and convert it to a standard date. You could then use the DATEDIF function to calculate the difference between the standard date and the other standard date.

Alternatively, you could use a combination of text functions and math functions to calculate the difference between a military date and a standard date directly, but this can be more complicated.


After learning about the military date format and its benefits, as well as the different functions and techniques for using it in Excel, we encourage you to give it a try in your own data analysis. By using the military date format in Excel, you can save time, avoid errors, and streamline your workflow.

Recap of the military date format and its benefits

As a quick recap, the military date format uses a four-digit year, two-digit month, and two-digit day, expressed in numbers only (e.g. 20210504). This format has several benefits:

  • It is unambiguous and easy to understand, reducing the risk of errors.
  • It is compatible with sorting and filtering in Excel, allowing you to quickly analyze your data.
  • It is easily convertible to other date formats, such as the standard date format used in your locale.

Summary of the different functions and techniques for using military date format in Excel

In order to take advantage of the military date format in Excel, you can use a variety of functions and techniques, including:

  • Using custom number formatting to convert dates to the military date format.
  • Using formulas to perform calculations and manipulations on military date values.
  • Using the built-in sorting and filtering functionality to quickly analyze your data.
  • Using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to automate tasks and perform advanced analyses.

Encouragement to try using military date format in Excel for improved data analysis

We encourage you to give the military date format a try in your own data analysis. By using this format consistently, you can save time, avoid errors, and streamline your workflow, making your analysis more efficient and effective. Thank you for reading, and happy Excel-ing!

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