Excel Tutorial: How To Write Degree Symbol In Excel


When working with data in Excel, even the smallest details can make a big difference. One such detail is using the correct symbols, such as the degree symbol (°). In this tutorial, we will discuss how to easily write the degree symbol in Excel, and why it is important to use the correct symbol for accurate data analysis and professional presentations.

Key Takeaways

  • Using the correct symbols, such as the degree symbol, is crucial for accurate data analysis and professional presentations in Excel.
  • The degree symbol (°) holds significance in professional documents and should be used consistently.
  • Windows and Mac users can use keyboard shortcuts to easily insert the degree symbol in Excel.
  • The Symbol dialog box in Excel provides another method for inserting the degree symbol.
  • Utilizing the CHAR function in Excel allows for the insertion of the degree symbol in specific scenarios.

Understanding the degree symbol

The degree symbol is a small circle (°) used to represent degrees of arc in geographic coordinates, the temperature, and the dimensions of a plane angle.

Explain what the degree symbol is

The degree symbol is a small superscript circle used to denote the degrees in temperature measurements, geographic coordinates, and plane angles. In Excel, it is widely used in formulas and when displaying values related to temperature or angles.

Discuss the significance of using the correct degree symbol in professional documents

Using the correct degree symbol in professional documents is important for accuracy and clarity. It ensures that the information is presented correctly and is easily understood by the readers. In professional settings, using the correct degree symbol demonstrates attention to detail and precision.

When dealing with technical data or scientific information, using the correct degree symbol is crucial for conveying accurate measurements and specifications. It also helps in maintaining the integrity of the data being presented.

Using keyboard shortcuts to insert the degree symbol

Inserting the degree symbol in Excel can be done quickly and easily using keyboard shortcuts. Below are the step-by-step instructions for Windows and Mac users.

a. Provide step-by-step instructions for Windows users
  • 1. Place your cursor where you want to insert the degree symbol in Excel.
  • 2. Press and hold the Alt key on your keyboard.
  • 3. While holding the Alt key, type the code 0176 on the numeric keypad located on the right side of your keyboard.
  • 4. Release the Alt key, and the degree symbol should appear in the cell.

b. Provide step-by-step instructions for Mac users
  • 1. Place your cursor where you want to insert the degree symbol in Excel.
  • 2. Press and hold the Option key on your keyboard.
  • 3. While holding the Option key, type the letter 0.
  • 4. Release the Option key, and the degree symbol should appear in the cell.

Inserting the degree symbol using the Symbol dialog box

When working with data that involves temperatures or angles, it's essential to know how to insert the degree symbol in Excel. The degree symbol (°) is not readily available on the keyboard, so you'll need to use the Symbol dialog box to insert it into your spreadsheet.

Explain how to access the Symbol dialog box in Excel

To access the Symbol dialog box in Excel, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Click on the cell where you want to insert the degree symbol.
  • Step 2: Go to the "Insert" tab on the ribbon at the top of the Excel window.
  • Step 3: In the "Symbols" group, click on the "Symbol" button. A drop-down menu will appear.
  • Step 4: From the drop-down menu, select "More Symbols." This will open the Symbol dialog box.

Provide instructions for locating and inserting the degree symbol

Once you have accessed the Symbol dialog box, follow these instructions to locate and insert the degree symbol:

  • Step 1: In the "Symbol" dialog box, make sure that "Normal Text" is selected in the "Font" dropdown menu. This will ensure that the degree symbol matches the font of your spreadsheet.
  • Step 2: Scroll through the list of available symbols until you find the degree symbol (it looks like a small circle followed by a superscript "o").
  • Step 3: Once you've located the degree symbol, click on it to select it.
  • Step 4: Click the "Insert" button to insert the degree symbol into the selected cell in your spreadsheet.
  • Step 5: Finally, click the "Close" button to close the Symbol dialog box.

By following these steps, you can easily insert the degree symbol into your Excel spreadsheet using the Symbol dialog box.

Using the CHAR function to insert the degree symbol

The CHAR function in Excel is used to return the character specified by a number. This can be particularly useful when you need to insert special characters, such as the degree symbol, that may not be readily available on the keyboard.

a. Explain the purpose of the CHAR function in Excel

The CHAR function takes a number as its argument and returns the corresponding character. This can be helpful when you need to insert non-standard characters into your Excel spreadsheets.

b. Provide a specific example of how to use the CHAR function to insert the degree symbol

To insert the degree symbol (°) into a cell in Excel, you can use the CHAR function along with the specific number that corresponds to the degree symbol. In this case, the number is 176. You can use the following formula:


This formula will return the degree symbol in the cell where it is entered.

Tips for formatting and displaying the degree symbol

In Excel, maintaining consistent formatting is essential for clear and professional-looking spreadsheets. One common formatting challenge is correctly displaying the degree symbol, especially when dealing with temperature, angles, or geographic coordinates.

a. Discuss the importance of consistent formatting in Excel

Consistent formatting in Excel is crucial for ensuring that data is presented in a clear and coherent manner. This includes using the correct symbols and units for measurements, such as the degree symbol for angles and temperature. Inconsistencies in formatting can lead to confusion and errors in data analysis.

b. Provide recommendations for ensuring the degree symbol appears correctly in different scenarios

Use the CHAR function

One way to ensure the degree symbol appears correctly in Excel is to use the CHAR function. The CHAR function allows you to input the ASCII code for the degree symbol (176) and display it in a cell. Simply enter =CHAR(176) in the desired cell to display the degree symbol.

Keyboard shortcut

Another quick way to insert the degree symbol is by using a keyboard shortcut. For Windows users, simply hold down the ALT key and type 0176 on the numeric keypad. For Mac users, hold down the Option key and press the 0 (zero) and 8 keys simultaneously.

Custom number format

If you want the degree symbol to appear next to a numerical value, you can utilize the custom number format feature in Excel. Simply select the cell or range of cells, right-click, and choose Format Cells. Then, select Custom and enter the desired format, such as #,##0.00"°C" for Celsius temperature values.

  • Consistent formatting in Excel is essential for clarity and professionalism.
  • Use the CHAR function or keyboard shortcut to insert the degree symbol.
  • Utilize custom number format for displaying the degree symbol next to numerical values.


In summary, there are three main methods for writing the degree symbol in Excel: using the keyboard shortcut, using the insert symbol feature, and using the CHAR function. It is important to use the correct degree symbol for professional presentations and accurate data analysis. The correct symbol adds credibility and precision to your work, so always ensure to use the appropriate method to incorporate the degree symbol in your Excel spreadsheets.

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