Excel Tutorial: Where Is Solver In Excel 2016


If you are new to Excel 2016, you might be wondering where to find the Solver tool for complex optimization problems. Excel is a powerful tool for data analysis, and the Solver add-in can help you find the optimal solution for various scenarios. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of learning about the Solver tool and provide a step-by-step guide on how to locate and use it effectively in Excel 2016.

Key Takeaways

  • Excel 2016 is a powerful tool for data analysis.
  • The Solver tool can help find optimal solutions for various scenarios.
  • Accessing the Solver tool involves navigating to the Data tab in the Excel 2016 ribbon.
  • Setting constraints and exploring different Solver options are essential for effective use of the tool.
  • Practicing and exploring the Solver tool is crucial for mastering its capabilities.

Understanding the Solver Tool

Microsoft Excel 2016 comes equipped with a powerful tool called Solver, which is designed to perform complex calculations and find solutions for optimization and constraint problems. This tool is a valuable addition to the spreadsheet software, especially for those who work extensively with data analysis and modeling.

A. Explanation of what the Solver tool is

The Solver tool in Excel 2016 is an add-in that allows users to find the optimal solution for a set of variables, while satisfying specific constraints. This tool uses optimization techniques to perform "what-if" analysis and help users make better, data-driven decisions. It is particularly useful for problems such as budget optimization, resource allocation, and scheduling.

B. Benefits of using the Solver tool in Excel 2016

There are several benefits to using the Solver tool in Excel 2016, including:

  • Complex Problem Solving: Solver can handle complex calculations and find solutions for problems with multiple variables and constraints, which would be difficult and time-consuming to do manually.
  • Optimization: By using optimization algorithms, Solver can help users maximize or minimize a specific outcome, such as maximizing profits or minimizing costs, while adhering to given constraints.
  • What-If Analysis: The tool allows users to perform "what-if" analysis by changing variables and constraints to see how it affects the outcome, providing valuable insights for decision-making.
  • Improved Decision-Making: By utilizing the Solver tool, users can make more informed and data-driven decisions based on the optimal solutions generated, leading to better outcomes for their projects or business operations.

Overall, the Solver tool in Excel 2016 is a versatile and powerful feature that can greatly enhance the analytical capabilities of users and help them tackle complex problems with ease.

Accessing the Solver Tool

When it comes to solving complex optimization problems in Excel 2016, the Solver tool is an invaluable feature. Here's how you can access it:

A. Navigating to the Data tab in the Excel 2016 ribbon

To begin, open Excel 2016 and navigate to the Data tab located in the Excel ribbon. This is where you'll find a range of data-related tools and features.

B. Locating the Solver tool within the Analysis group

Once you're on the Data tab, look for the Analysis group. The Solver tool is located within this group, and it's represented by an icon featuring a target. Click on this icon to access the Solver tool.

Using the Solver Tool

When working with Excel 2016, the Solver tool can be a powerful ally in finding the optimal solution for complex problems. Whether you are trying to maximize profits, minimize costs, or achieve a specific outcome, the Solver tool can help you find the best possible solution. Below, we will discuss how to use the Solver tool in Excel 2016.

A. Inputting the target cell and changing cells

Before using the Solver tool, it is important to identify the target cell (the cell that contains the value you want to optimize) and the changing cells (the cells that can be adjusted to achieve the optimal value). Once these cells are identified, you can input them into the Solver tool.

B. Setting constraints for the Solver tool to follow

In many cases, there are constraints or limitations that must be considered when finding the optimal solution. For example, there may be budget constraints, production capacity constraints, or other limitations that need to be taken into account. The Solver tool allows you to set these constraints so that the solution it finds is realistic and feasible.

C. Running the Solver tool to find the optimal solution

Once the target cell, changing cells, and constraints are set, you can run the Solver tool to find the optimal solution. The Solver tool will use mathematical algorithms to iterate through possible solutions and find the one that best meets the specified criteria.

By following these steps, you can harness the power of the Solver tool in Excel 2016 to find optimal solutions for complex problems. Whether you are a business analyst, financial planner, or academic researcher, the Solver tool can be a valuable addition to your analytical toolkit.

Solver Options

When using Excel 2016, it is important to understand the various options available within the Solver tool in order to effectively solve complex problems and optimize decision-making processes. In this chapter, we will explore the different Solver options and understand the solving methods and algorithms.

A. Exploring the different Solver options available

Excel 2016 offers a range of Solver options that can be customized to suit specific problem-solving requirements. These options can be accessed by clicking on the "Options" button within the Solver Parameters window. Some of the key options that can be explored include:

  • Max Time: This option allows the user to set a maximum time limit for the Solver to find a solution. This can be useful when working with large datasets or complex models.
  • Iterations: The number of iterations can be set to control how many times the Solver will re-calculate the solution. This can help in fine-tuning the accuracy of the results.
  • Precision: The precision option allows the user to define the level of accuracy required for the Solver to consider a solution as viable. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where a high level of accuracy is essential.
  • Convergence: This option determines the level of convergence required for the Solver to consider a solution as acceptable. Adjusting this parameter can help in ensuring that the Solver finds a solution within the specified constraints.

B. Understanding the different solving methods and algorithms

Excel 2016 offers various solving methods and algorithms that can be used to find solutions for different types of optimization problems. These methods and algorithms can be selected based on the nature of the problem and the desired outcome. Some of the key solving methods and algorithms include:

  • Simplex LP: This is a widely used algorithm for solving linear programming problems. It is efficient in finding optimal solutions for complex linear models.
  • GRG Nonlinear: The Generalized Reduced Gradient (GRG) algorithm is useful for solving non-linear optimization problems. It can handle a wide range of non-linear functions and constraints.
  • Evolutionary: The Evolutionary solving method uses genetic algorithms to find optimal solutions for complex problems. It is particularly useful when dealing with non-smooth or discontinuous functions.
  • Barrier: The Barrier algorithm is designed to handle problems with non-linear constraints. It is efficient in finding solutions for problems with complex boundary conditions.

Tips for Using Solver Effectively

When using the Solver tool in Excel 2016, there are some best practices and common mistakes to keep in mind in order to make the most out of this powerful feature.

Best practices for setting up problems for the Solver tool

  • Define the objective: Before using the Solver tool, it's important to clearly define the objective of the problem you are trying to solve. Whether it's maximizing profits, minimizing costs, or achieving a specific target, having a clear objective will help guide the Solver tool in finding the optimal solution.
  • Identify decision variables: Identify the variables that can be changed to achieve the objective. These are the cells that the Solver tool will adjust to find the optimal solution.
  • Set constraints: If there are any constraints or limitations that need to be adhered to, such as production capacity or budget constraints, make sure to set these in the Solver tool.
  • Choose a solving method: Depending on the problem at hand, choose the appropriate solving method such as GRG Nonlinear or Evolutionary to best fit the problem's characteristics.

Common mistakes to avoid when using the Solver tool

  • Overlooking constraints: Failing to set constraints or incorrectly setting constraints can lead to unrealistic or unattainable solutions. Double-check constraints to ensure they accurately reflect the limitations of the problem.
  • Incorrectly defining the objective: If the objective is not clearly defined or incorrectly specified, the Solver tool may not produce the desired results. Take time to ensure the objective is accurately defined before using the Solver tool.
  • Ignoring multiple solutions: In some cases, there may be multiple feasible solutions to a problem. Be open to exploring different solutions that the Solver tool may produce, rather than fixating on a single solution.
  • Not refining the model: The initial solution provided by the Solver tool may not always be the best. It's important to refine the model, make adjustments, and re-run the Solver tool to explore different solutions and improve the results.


A. The Solver tool in Excel 2016 is an invaluable resource for finding optimal solutions to complex problems, saving time and effort for users.

B. We encourage you to practice and explore the Solver tool on various problems to fully grasp its capabilities and enhance your Excel skills.

C. Take action now and try using the Solver tool in your own Excel 2016 projects to unlock its potential and streamline your data analysis and decision-making processes.

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