Excel Tutorial: Where Does Excel Autosave


When working in Excel, the last thing you want is to lose all your hard work due to an unexpected computer crash or power outage. This is where Excel autosave comes in handy. Knowing where Excel autosaves your work can save you from the frustration of having to start all over again. In this tutorial, we will explore where Excel autosaves and the importance of being aware of this feature.

Key Takeaways

  • Enabling autosave in Excel can prevent data loss in case of unexpected computer crashes or power outages
  • Knowing the default autosave location and how to change it can help in retrieving autosaved files
  • Recovering an autosaved Excel file can be done through the Backstage view and "Recover Unsaved Documents" option
  • Regularly saving work manually, keeping track of autosave intervals, and utilizing backup options are important best practices for managing autosaved Excel files
  • Utilizing cloud storage, external hard drive backups, and creating multiple versions of a file through "Save As" feature are recommended backup options for Excel files

How to enable autosave in Excel

Autosave is a handy feature in Excel that can help prevent the loss of important data in case of unexpected crashes or power outages. Here's how you can enable autosave in Excel:

  • A. Navigate to the File tab in Excel
  • B. Select Options and go to the Save tab
  • C. Check the box for "Save AutoRecover information every X minutes"
  • D. Specify the time interval for autosaving

By following these steps, you can ensure that your work in Excel is regularly saved, providing peace of mind and the assurance that your data is protected.

Default autosave location in Excel

Excel has a default autosave location where it automatically saves your work at regular intervals to prevent data loss in case of unexpected shutdowns or crashes.

Explain the default autosave folder location in Excel

The default autosave location in Excel is the "UnsavedWorkbooks" folder. This folder is typically located in the following directory:

  • C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\UnsavedWorkbooks

It is important to note that the AppData folder is a hidden folder by default, so you may need to enable the option to view hidden files and folders in your file explorer settings to access it.

Discuss how to change the default autosave folder location

If you prefer to change the default autosave folder location to a different directory or location, you can do so by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Open Excel and go to the "File" tab.
  • Step 2: Click on "Options" to open the Excel Options window.
  • Step 3: In the Excel Options window, select "Save" from the left-hand menu.
  • Step 4: Under the "Save workbooks" section, you will find the "AutoRecover file location" option. Click on "Browse" to choose a new folder location for autosaving your work.
  • Step 5: Once you have selected the new folder location, click "OK" to save the changes and close the Excel Options window.

By following these steps, you can easily change the default autosave folder location in Excel to a location of your choice.

How to recover an autosaved Excel file

Have you ever experienced the panic of losing an important Excel file that you forgot to save? Fortunately, Excel has an autosave feature that can help you recover your work. Here's how to do it:

  • Open the Backstage view:

    To recover an autosaved Excel file, start by opening the Backstage view. You can do this by clicking on the "File" tab in the top-left corner of the Excel window.

  • Navigate to the "Manage Document" section:

    Once you are in the Backstage view, look for the "Info" tab on the left-hand side. Under this tab, you'll find the "Manage Document" section.

  • Select "Recover Unsaved Documents":

    Within the "Manage Document" section, you'll see an option called "Recover Unsaved Documents". Click on this option to proceed.

  • Locate and open the autosaved file:

    After selecting "Recover Unsaved Documents", Excel will open a dialog box displaying any autosaved files. Look for the file you want to recover and click on it to open it.

Best practices for managing autosaved Excel files

When working on Excel spreadsheets, autosave can be a lifesaver in case of unexpected computer crashes or power outages. However, it's essential to have a good understanding of how autosave works and to implement best practices for managing autosaved Excel files.

A. Regularly save your work manually in addition to autosaving

  • Br> As a best practice, it's important to manually save your work regularly, even though autosave is enabled. This can prevent data loss in case of a system crash or accidental closure of the Excel file.

B. Keep track of the autosave interval to avoid data loss

  • Cr> It's crucial to be aware of the autosave interval set in your Excel application. By default, autosave is set to every 10 minutes, but this can be customized in the settings. Knowing the autosave interval can help you manage your work and avoid potential data loss if the interval is too long.

C. Utilize version history and track changes for document collaboration

  • Dr> Excel offers a feature that allows users to track changes and access version history. This is particularly useful for document collaboration, as it enables users to revert to previous versions and track the changes made by different collaborators.

Backup options for Excel files

Regular backups are essential for ensuring the safety and security of your Excel files. In the event of a computer crash, accidental deletion, or file corruption, having a backup can save you from losing important data and hours of work.

A. Discuss the importance of regular backups for Excel files

Regular backups are crucial for preventing data loss and maintaining the integrity of your files. Without backups, you run the risk of losing valuable information due to unforeseen circumstances. It's important to establish a routine for backing up your Excel files to minimize the potential impact of data loss.

B. Explore options for cloud storage and external hard drive backups

Cloud storage services, such as Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox, offer convenient and accessible storage options for backing up Excel files. By saving your files to the cloud, you can access them from any device and have the assurance of a secure backup. External hard drives provide another reliable option for backing up Excel files. They offer the advantage of physical storage and can be easily disconnected from your computer to prevent data loss in the event of a system failure.

C. Suggest using the "Save As" feature to create multiple versions of a file

The "Save As" feature in Excel allows you to create multiple versions of a file by saving it with a different name or in a different location. This can be helpful for tracking changes over time and reverting to a previous version if necessary. By saving different iterations of your Excel files, you can ensure that you have access to historical data and prevent the risk of overwriting important information.


In conclusion, Excel autosaves files in the designated AutoRecover file location that can be customized in the Excel options. This functionality helps to prevent data loss in the event of a crash or power outage, providing peace of mind for users. It is important for users to understand this feature and its settings to ensure that their work is automatically saved at regular intervals.

It is crucial to proactively manage autosaved files to ensure data security and accessibility. Regularly saving and backing up files, as well as organizing the AutoRecover file location, can prevent any potential issues and make it easier to retrieve important work.

By understanding Excel's autosave feature and taking proactive steps to manage autosaved files, users can enhance their data security and work more efficiently.

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