Excel Tutorial: Where Are Recovered Excel Files Stored


Are you struggling to find recovered excel files on your computer? Knowing where these files are stored is crucial for anyone who has experienced a computer crash, accidental deletion, or any other data loss issue. In this Excel tutorial, we will explore the location of recovered excel files and how you can access them to recover your important data.

Key Takeaways

  • Knowing the location of recovered excel files is crucial for efficient data recovery.
  • Understanding the AutoRecover feature in Excel can help prevent data loss.
  • Regularly checking and adjusting AutoRecover settings can ensure files are saved at desired intervals.
  • Changing the default AutoRecover file location can provide added security for important data.
  • Practicing best data management practices, such as regular file saving, can reduce reliance on recovered files.

Understanding Excel AutoRecover feature

Excel's AutoRecover feature is a valuable tool for preventing data loss in the event of a software crash or unexpected shutdown. It automatically saves a temporary copy of your Excel file at regular intervals, allowing you to recover your work in progress if the program unexpectedly closes.

A. Explain what the AutoRecover feature in Excel does

The AutoRecover feature in Excel automatically saves a temporary copy of your file at regular intervals. This ensures that you can recover your work in progress in the event of a program crash or unexpected shutdown.

B. Discuss how often AutoRecover saves files

By default, Excel AutoRecover saves files every 10 minutes. However, this time interval can be adjusted to better suit your working habits and preferences.

C. How to check and adjust AutoRecover settings in Excel

To check and adjust the AutoRecover settings in Excel, you can go to the "File" tab, select "Options," and then choose "Save" from the left-hand menu. Here, you can adjust the AutoRecover file location, time interval, and other related settings.

Excel Tutorial: Where are recovered excel files stored

In this tutorial, we will cover the topic of locating recovered excel files on Windows, including the steps to find these files, understanding the default AutoRecover file location, and how to change the default AutoRecover file location.

Locating recovered excel files on Windows 10

  • Step 1: Open Excel and go to the "File" tab.
  • Step 2: Select "Open" from the menu on the left.
  • Step 3: Click on "Recover Unsaved Workbooks" at the bottom of the list.
  • Step 4: Choose the file you want to recover from the list of unsaved files.
  • Step 5: Click "Open" to recover the file.

Understanding the default AutoRecover file location

The default AutoRecover file location on Windows is set to a specific folder, which can be found by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Go to the "File" tab in Excel.
  • Step 2: Select "Options" from the menu on the left.
  • Step 3: Click on "Save" in the options menu.
  • Step 4: The AutoRecover file location will be displayed under the "AutoRecover file location" section.

How to change the default AutoRecover file location

If you want to change the default AutoRecover file location, you can do so by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Go to the "File" tab in Excel.
  • Step 2: Select "Options" from the menu on the left.
  • Step 3: Click on "Save" in the options menu.
  • Step 4: Under the "AutoRecover file location" section, click on "Browse" to choose a new location for the AutoRecover files.
  • Step 5: Once you have selected the new location, click "OK" to save the changes.

Finding recovered excel files on Mac

When working on an important Excel file, it can be frustrating to lose your progress due to a computer crash or accidental closing of the file without saving. Fortunately, Excel on Mac has an AutoRecover feature that automatically saves your work at regular intervals, allowing you to recover files in case of a mishap. Here's how you can locate and change the AutoRecover file location on Mac:

A. Locate the AutoRecover files on Mac OS

By default, AutoRecover files are stored in a specific location on your Mac. To find these recovered Excel files, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open Finder on your Mac.
  • Step 2: Go to the "Go" menu in the top menu bar and select "Go to Folder..."
  • Step 3: Enter the following path in the dialog box: /Users/[YourUserName]/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.Excel/Data/Library/Preferences/AutoRecovery
  • Step 4: Once you're in the AutoRecovery folder, you should be able to see the recovered Excel files with a .xls or .xlsx extension. You can then open these files to recover your work.

B. How to change the AutoRecover file location on Mac

If you want to change the default location where AutoRecover files are saved on your Mac, you can do so by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Open Excel on your Mac.
  • Step 2: Click on "Excel" in the top menu bar and select "Preferences."
  • Step 3: In the Preferences window, select "Save" from the list of options on the left.
  • Step 4: Under the "AutoRecover" section, you can change the default file location by clicking on the "Modify" button and selecting a new folder where you want the AutoRecover files to be saved.
  • Step 5: Once you've selected the new folder, click "OK" to save the changes.

By following these steps, you can easily locate and change the AutoRecover file location on your Mac, ensuring that your Excel files are always backed up and easily accessible in case of a mishap.

Recovering Excel files from temporary folder

When working on an Excel file, unexpected events such as a computer crash or power outage can lead to the loss of unsaved work. In such cases, Excel has a feature that automatically saves temporary files in order to recover unsaved work. In this tutorial, we will explore how to locate and recover Excel files from the temporary folder.

A. Explain how Excel saves temporary files during recovery

When Excel detects an unexpected closure or crash, it automatically saves a temporary version of the file. These temporary files are stored in a specific folder on the computer's hard drive.

B. Steps to recover files from the temporary folder

1. Open Excel

Open Microsoft Excel on your computer.

2. Navigate to the File tab

Click on the "File" tab in the top left corner of the Excel window.

3. Select "Open"

Click on the "Open" option from the menu on the left-hand side.

4. Locate the temporary folder

In the file explorer window, navigate to the temporary folder location. This folder is typically located in a directory such as AppData or Temp.

5. Open the temporary folder

Once you have located the temporary folder, open it to view the list of temporary Excel files.

6. Select and open the recovered file

Identify the file you wish to recover from the temporary folder and open it in Excel.

C. Precautions to take when recovering files from the temporary folder

When recovering files from the temporary folder, it is important to take certain precautions to ensure the integrity of the recovered file:

  • Verify the file's content: Before making any changes, review the content of the recovered file to ensure that it is the correct version of the document.
  • Save the file to a secure location: Once you have recovered the file, save it to a secure location on your computer to prevent any further loss of data.
  • Consider using auto-save features: To avoid potential data loss in the future, consider enabling Excel's auto-save feature to automatically save your work at regular intervals.

Best practices for managing recovered excel files

When working with Excel, it's important to have a plan in place for managing recovered files. By following best practices, you can prevent data loss and ensure that you're utilizing the AutoRecover feature effectively.

Here are some tips for managing recovered excel files:

A. Tips for preventing data loss and utilizing the AutoRecover feature effectively
  • Enable AutoRecover feature:

    Make sure the AutoRecover feature is enabled in your Excel settings. This will automatically save a recovery copy of your workbook at regular intervals, helping to prevent data loss in the event of a crash or unexpected shutdown.
  • Set a shorter AutoRecover interval:

    Consider setting a shorter AutoRecover interval to minimize the risk of losing unsaved changes. This can be adjusted in the Excel options menu under the Save tab.
  • Regularly back up your files:

    In addition to the AutoRecover feature, it's important to regularly save and back up your excel files to a separate location, such as a cloud storage service or external hard drive.

B. Importance of regularly saving excel files to avoid dependency on recovered files
  • Develop a habit of frequent saving:

    Get into the habit of saving your work frequently to avoid dependency on recovered files. This can be as simple as using the Ctrl + S shortcut or setting reminders to save at regular intervals.
  • Version control:

    Consider implementing a version control system for your excel files, especially for important or frequently updated documents. This will allow you to track changes and revert to previous versions if needed, reducing reliance on recovered files.
  • Train and educate team members:

    If you work in a team, it's important to train and educate team members on the importance of regularly saving excel files. Encourage open communication and a shared responsibility for data management.


In conclusion, this tutorial has covered the important topic of where recovered Excel files are stored. We discussed how Excel automatically saves recovered files in a specific folder and the steps to locate and recover these files. It is crucial for Excel users to be aware of this feature in order to efficiently retrieve important files in case of unexpected crashes or system failures.

By understanding where recovered Excel files are stored, users can minimize data loss and save time and effort in the event of a file recovery situation. Knowing the location of these files enables users to quickly access and restore their work without having to recreate it from scratch.

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