Excel Tutorial: How To Unsaved Excel File


There's nothing more frustrating than spending hours working on an Excel file, only to have it unexpectedly close without saving. Whether it's due to a power outage, computer crash, or accidental closure, losing unsaved work can be a real headache. In this Excel tutorial, we'll show you how to recover an unsaved file and avoid the stress of having to redo all your hard work.

So, if you've ever found yourself in a panic after losing unsaved work in Excel, keep reading to learn how to retrieve your lost data.

Key Takeaways
  • Always enable AutoSave in Excel to prevent data loss in case of unexpected closures or crashes.
  • Utilize the Document Recovery feature in Excel to retrieve unsaved files after a sudden closure.
  • Check temporary files in Excel to recover unsaved work that may still be accessible.
  • Make use of the AutoRecover feature in Excel to retrieve unsaved files in case of a program crash.
  • Use File History as a backup option to recover unsaved Excel files in case other methods fail.

Enable AutoSave in Excel

Microsoft Excel's AutoSave feature is an important tool that can help prevent data loss and ensure that your work is constantly saved as you go along. Enabling AutoSave can provide peace of mind, especially if you have a habit of forgetting to save your work regularly.

A. Explain the importance of AutoSave feature in preventing data loss

Without AutoSave, any unsaved changes to your Excel file could be lost in the event of a power outage, software crash, or accidental closure of the file. AutoSave ensures that your data is continuously saved at regular intervals, reducing the risk of losing important information.

B. Provide step-by-step instructions to enable AutoSave in Excel

1. Open Excel and go to the "File" tab

  • Click on the "File" tab located at the top-left corner of the Excel window.

2. Select "Options" from the menu

  • Click on "Options" at the bottom of the menu to open the Excel Options window.

3. Navigate to the "Save" tab

  • In the Excel Options window, select the "Save" tab from the left-hand menu.

4. Check the box next to "AutoSave OneDrive and SharePoint Online files by default"

  • Under the "Offline editing options" section, check the box next to "AutoSave OneDrive and SharePoint Online files by default".

5. Set the AutoSave interval

  • Below the checkbox, you can also adjust the AutoSave interval by selecting a time from the dropdown menu, such as every 5, 10, or 15 minutes.

By following these steps, you can easily enable the AutoSave feature in Excel, allowing your work to be automatically saved at regular intervals and minimizing the risk of data loss.

Use Document Recovery

Accidents happen, and sometimes you may forget to save your work in Excel before closing the program. Fortunately, Excel has a Document Recovery feature that can help you retrieve unsaved files. Below, we'll explain how this feature works and provide steps to access and use the Document Recovery pane in Excel.

A. Explain how Excel's Document Recovery feature works

When Excel unexpectedly closes or crashes, it automatically saves a recovery copy of your work. This allows you to retrieve the unsaved file the next time you open Excel.

B. Provide steps to access and use the Document Recovery pane in Excel

  • Step 1: Open Excel and look for the Document Recovery pane. If Excel detects any unsaved files, it will display a Document Recovery pane on the left side of the window.
  • Step 2: In the Document Recovery pane, you will see a list of unsaved workbooks. Click on the file you want to recover.
  • Step 3: After selecting the file, Excel will prompt you to save the document. Choose a location on your computer and save the file to prevent any future loss of data.
  • Step 4: Once the file is saved, you can continue working on it as you normally would.

By following these steps, you can easily retrieve unsaved Excel files using the Document Recovery feature. It's a valuable tool that can save you from the frustration of losing important work due to unexpected circumstances.

Check Temporary Files

When working on an Excel file, it's crucial to ensure that your work is saved regularly to avoid losing important data. However, there may be times when the file is not saved, and you need to recover it from temporary files. Here's a guide on how to locate and recover unsaved files from temporary files.

A. Explain the concept of temporary files in Excel

Temporary files are created by Excel as backup files when you are working on a file. These files are stored in a specific location on your computer and can be accessed to recover unsaved changes.

B. Provide instructions to locate and recover unsaved files from temporary files

To locate and recover unsaved files from temporary files, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open the Excel application on your computer.
  • Step 2: Go to the "File" tab and click on "Open".
  • Step 3: In the Open dialog box, click on the drop-down menu next to the "File name" field.
  • Step 4: Select "Recover Unsaved Workbooks" from the drop-down menu.
  • Step 5: A new window will open with a list of unsaved files. Select the file you want to recover and click "Open".
  • Step 6: Once the file is opened, save it to a specific location on your computer to avoid losing any changes in the future.

Utilize the AutoRecover Feature

Excel is a powerful tool for data analysis and organization, but sometimes accidents happen and you may find yourself in a situation where your work is not saved. This is where the AutoRecover feature comes in handy, as it allows you to recover unsaved files in Excel.

A. Discuss the purpose of AutoRecover in Excel

The AutoRecover feature in Excel is designed to automatically save your work at regular intervals, reducing the risk of losing important data in the event of a power outage or system crash. It creates a backup of your file at a specified time interval, giving you the option to recover your work in case of an unexpected interruption.

B. Steps to locate and recover unsaved files using the AutoRecover feature

1. Accessing the AutoRecover feature

To begin, open Excel and click on the "File" tab. From there, select "Options" and then click on "Save" in the Excel Options dialog box.

2. Checking AutoRecover file location

Once in the Save options, you can check the AutoRecover file location to see where the unsaved files are stored. This will help you locate the specific file you are trying to recover.

3. Locating and opening the unsaved file

After you have identified the location of the AutoRecover files, navigate to that location using Windows Explorer. Look for the file with the extension .xlsb, .xlk, or .xar, which are the default file types for AutoRecover files. Double-click on the file to open it in Excel, and then save it with a new name to prevent data loss in the future.

By following these simple steps, you can utilize the AutoRecover feature in Excel to successfully locate and recover unsaved files, ensuring that your hard work is not lost to unexpected events.

Recover Unsaved Excel Files from the File History

Have you ever accidentally closed an Excel file without saving your work? It can be a frustrating experience, but fear not! Microsoft Excel has a feature called File History that allows you to recover unsaved files.

A. Explain how File History can be used to recover unsaved Excel files

File History is a built-in feature in Windows that automatically saves copies of files that are located in your Documents, Music, Pictures, and Desktop folders. This feature can be a lifesaver when it comes to recovering unsaved Excel files.

B. Provide instructions to access and use File History to recover unsaved files

To access File History, follow these simple steps:

  • Click on the Start button and type "File History" in the search bar.
  • Select "File History" from the search results to open the File History window.
  • From the File History window, click on the "Restore personal files" option.

Once you have accessed File History, you can use it to recover unsaved Excel files:

  • Locate the folder where your unsaved Excel file was stored.
  • Click on the "Previous" and "Next" buttons to browse through the different versions of the folder until you find the unsaved file.
  • Once you have found the unsaved file, select it and click on the "Restore" button to recover it to its original location.

By following these simple instructions, you can easily use File History to recover unsaved Excel files and avoid the frustration of losing your hard work.


In conclusion, it is crucial to know how to recover unsaved Excel files as it can save you from losing important work and data. By utilizing the AutoRecover feature and storing files in a safe location, you can easily retrieve unsaved work in case of unexpected interruptions. We encourage all our readers to regularly save their work and take advantage of the recovery options in Excel to prevent any unnecessary data loss.

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