Excel Tutorial: How To Sort Data Validation List In Excel


Excel is a powerful tool for organizing and analyzing data, and one of its key features is data validation. This allows you to create a dropdown list of options for a particular cell, ensuring that users input only valid data. However, the default order of the options in the list may not always be the most logical or convenient. That's why learning how to sort data validation lists in Excel is essential for streamlining your workflow and making your spreadsheets more user-friendly.

Key Takeaways

  • Data validation in Excel is a powerful tool for ensuring the input of valid data.
  • Sorting data validation lists is essential for streamlining workflow and making spreadsheets more user-friendly.
  • Understanding different types of data validation and their benefits is important for efficient data management.
  • Customizing and organizing data validation lists effectively can greatly improve data input and analysis.
  • Troubleshooting common data validation issues and practicing different options can enhance Excel proficiency.

Understanding Data Validation in Excel

Data validation is a feature in Microsoft Excel that allows you to control what type of data can be entered into a cell. This can help ensure the accuracy and consistency of your data.

A. Definition of data validation

Data validation is a tool in Excel that allows you to set limits or rules on what type of data can be entered into a cell. This can include restricting entries to a specific range of values, creating a drop-down list of options, or even setting custom validation criteria.

B. Different types of data validation in Excel

There are several types of data validation options in Excel, including:

  • Whole Number: Restricts entries to whole numbers only.
  • Decimal: Allows only decimal numbers to be entered.
  • List: Creates a drop-down list of options for users to select from.
  • Date: Restricts entries to date values only.
  • Custom: Allows you to set your own validation criteria.

C. Benefits of using data validation

Using data validation in Excel can offer several benefits, including:

  • Accuracy: Helps ensure that only valid data is entered into cells, reducing the risk of errors.
  • Consistency: Enforces consistent data entry practices across spreadsheets and workbooks.
  • Efficiency: Saves time by eliminating the need to manually check and correct data entries.

Creating a Data Validation List

Excel allows you to create a data validation list to control the types of data that can be entered into a cell. This can be especially helpful to ensure accuracy and consistency in your spreadsheet. Here are the steps to create a data validation list:

Steps to create a data validation list

  • Select the cell or range of cells: Start by selecting the cell or range of cells where you want to apply the data validation list.
  • Go to the Data tab: Click on the "Data" tab in the Excel ribbon at the top of the screen.
  • Click on Data Validation: In the Data Tools group, click on the "Data Validation" button.
  • Choose List: In the Data Validation dialog box, choose "List" from the Allow drop-down menu.

Adding items to the data validation list

  • Enter the items: In the Source field, enter the items that you want to include in the data validation list, separated by commas.
  • Using a range of cells: Alternatively, you can create a list of items in a separate range of cells in the worksheet, and then enter the range reference in the Source field.

Customizing the data validation list

  • Error message: You can customize the error message that appears when an invalid entry is made in the cell with data validation.
  • Input message: You can also add an input message that will appear when the cell is selected, providing guidance on the type of data to be entered.
  • Dropdown arrow: By default, a dropdown arrow will appear in the cell with data validation, allowing users to select from the list of items.

Sorting Data Validation List

When working with data validation lists in Excel, it is important to ensure that the list is organized in a way that makes it easy to find and select the desired options. Sorting the data validation list allows for better organization and easier navigation, ultimately improving the user experience.

Importance of sorting data validation list

1. Enhanced usability: Sorting the data validation list makes it easier for users to find and select the desired options, improving the overall usability of the spreadsheet.

2. Streamlined data entry: An organized data validation list allows for quicker and more efficient data entry, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

3. Improved data analysis: A sorted data validation list can facilitate data analysis by providing a clear and organized view of the available options.

Steps to sort data validation list in Excel

  • 1. Access the data validation list: Open the spreadsheet and select the cell containing the data validation list.
  • 2. Open the data validation settings: Go to the Data tab, click on Data Validation, and select Data Validation from the dropdown menu.
  • 3. Sort the list: In the Data Validation dialog box, go to the Settings tab, select the cell range for the list in the Source field, and click on the Sort A to Z or Sort Z to A button to sort the list in ascending or descending order, respectively.
  • 4. Apply the changes: Click OK to apply the sorting to the data validation list.

Tips for organizing the data validation list effectively

1. Use meaningful labels: Label the data validation list with clear and descriptive titles to help users understand the options available.

2. Group related items: Organize the data validation list by grouping related items together, making it easier for users to find the options they need.

3. Keep the list concise: Avoid cluttering the data validation list with unnecessary or irrelevant options, keeping it concise and easy to navigate.

4. Regularly review and update: Periodically review the data validation list to remove outdated or redundant options and ensure that it remains relevant and useful.

Using Filters in Data Validation

When working with data validation in Excel, you may need to use filters to narrow down the list of options available for selection. Filters can help you efficiently manage large data validation lists and make it easier for users to find and select the right option.

How to use filters with data validation

  • Step 1: Select the cell or range where you have applied data validation.
  • Step 2: Go to the Data tab on the Excel ribbon and click on the Filter button.
  • Step 3: Use the filter dropdown arrow in the data validation cell to select the desired option from the filtered list.

Advanced filtering options for data validation lists

  • Custom filters: Excel provides advanced filter options such as text filters, number filters, date filters, and more. You can use these filters to further refine the data validation list based on specific criteria.
  • Filtering by color: If you have used cell formatting to highlight certain options in the data validation list, you can use the filter by color option to easily identify and select those options.

Best practices for filtering data validation lists

  • Keep the list manageable: Avoid creating overly long data validation lists as they can be difficult to navigate, even with filters. Consider breaking down large lists into smaller, more specific categories.
  • Use clear and descriptive labels: When applying filters to data validation lists, make sure to use clear and descriptive labels for each option. This will make it easier for users to understand and locate the options they need.

Troubleshooting Data Validation Issues

When working with data validation in Excel, you may encounter various issues that can hinder the smooth functioning of your validation lists. In this chapter, we will discuss some common problems with data validation lists, solutions for sorting and filtering issues, and tips for avoiding data validation errors.

Common problems with data validation lists

  • Blank or duplicate entries: One of the most common issues with data validation lists is the presence of blank or duplicate entries, which can cause confusion and errors in data input.
  • Unsorted data: Another problem is unsorted data in the validation list, making it difficult for users to find and select the required options.
  • Filtering issues: Sometimes, users may face difficulties in filtering the data validation list to find specific entries, leading to inefficiency and frustration.

Solutions for sorting and filtering issues

  • Sort the data: To address the issue of unsorted data in the validation list, you can use Excel's sorting feature to arrange the entries in alphabetical or numerical order, making it easier for users to navigate and select options.
  • Remove blank and duplicate entries: You can eliminate blank cells and duplicate entries from the validation list by using Excel's data filtering and removal tools, ensuring a clean and organized list for users to choose from.
  • Use dynamic ranges: Implementing dynamic ranges in your data validation list can automatically adjust the list as new entries are added or existing ones are removed, maintaining the integrity and usability of the validation list.

Tips for avoiding data validation errors

  • Regularly review and update lists: Keep your data validation lists up to date by reviewing and updating them regularly to remove obsolete entries and add new ones, ensuring accuracy and relevance.
  • Provide clear instructions: Clearly communicate the purpose and usage guidelines for the data validation list to users, minimizing the chances of errors and misunderstandings during data input.
  • Train users on data validation: Provide training and support to users on how to effectively utilize data validation in Excel, empowering them to handle validation lists with confidence and proficiency.


In conclusion, sorting data validation lists in Excel is crucial for organizing and managing data effectively. By sorting and filtering data validation lists, users can easily find, update, and analyze information, saving time and increasing efficiency. The key steps for sorting and filtering data validation lists include selecting the data range, accessing the Sort & Filter feature, and customizing the sorting options to meet specific needs. We encourage users to practice and explore different options for organizing data validation lists in Excel to become proficient in data management and analysis.

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