Excel Tutorial: How To Show Month Over Month Change In Excel


Tracking month over month changes in Excel is crucial for businesses and individuals to monitor their progress and identify trends. In this tutorial, we will cover the step-by-step process of showing month over month change in Excel, allowing you to analyze your data more effectively.

A. Explanation of the importance of tracking month over month changes in excel

Understanding how your data fluctuates from month to month is essential for making informed decisions and identifying patterns or anomalies that may impact your business or personal finances. By tracking month over month changes, you can gain valuable insights into your performance and adjust your strategies accordingly.

B. Brief overview of the tutorial content

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to calculate month over month change using formulas such as Excel functions and pivot tables. Additionally, we will provide examples and practical tips to help you visualize and interpret the data effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Tracking month over month changes in Excel is crucial for monitoring progress and identifying trends.
  • Understanding how data fluctuates from month to month is essential for making informed decisions and adjusting strategies accordingly.
  • Organizing data in Excel and using formulas such as Excel functions and pivot tables can help in calculating and visualizing month over month changes effectively.
  • Visual representation of the change, using tools like line charts or bar graphs, can provide valuable insights into the data.
  • Utilizing additional functions like conditional formatting, pivot tables, and other Excel functions can enhance the analysis of month over month changes for more complex scenarios.

Understanding the Data

When analyzing month over month changes in Excel, it's crucial to have a well-organized data set to ensure accuracy and reliability in your findings.

A. Discuss the importance of having a well-organized data set for accurate month over month analysis

Having a well-organized data set is crucial for accurate month over month analysis because it allows you to easily track and compare changes in your data. Without a structured and organized dataset, it can be challenging to identify trends and patterns over time.

B. Tips for formatting data in excel for easy tracking of changes
  • Use consistent date formats: Ensure that all dates in your data set are formatted consistently to avoid any discrepancies in your analysis.
  • Organize data into columns: Separate your data into columns for each month to facilitate easy comparison and analysis.
  • Use clear and descriptive headers: Label your data clearly so that it's easy to understand and navigate.

Calculating Month Over Month Change

Calculating month over month change in Excel is an important technique for analyzing trends and identifying patterns in your data. By comparing the performance of various months, you can gain valuable insights into your business or project. Here's how to do it:

A. Explanation of the formula for calculating month over month change
  • Understanding the Formula:

    To calculate the month over month change, you will subtract the previous month's value from the current month's value and then divide by the previous month's value. The formula can be expressed as: ((Current Month Value - Previous Month Value) / Previous Month Value) * 100

B. Step-by-step guide on how to apply the formula in excel
  • Organizing Your Data:

    Ensure that your data is properly organized with the current month's value in one column and the previous month's value in another column.
  • Entering the Formula:

    In a new column, enter the formula mentioned above, replacing "Current Month Value" and "Previous Month Value" with the appropriate cell references.
  • Formatting the Result:

    Once you've entered the formula, format the cell as a percentage to clearly present the month over month change.

C. Example to illustrate the calculation process
  • Example Data:

    Let's say your current month's value is in cell A2 and the previous month's value is in cell B2.
  • Calculating the Change:

    In a new column, enter the formula ((A2 - B2) / B2) * 100 to calculate the month over month change.
  • Formatting the Result:

    Format the cell with the formula as a percentage to clearly display the month over month change.

Visualizing the Change

When working with data, it is essential to visualize the month over month change to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies. Visual representation makes it easier to interpret the data and communicate the insights effectively.

A. Importance of visual representation of the month over month change
  • Clarity: Visual representation provides a clear and concise way to understand the month over month change in data.
  • Spotting trends: It helps in identifying any upward or downward trends over time.
  • Comparison: Visualizing the change allows for easy comparison between different months or periods.

B. How to create a line chart or bar graph to display the change in excel
  • Line Chart:
  • A line chart is an effective way to visualize the month over month change in excel. You can plot the data points for each month and connect them with a line to show the change over time.

  • Bar Graph:
  • A bar graph can also be used to display the month over month change. You can create a bar for each month and compare the values directly to see the change.

Using Conditional Formatting for Analysis

When viewing month-over-month changes in Excel, conditional formatting can be a powerful tool to visually highlight positive and negative changes. By using conditional formatting, you can quickly identify trends and patterns in your data.

Highlighting positive and negative changes using conditional formatting

  • Positive Changes: To highlight positive changes, you can use the "Greater Than" conditional formatting rule. This will allow you to automatically format cells where the current month's value is greater than the previous month's value.
  • Negative Changes: Conversely, to highlight negative changes, you can use the "Less Than" conditional formatting rule. This will help you identify cells where the current month's value is less than the previous month's value.

Customizing conditional formatting rules for better visualization

  • Data Bars and Color Scales: Instead of simply using basic formatting such as bold or italics, consider using data bars or color scales to visually represent the magnitude of the change. This will make it easier to spot larger changes at a glance.
  • Icon Sets: Another option for customizing conditional formatting rules is to use icon sets. These can include arrows pointing up or down to quickly indicate positive or negative changes.
  • Formulas: If the built-in conditional formatting rules don't meet your needs, you can create custom formulas to apply more specific formatting based on your criteria.

Additional Tips and Tricks

While showing month over month change in Excel can be achieved using basic formulas, there are additional tips and tricks that can help you gain deeper insights and handle more complex scenarios.

A. Utilizing pivot tables for in-depth analysis

Pivot tables are a powerful tool in Excel that can be used to analyze large datasets and display the results in a structured manner. When it comes to showing month over month change, pivot tables can be utilized to group the data by month and calculate the change dynamically.

Benefits of using pivot tables:

  • Ability to easily compare month over month data
  • Option to add calculated fields or items for customized analysis
  • Quickly visualize and analyze trends in the data

B. Incorporating other functions like IF, VLOOKUP, or INDEX/MATCH for more complex scenarios

For more complex scenarios, incorporating other functions such as IF, VLOOKUP, or INDEX/MATCH can provide additional flexibility and control over the calculations.

Examples of using other functions:

  • IF function: Use the IF function to apply specific logic or conditions when calculating the month over month change.
  • VLOOKUP: Utilize VLOOKUP to retrieve data from a different table and incorporate it into the month over month analysis.
  • INDEX/MATCH: Combine INDEX and MATCH functions to perform a more advanced lookup and reference for the month over month change.


Recap: Tracking month over month changes is vital for understanding trends, identifying patterns, and making informed decisions based on data.

Encouragement: I encourage all readers to apply the tutorial to their own excel analysis to gain a deeper understanding of their data and make more accurate predictions for the future.

Closing thoughts: Mastering excel for data analysis is a valuable skill that can greatly enhance your ability to derive insights and make data-driven decisions. With the knowledge gained from this tutorial, you are one step closer to becoming an expert in excel analysis.

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