Excel Tutorial: How To Share Excel On Google Sheets


As more and more professionals and businesses are transitioning to cloud-based platforms, the ability to share Excel spreadsheets on Google Sheets has become increasingly important. This tutorial will provide an overview of the benefits of using Google Sheets for collaboration and step-by-step instructions on how to share an Excel file on Google Sheets.

Let's dive into the world of seamless collaboration and data sharing!

Key Takeaways

  • Transitioning to cloud-based platforms for collaboration is increasingly important for professionals and businesses.
  • Google Sheets offers numerous benefits for collaboration, making it a valuable tool for sharing Excel files.
  • Converting Excel to Google Sheets requires a step-by-step process and an understanding of potential formatting issues.
  • Sharing and collaborating on Google Sheets involves exploring different permission settings and real-time editing features.
  • Utilizing version history and tracking changes in Google Sheets is essential for effective collaboration and document management.

Understanding Google Sheets

When it comes to sharing and collaborating on spreadsheets, Google Sheets offers a number of benefits over traditional Excel. Understanding these benefits and how to utilize them can greatly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your team's workflow.

A. Explaining the benefits of using Google Sheets for collaboration
  • Real-time collaboration: Google Sheets allows multiple users to work on a spreadsheet simultaneously, making it easy for teams to collaborate in real time.
  • Cloud storage: Google Sheets is stored in the cloud, meaning that it can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, and there is no need to worry about version control or saving different files.
  • Automatic saving: Google Sheets automatically saves changes as you work, reducing the risk of data loss and ensuring that everyone is working with the most up-to-date information.
  • Easy sharing: Google Sheets makes it simple to share spreadsheets with specific individuals or groups, and you can control who has access and what level of permissions they have.

B. Comparing Google Sheets to Excel in terms of sharing and collaboration features
  • Real-time collaboration: While Excel does offer collaboration features, it requires the use of shared files and may not be as seamless as the real-time collaboration offered by Google Sheets.
  • Cloud storage: Excel files are typically stored on a local computer or company server, which can limit accessibility and lead to version control issues. Google Sheets, on the other hand, is stored in the cloud and can be accessed from anywhere.
  • Automatic saving: Excel requires manual saving of changes, which can lead to data loss if not done regularly. Google Sheets automatically saves changes as you work, reducing the risk of lost work.
  • Easy sharing: While Excel does allow for sharing and collaboration, the process may not be as intuitive or user-friendly as Google Sheets' sharing capabilities.

Converting Excel to Google Sheets

Converting your Excel file to Google Sheets can be a simple and convenient process, allowing you to collaborate and share your data with others seamlessly. Below, we'll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to upload an Excel file to Google Sheets, as well as explain the compatibility and formatting issues that may arise during the conversion process.

A. Step-by-step guide on how to upload an Excel file to Google Sheets

Step 1: Sign in to Google Drive

  • Navigate to Google Drive and sign in to your account.
  • If you don't have a Google account, you can create one for free.

Step 2: Upload the Excel file

  • Click on the "New" button on the left-hand side of the screen, then select "File upload."
  • Locate the Excel file on your computer and click "Open" to upload it to Google Drive.

Step 3: Open the Excel file in Google Sheets

  • Once the file has been uploaded, right-click on it and select "Open with" and then "Google Sheets."
  • The Excel file will then be converted to a Google Sheets format, allowing you to view and edit it online.

B. Explaining the compatibility and formatting issues that may arise during the conversion process

During the conversion process from Excel to Google Sheets, it's important to be aware of potential compatibility and formatting issues that may arise. These can include:

File size limitations

  • Google Sheets may have a limit on the size of files that can be uploaded, so larger Excel files may need to be broken down into smaller files before uploading.

Unsupported features

  • Some advanced features and formulas in Excel may not be fully supported in Google Sheets, leading to potential discrepancies in data and calculations.

Formatting changes

  • The visual appearance and formatting of your Excel file may change slightly when converted to Google Sheets, so it's important to review and adjust any formatting as needed.

By being mindful of these potential issues and making any necessary adjustments, you can ensure a smooth and successful conversion of your Excel file to Google Sheets.

Sharing and Collaborating on Google Sheets

When it comes to working on spreadsheets with a team, Google Sheets provides a powerful and collaborative platform for sharing and editing documents. In this tutorial, we will explore how to share a Google Sheets document with others and examine the different permission settings and editing options for collaborators.

Demonstrating how to share a Google Sheets document with others

  • Step 1: Open the Google Sheets document - First, open the Google Sheets document that you want to share with others.
  • Step 2: Click on the "Share" button - In the top-right corner of the screen, click on the "Share" button to open the sharing settings.
  • Step 3: Add collaborators - Enter the email addresses of the people you want to share the document with, and choose their permission level (e.g., viewer, commenter, or editor).
  • Step 4: Send the invitation - Once you have added the collaborators and set their permissions, click on the "Send" button to send them an invitation to access the document.

Exploring the different permission settings and editing options for collaborators

  • Viewer - Viewers can only see the document and make comments, but cannot make any changes to the content.
  • Commenter - Commenters can view the document and add comments, as well as resolve or delete others' comments.
  • Editor - Editors have full permission to view, edit, and make changes to the content of the document.
  • Link sharing options - In addition to sharing with specific individuals, you can also generate a link to the document and set the permission level for anyone with the link (e.g., view-only, commenter, or editor).

By following these steps and understanding the different permission settings and editing options for collaborators, you can effectively share and collaborate on Google Sheets documents with your team members or colleagues.

Real-time Collaboration Features

When it comes to sharing and collaborating on Excel spreadsheets, Google Sheets offers a range of real-time collaboration features that make working with multiple users seamless and efficient. Here, we will highlight some of the key features and provide tips for effective collaboration.

A. Highlighting the real-time editing and commenting features of Google Sheets

Google Sheets allows multiple users to edit a spreadsheet simultaneously, with changes being instantly visible to all collaborators. This real-time editing feature eliminates the need for sending back and forth versions of the document and ensures that everyone is working on the most up-to-date information. Additionally, users can leave comments on specific cells or ranges within the spreadsheet, facilitating communication and feedback within the document itself.

B. Tips for effective real-time collaboration with multiple users on a single document
  • Use the "Share" feature: When collaborating on a spreadsheet, it's important to use the "Share" feature in Google Sheets to give specific users access to the document. This allows you to control who can view, edit, or comment on the spreadsheet, ensuring that sensitive information is not accessed by unauthorized users.
  • Communicate effectively: With multiple users working on the same document, clear communication is key. Encourage collaborators to use the commenting feature to ask questions, provide feedback, or make suggestions. This can help streamline the collaboration process and prevent confusion or misunderstandings.
  • Track changes: Google Sheets offers a "Version history" feature that allows you to track changes made to the spreadsheet over time. This can be useful for reviewing edits, reverting to a previous version if necessary, and keeping a record of the document's evolution.
  • Set clear guidelines: Establishing guidelines for collaborating on the spreadsheet, such as naming conventions, formatting standards, and update schedules, can help maintain organization and consistency across multiple users.

Version History and Tracking Changes

When working on a collaborative project in Google Sheets, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the version history feature and how to track changes effectively. This ensures that all team members are on the same page and can review previous versions of the document when necessary.

A. Explaining how to access and utilize the version history feature in Google Sheets

  • Accessing Version History:

    To access the version history of a Google Sheets document, simply click on "File" in the top menu, then select "Version history" followed by "See version history."
  • Viewing Previous Versions:

    Once you have accessed the version history, you can view previous versions of the document and see who made specific changes at different points in time.
  • Restoring Previous Versions:

    If you need to revert to a previous version of the document, you can do so by selecting the desired version and clicking on "Restore this version."

B. Discussing the importance of tracking changes and reviewing previous versions of the document

  • Ensuring Accountability:

    By tracking changes, team members can easily see who made specific edits to the document, promoting accountability and transparency within the team.
  • Resolving Discrepancies:

    If there are discrepancies or errors in the current version of the document, reviewing previous versions can help identify when and how these changes occurred, allowing for swift resolution.
  • Facilitating Collaboration:

    Understanding the version history and tracking changes feature in Google Sheets facilitates effective collaboration, as team members can work together while having a clear record of all changes made to the document.


Sharing your Excel spreadsheets on Google Sheets offers numerous benefits, including easy accessibility, real-time collaboration, and a variety of sharing options. By taking advantage of this tutorial, you can experience the convenience and efficiency of working on spreadsheets with others, no matter where they are located. We encourage you to give it a try and discover the power of collaboration with Google Sheets.

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