Excel Tutorial: How To Save Excel As Xls


As a professional or student using Excel, it's crucial to understand the importance of saving Excel files in different formats. Saving your files in .xls format allows for compatibility with older versions of Excel and other spreadsheet programs, ensuring that your work can be easily accessed and shared. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps of saving your Excel files as .xls, providing you with the flexibility and accessibility you need.

Key Takeaways

  • Saving Excel files in different formats is crucial for accessibility and compatibility.
  • The .xls format allows for compatibility with older versions of Excel and other spreadsheet programs.
  • Following the step-by-step guide provided can help in saving Excel files as .xls effectively.
  • While there are benefits to saving Excel files as .xls, there are also limitations to consider.
  • Using the .xls format thoughtfully and strategically can ensure maximum benefit.

Understanding the .xls format

The .xls format is a file extension used by Microsoft Excel to save spreadsheets. It is one of the earliest formats that Microsoft Excel supported and is still widely used today.

A. Explain what the .xls format is

The .xls format is a binary file format used by earlier versions of Microsoft Excel, up until Excel 2003. It stores data in a binary format, which makes it more compact and efficient compared to newer file formats.

B. Discuss the advantages of saving files in the .xls format

Saving files in the .xls format ensures compatibility with older versions of Excel. It also makes the file size smaller compared to newer formats, making it easier to share and store.

C. Compare the .xls format to other Excel formats

Compared to newer formats such as .xlsx, the .xls format may have limitations in terms of the number of rows and columns it can support. However, it remains a reliable and widely compatible format for storing Excel data.

Step-by-Step Guide to Saving Excel as .xls

Excel is a powerful tool for creating and managing data, and being able to save your work in different formats can be crucial for compatibility with other software. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to save an Excel file as .xls:

A. Open the Excel file you want to save as .xls
  • B. Click on "File" in the top-left corner of the window
  • Once you have the Excel file open, navigate to the top-left corner of the window and click on "File" to access the dropdown menu.

  • C. Select "Save As" from the dropdown menu
  • After clicking on "File," you will see a list of options in the dropdown menu. Select "Save As" to bring up the save dialog box.

  • D. Choose "Excel 97-2003 Workbook (.xls)" from the format options
  • When the save dialog box appears, you will see a "Save as type" dropdown menu. Click on it and select "Excel 97-2003 Workbook (.xls)" from the list of format options.

  • E. Click "Save" to save the file in the .xls format
  • After selecting the .xls format, choose the folder and enter a file name for the saved Excel file. Then, click "Save" to save the file in the .xls format.

Benefits of saving Excel as .xls

When working with Excel, it is important to consider the format in which you save your files. Saving your Excel spreadsheet as .xls format can provide several benefits, including:

  • Compatibility with older versions of Excel
  • One of the main benefits of saving an Excel file as .xls is compatibility with older versions of Excel. This can be particularly useful when sharing files with colleagues or clients who may be using an older version of the software. By saving your file in .xls format, you can ensure that anyone can open and view the file without compatibility issues.

  • Preserving certain formatting features
  • Another benefit of saving Excel as .xls is the ability to preserve certain formatting features that may not be fully supported in newer file formats. This can include things like custom chart styles, conditional formatting rules, and other advanced formatting options. By saving your file in .xls format, you can ensure that these formatting features remain intact when sharing the file with others.

  • Ensuring data integrity
  • Finally, saving Excel as .xls can help ensure data integrity, especially when working with complex formulas and calculations. While newer file formats may offer additional features, there can be compatibility issues that arise when working with complex data. By saving your file in .xls format, you can mitigate these issues and maintain the integrity of your data.

Limitations of saving Excel as .xls

When saving an Excel file as .xls, there are several limitations that users should be aware of. These limitations can impact the functionality and compatibility of the file, as well as potentially affect the file size.

A. Loss of certain features and functionality

When saving an Excel file as .xls, some features and functionality may be lost or altered. This can include things like conditional formatting, data validation, and certain formulas. Users may find that the file does not behave the same way it did in the newer Excel format, and some features may not be supported at all in the .xls format.

B. Incompatibility with newer Excel versions

Another limitation of saving Excel as .xls is the potential for incompatibility with newer versions of Excel. As Microsoft continues to release updates and new versions of their software, there is a risk that files saved in the .xls format may not be fully compatible with these newer versions. This can lead to formatting issues, loss of functionality, and other problems when trying to open and work with the file in a newer version of Excel.

C. Potential file size limitations

Finally, there may be file size limitations when saving Excel as .xls. The .xls format has a maximum number of rows and columns that can be used, which can impose restrictions on the amount of data that can be stored in the file. This can be a significant limitation for users working with large datasets, as they may need to find alternative solutions for storing and managing their data.

Best practices for saving Excel as .xls

When it comes to saving Excel files, it's important to follow best practices to ensure compatibility and functionality. Here are some tips for saving Excel as .xls:

Only use the .xls format when necessary

  • Consider compatibility: .xls format is an older format and may not support all the features and functionalities of newer Excel versions. Only use .xls format if you need to share the file with users who have older Excel versions and cannot open the newer formats.

Consider alternative formats for better compatibility and functionality

  • Use .xlsx: .xlsx format is the default format for Excel files and offers better compatibility and functionality compared to .xls format. It supports newer features and has a smaller file size.
  • Consider other formats: Depending on the use case, consider saving the file in other formats such as .csv or .pdf for better compatibility with different software and platforms.

Regularly update and migrate files to newer formats when possible

  • Stay up-to-date: As newer versions of Excel are released, it's important to update and migrate older .xls files to newer formats to take advantage of new features and improvements.
  • Plan migration: Have a plan in place to periodically review and migrate .xls files to newer formats to ensure compatibility and avoid issues with obsolete file formats.


Overall, saving Excel files as .xls format has its benefits and limitations. The .xls format ensures compatibility with older versions of Excel and other spreadsheet software, making it a useful choice for sharing files with a wider audience. However, it may not support all the features of the latest Excel versions, limiting some functionalities.

When it comes to using the .xls format, it's important to do so thoughtfully and strategically. Consider the needs of the recipients and the features required for the file, and make an informed decision on which format to choose.

Now that you have learned how to save an Excel file as .xls, why not give it a try? Experiment with saving a file in .xls format to see how it fits your needs and the needs of your audience.

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