Excel Tutorial: How To Save Excel File As Xls


Knowing how to save an Excel file as .xls is important for compatibility with older versions of Excel and other spreadsheet software. It ensures that your data can be accessed and used by a wider range of users. In this tutorial, we will provide an overview of the steps to save an Excel file as .xls, making it easy for you to learn and apply this essential skill.

Key Takeaways

  • Knowing how to save an Excel file as .xls is important for compatibility with older versions of Excel and other spreadsheet software.
  • Saving a file as .xls ensures that your data can be accessed and used by a wider range of users.
  • Following the step-by-step guide provided in this tutorial will make it easy for you to learn and apply the essential skill of saving an Excel file as .xls.
  • There are potential issues and limitations to be aware of when saving a file as .xls, including loss of features and functionality, incompatibility with certain Excel functions and formulas, and file size limitations.
  • It is important to keep a backup of the original .xlsx file and to test the .xls file in older versions of Excel to ensure compatibility.

Understanding the .xls file format

When working with Excel, it is important to understand the various file formats that you can save your work in. One of the most commonly used formats is the .xls file format.

A. Explanation of the .xls file format

The .xls file format is the default file format used by older versions of Excel, including Excel 2003 and earlier. It is a binary file format, meaning that the data is stored in a binary format rather than in a more human-readable format like XML.

B. Differences between .xlsx and .xls file formats

One of the main differences between the .xlsx and .xls file formats is the file size. .xlsx files are generally smaller than .xls files, which can be important when working with large sets of data. Additionally, .xlsx files can handle more rows and columns compared to .xls files.

C. Compatibility issues with older versions of Excel

One of the main compatibility issues with the .xls file format is that it may not be fully compatible with newer versions of Excel. For example, if you create a file in Excel 2016 and save it as a .xls file, some features may not be supported when opened in Excel 2019.

  • Excel 2007 and later versions can still open and edit .xls files.
  • However, some advanced features and formatting may not be preserved when saving in the .xls format.

Step-by-step guide to saving an Excel file as .xls

Microsoft Excel allows users to save their files in different formats to ensure compatibility with various versions of the software. If you need to save your Excel file as .xls, follow these simple steps:

A. Open the Excel file you want to save

B. Click on "File" in the top left corner

C. Select "Save As" from the dropdown menu

D. Choose the location where you want to save the file

E. Select "Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls)" from the "Save as type" dropdown menu

F. Click "Save" to save the file as .xls

Benefits of saving a file as .xls

When working with Excel, it’s important to consider the compatibility of the files you create. Saving a file as .xls can offer several benefits, including:

  • Ensuring compatibility with older versions of Excel:

    By saving your file as .xls, you can ensure that users with older versions of Excel can still open and work with the file without any issues. This can be particularly useful when sharing files with colleagues or clients who may not have access to the latest Excel software.

  • Preserving formatting and functionality for older files:

    Older .xls files may contain formatting or functionality that could be lost if the file is saved in a newer format. By saving as .xls, you can preserve these elements and ensure that the file behaves as intended for users with older Excel versions.

  • Sharing files with users who have older Excel versions:

    When collaborating on projects or sharing files with a wider audience, it’s important to consider the software capabilities of the recipients. Saving a file as .xls can make it easier to share and collaborate with users who have not upgraded to the latest version of Excel.

Tips for working with .xls files

When working with .xls files in Excel, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind to ensure a smooth transition and compatibility. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

A. Keep a backup of the original .xlsx file
  • Always save a backup - Before converting a file to .xls format, it's essential to keep a backup of the original .xlsx file. This will ensure that if any issues arise during the conversion process, you'll still have the original file to fall back on.

B. Be mindful of potential loss of functionality when saving as .xls
  • Understand the limitations - .xls files are an older file format, and as such, they may not support all the features and functionality of .xlsx files. Be aware that some advanced features, such as conditional formatting and sparklines, may not be fully compatible with .xls format.
  • Test the file - Before finalizing the conversion, it's essential to thoroughly test the .xls file to ensure that essential functionality is not lost. This may include checking formulas, formatting, and any advanced features to verify that they work as intended in the .xls format.

C. Test the .xls file in older versions of Excel to ensure compatibility
  • Consider different versions - It's important to remember that not all versions of Excel handle .xls files the same way. Testing the file in older versions of Excel will help ensure that it remains fully compatible and functional for users who may not have the latest version of the software.
  • Adjust as needed - If any compatibility issues are identified during testing, be prepared to make adjustments to the file as needed to ensure that it remains accessible and functional across different versions of Excel.

Potential issues when saving as .xls

When saving an Excel file as .xls, there are several potential issues that users may encounter. It is important to be aware of these issues in order to make an informed decision when choosing the file format.

A. Loss of features and functionality in the .xls format

When saving an Excel file as .xls, it is important to note that certain features and functionality may be lost. This can include things such as conditional formatting, data validation, and pivot tables. These features are not fully supported in the .xls format, and saving the file in this format may result in a loss of these elements.

B. Incompatibility with certain Excel functions and formulas

Another potential issue when saving as .xls is the incompatibility with certain Excel functions and formulas. The .xls format does not support all of the advanced functions and formulas that are available in newer versions of Excel. This means that when saving as .xls, there is a risk that some of the functions and formulas used in the file may not work as intended.

C. File size limitations with .xls format

Lastly, it is important to consider the file size limitations when saving as .xls. The .xls format has a maximum file size limitation of 65,536 rows and 256 columns. If the Excel file exceeds these limitations, it may not be saved properly in the .xls format, leading to potential data loss or corruption.


In conclusion, saving an Excel file as .xls is a simple yet important process for users to understand. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily save your file in the desired format. It is crucial for Excel users to understand file formats in order to ensure compatibility with other systems and software. I encourage you to practice saving files as .xls to gain familiarity with the process and feel more confident in handling different file formats in Excel.

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