Excel Tutorial: How To Remove Unwanted Characters In Excel


When working with data in Excel, it's common to encounter unwanted characters such as leading or trailing spaces, non-printable characters, or special symbols. These can cause errors in calculations, sorting, and filtering, making it crucial to remove them to ensure the accuracy and integrity of your data. In this tutorial, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to remove unwanted characters in Excel, helping you clean up your data and optimize your workflow.

Key Takeaways

  • Unwanted characters in Excel can cause errors in calculations, sorting, and filtering, making it essential to remove them for data accuracy and integrity.
  • Common examples of unwanted characters include leading or trailing spaces, non-printable characters, and special symbols like $, %, and #.
  • Methods for removing unwanted characters in Excel include using find and replace, the CLEAN function, Text to Columns, and removing blank rows.
  • It's important to practice and experiment with these methods to ensure the best results for cleaning up data and optimizing workflow.
  • Removing unwanted characters in Excel is crucial for maintaining clean and accurate data, ultimately optimizing workflow and improving data integrity.

Identifying unwanted characters

Unwanted characters can cause errors and issues in your Excel data. Here are some common examples and how to use Excel's functions to identify them.

A. Common examples of unwanted characters
  • $: Used to indicate currency, but can cause issues in numeric calculations.
  • %: Used to indicate percentage, but can interfere with mathematical operations.
  • #: Often appears as an error indicator in Excel, such as #DIV/0! or #VALUE!
  • Whitespace: Spaces, tabs, and non-printable characters can be difficult to spot but cause issues in data processing.

B. Using Excel's functions to identify unwanted characters

Excel offers several functions to help you identify and remove unwanted characters from your data. The TRIM function can remove leading and trailing spaces, while the CLEAN function can remove non-printable characters. Additionally, the SUBSTITUTE function can be used to replace specific unwanted characters with a blank space or another desired character.

By utilizing these Excel functions, you can easily identify and clean up unwanted characters in your data, ensuring accuracy and reliability in your Excel spreadsheets.

Removing unwanted characters using find and replace

Unwanted characters in Excel can clutter your data and make it difficult to work with. Luckily, Excel's find and replace function makes it easy to remove these unwanted characters and clean up your data. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of using the find and replace function, as well as provide tips for ensuring accuracy when replacing unwanted characters.

Step-by-step guide on using the find and replace function

Step 1: Open your Excel spreadsheet and select the range of cells where you want to remove unwanted characters.

Step 2: Click on the "Home" tab in the Excel ribbon, then locate and click on the "Find & Select" button in the "Editing" group.

Step 3: From the drop-down menu, select "Replace" to open the Find and Replace dialog box.

Step 4: In the "Find what" field, enter the unwanted character or string of characters that you want to remove.

Step 5: Leave the "Replace with" field empty if you simply want to remove the unwanted characters. If you want to replace the unwanted characters with something else, enter the replacement text in the "Replace with" field.

Step 6: Click on the "Replace All" button to remove or replace all instances of the unwanted characters in the selected range.

Tips for ensuring accuracy when replacing unwanted characters

  • Use the "Match entire cell contents" option: When using the find and replace function, it's important to ensure that you are only replacing the specific unwanted characters and not inadvertently removing or replacing similar characters within other words or data. To do this, select the "Match entire cell contents" option in the Find and Replace dialog box.
  • Preview the changes: Before clicking "Replace All," use the "Find Next" button to preview each instance of the unwanted characters and ensure that you are replacing them correctly.
  • Use caution with special characters: If you are removing special characters such as asterisks, question marks, or forward slashes, be sure to properly escape these characters by using a tilde (~) before them in the "Find what" field to avoid unintended consequences.
  • Double-check your data: After using the find and replace function, double-check your data to ensure that the unwanted characters have been successfully removed and that no other unintended changes have been made.

Using the CLEAN function

The CLEAN function in Excel is a powerful tool for removing unwanted characters from your data. It can be particularly useful when dealing with text imported from other sources, such as website or database exports, that may contain non-printable characters.

A. Explanation of the CLEAN function and its purpose

The purpose of the CLEAN function is to remove non-printable characters from text, including tab, line feed, and carriage return characters. These characters can often go unnoticed but can cause issues when manipulating or analyzing data in Excel.

B. Demonstrating how to use the CLEAN function for removing unwanted characters

To use the CLEAN function, simply enter =CLEAN(cell_reference) into a new cell, replacing cell_reference with the reference to the cell containing the text you want to clean. This will remove any non-printable characters from the text and return the clean version.


  • Original text: "This is a test string with non-printable characters"
  • =CLEAN(A1) will return: "This is a test string with non-printable characters"

Removing unwanted characters with Text to Columns

Excel's Text to Columns feature is a powerful tool that allows you to split a single cell into multiple cells based on a specified delimiter. This can be extremely useful when you need to remove unwanted characters from your data. Here's how to use Text to Columns to clean up your Excel data.

A. Overview of Text to Columns feature in Excel

The Text to Columns feature in Excel allows you to split the contents of a cell into separate columns.

B. Step-by-step instructions for using Text to Columns to remove unwanted characters

  • Start by selecting the range of cells that contains the data you want to clean up.
  • Click on the "Data" tab in the Excel ribbon, and then select "Text to Columns" from the "Data Tools" group.
  • In the Text to Columns wizard, choose "Delimited" if your data is separated by a specific character, or "Fixed width" if the unwanted characters are in specific positions within the cell.
  • If you chose "Delimited," select the delimiter that separates the unwanted characters in your data, such as a comma or a space. If you chose "Fixed width," use the cursor to define the positions where the unwanted characters appear.
  • Preview how your data will be split in the Data preview window, and make any necessary adjustments to the delimiter or column widths.
  • Click "Finish" to split the data into separate columns, with the unwanted characters removed.

Removing Blank Rows in Excel

Many times, when working with large datasets in Excel, you may come across blank rows that need to be removed. These blank rows can affect the integrity of your data and make it difficult to analyze or present the information effectively. In this tutorial, we will discuss the importance of removing blank rows and provide a step-by-step guide on how to do so in Excel.

Importance of removing blank rows for data integrity

  • 1. Clean and organized data

    Removing blank rows ensures that your data is clean and organized, making it easier to work with and analyze. It also helps in maintaining the overall integrity of the dataset.

  • 2. Accurate analysis

    Blank rows can skew the results of any analysis or calculations you perform on the dataset. Removing these rows ensures that your analysis is accurate and reliable.

Step-by-step guide on how to remove blank rows in Excel

  • 1. Select the entire dataset

    Before removing blank rows, it's important to select the entire dataset where you want to remove the blank rows.

  • 2. Click on the "Data" tab

    Once the dataset is selected, navigate to the "Data" tab on the Excel ribbon at the top of the window.

  • 3. Click on "Filter"

    Under the "Data" tab, locate and click on the "Filter" button. This will apply a filter to your dataset.

  • 4. Filter out blank rows

    Click on the dropdown arrow in the header of the column that may contain blank cells. Unselect the "Select All" option, then select the "Blanks" option. This will filter out all the blank rows in the dataset.

  • 5. Delete the filtered rows

    Once the blank rows are filtered, you can select and delete them by right-clicking and choosing the "Delete" option. Make sure to choose the "Entire row" option to delete the entire blank rows.

  • 6. Clear the filter

    After deleting the blank rows, it's important to clear the filter by clicking on the "Filter" button again under the "Data" tab. This will remove the filter and display the entire dataset.


In conclusion, we have explored several methods for removing unwanted characters in Excel. Whether it is using the SUBSTITUTE function, the Find and Replace tool, or the Text to Columns feature, there are various ways to clean up your data and make it more presentable. I encourage you to practice and experiment with these methods to find the best approach for your specific data set. With a little bit of effort, you can easily transform messy data into clean, organized information.

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