Excel Tutorial: How To Recover Excel Sheet Not Saved


Have you ever spent hours working on an important Excel sheet, only to realize that you forgot to save it before closing the program? It's a common issue that many of us have experienced at some point. The frustration of losing unsaved work can be overwhelming, especially if the data is crucial. In this tutorial, we will discuss the importance of recovering unsaved work in Excel and provide you with the necessary steps to retrieve your lost data.

Key Takeaways

  • Always enable AutoRecover feature in Excel to prevent data loss.
  • Explore manual recovery options such as temporary folder and Document Recovery pane.
  • Consider using reliable third-party recovery tools for more advanced recovery options.
  • Adopt best practices for preventing data loss, such as regular saving and utilizing cloud storage.
  • Utilize additional tips for Excel data recovery, such as creating backup plans and using "Save As" feature.

Understanding AutoRecover feature in Excel

Excel is a powerful tool for creating and managing spreadsheets, but it can be frustrating when you accidentally close a file without saving your work. Fortunately, Excel has a built-in feature called AutoRecover that can help you recover unsaved work in the event of a crash or other unexpected event.

A. Explanation of AutoRecover feature in Excel

  • AutoRecover is a feature in Excel that automatically saves your work at regular intervals, typically every 10 minutes, so that you can recover unsaved changes in the event of a crash or system failure.
  • When you reopen Excel after a crash, the Document Recovery pane will appear, allowing you to access and restore any unsaved work.

B. Advantages of enabling AutoRecover

  • Prevents the loss of unsaved work due to unexpected crashes or system failures.
  • Provides a safety net for users who forget to save their work regularly.
  • Helps to minimize the impact of technical issues on productivity and workflow.

C. Step-by-step guide to check and adjust AutoRecover settings

  • Go to the File tab in Excel and select Options from the menu.
  • In the Excel Options dialog box, click on Save in the left-hand menu.
  • Under Save workbooks, make sure that the Save AutoRecover information every x minutes box is checked.
  • You can adjust the time interval for AutoRecover by entering a new value in the box.
  • Click OK to save your changes and enable AutoRecover in Excel.

Manual Recovery Options in Excel

When you accidentally close an Excel sheet without saving, it can be a frustrating experience. However, there are several manual recovery options in Excel that can help you retrieve your unsaved work. In this chapter, we will explore the following options:

  • Exploring the temporary folder for unsaved files
  • Recovering from the Document Recovery pane
  • Using the version history feature in Excel

Exploring the temporary folder for unsaved files

When Excel crashes or you accidentally close a file without saving, it may create a temporary copy of the file in your system's temporary folder. To access this folder, you can follow these steps:

  • Open File Explorer and navigate to the following location: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\UnsavedFiles
  • Look for your unsaved Excel file in this folder and copy it to a safe location on your computer

Recovering from the Document Recovery pane

If Excel crashes or you accidentally close a file without saving, the next time you open Excel, it may display a Document Recovery pane. This pane lists any unsaved files that can be recovered. To retrieve your unsaved work from the Document Recovery pane, you can follow these steps:

  • Open Excel and look for the Document Recovery pane on the left-hand side of the screen
  • Select the unsaved file from the list and click "Open" to recover the file

Using the version history feature in Excel

Excel has a version history feature that allows you to access previous versions of your workbook, including unsaved changes. To use this feature, you can follow these steps:

  • Open your Excel workbook and click on the "File" tab
  • Click on "Info" and then select "Version History" from the dropdown menu
  • Choose the version of the file that you want to recover and click "Restore" to retrieve your unsaved work

Utilizing third-party recovery tools

When all else fails and you are unable to recover your unsaved Excel sheet using Excel's built-in tools, you may need to turn to third-party recovery software to retrieve your lost data. In this chapter, we will discuss the overview of third-party Excel recovery tools, the pros and cons of using external software, and recommendations for reliable third-party recovery tools.

Overview of third-party Excel recovery tools

Third-party Excel recovery tools are external software programs designed specifically to recover lost or unsaved Excel files. These tools offer advanced features and capabilities beyond what Excel's native recovery options provide, making them a viable solution for more complex data loss scenarios.

Pros and cons of using external software

There are several advantages and disadvantages to consider when using third-party recovery tools to retrieve unsaved Excel sheets. On the one hand, these tools can often recover data that Excel's native recovery options cannot, providing a more comprehensive solution for data loss. On the other hand, there may be concerns related to the security and reliability of third-party software, as well as potential costs associated with purchasing or using these tools.

Recommendations for reliable third-party recovery tools

When selecting a third-party Excel recovery tool, it is crucial to choose a reliable and trusted solution to ensure the safety and integrity of your data. Look for software that has a proven track record of successful data recovery, positive user reviews, and a reputable developer. Some popular and reliable third-party Excel recovery tools include Stellar Data Recovery, Disk Drill, and EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard.

Best practices for preventing data loss in Excel

When working in Excel, it's important to take measures to prevent data loss, particularly in the event of unexpected software crashes or power outages. Here are some best practices to follow:

Importance of regular saving

  • Always remember to save your work frequently, especially after making significant changes or updates to your Excel sheet.
  • Utilize the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S to quickly save your work, or set up automatic saving intervals in your Excel settings.

Utilizing cloud storage for automatic backup

  • Consider using cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, or Dropbox to automatically back up your Excel sheets.
  • Cloud storage provides an additional layer of protection against data loss, as it saves a copy of your work on remote servers.

Setting up reminders for saving work

  • Utilize the reminder or alarm feature in Excel or your operating system to prompt you to save your work at regular intervals.
  • Set up recurring calendar reminders to ensure that you don't forget to save your Excel sheet.

Additional tips for Excel data recovery

While Excel has built-in features for recovering unsaved work, it's always a good idea to have a backup plan in place. Here are some additional tips for Excel data recovery:

A. Utilizing Excel's "Save As" feature for backup copies
  • Create regular backup copies: Make it a habit to use the "Save As" feature to create backup copies of important Excel sheets. This way, if the original file becomes corrupted or unsalvageable, you'll have a recent version to fall back on.
  • Include a date or version number in the file name: When using the "Save As" feature, consider including the current date or a version number in the file name. This will help you keep track of the most recent backup copies.

B. Using the "Save and Send" option to email work to yourself
  • Email important work to yourself: Another way to create a backup of your Excel sheet is to use the "Save and Send" option to email the file to yourself. This can be especially useful if you need to access the file from a different location or device.
  • Set up a dedicated email folder for Excel backups: To keep things organized, consider setting up a dedicated email folder for storing Excel backups. This will make it easy to locate and retrieve your backup copies when needed.

C. Creating a backup plan for important Excel sheets
  • Establish a regular backup schedule: For critical Excel sheets, consider establishing a regular backup schedule. This could involve creating daily, weekly, or monthly backups, depending on the frequency of updates and the importance of the data.
  • Utilize external storage devices: In addition to saving backup copies on your computer or email, consider utilizing external storage devices such as USB drives or cloud storage services for added redundancy.


Recap of the importance of recovering unsaved Excel work: It's essential to recover unsaved Excel work to avoid losing valuable data and time spent on creating the sheet.

Encouragement to explore different recovery options: There are various options available for recovering unsaved Excel sheets, such as the AutoRecover feature, temporary files, and third-party recovery software. It's important to explore these options to find the most suitable method for your specific situation.

Final thoughts on the value of maintaining regular backup habits: Maintaining regular backup habits is crucial in preventing data loss and ensuring that your work is always safe and accessible. It's a good practice to save your work frequently and consider using cloud storage or external hard drives for backup.

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