Excel Tutorial: How To Recover Excel File Deleted From Recycle Bin


Accidentally deleting an important Excel file can be a frustrating and common issue for many users. Whether it's a work report, personal budget, or crucial data, losing an Excel file can cause a lot of stress. That's why it's important to learn how to recover deleted files from the recycle bin. In this tutorial, we'll show you the step-by-step process to retrieve your valuable Excel files and avoid the headache of permanent data loss.

Key Takeaways

  • Accidentally deleting Excel files is a common and frustrating issue for many users.
  • Learning how to recover deleted files from the recycle bin is important to avoid permanent data loss.
  • Regularly backing up Excel files and being cautious when deleting files can prevent future data loss.
  • File recovery software may be necessary in some cases and there are reliable options available.
  • Seeking professional help from an IT professional is an option for more complex data recovery issues.

Checking the Recycle Bin

Accidentally deleting an Excel file can be a frustrating experience, but there is a chance that the file may still be recoverable from the Recycle Bin. Follow these step-by-step instructions to locate and open the Recycle Bin, and then search for the deleted Excel file.

A. Step-by-step instructions on how to locate and open the Recycle Bin

  • Navigate to the desktop of your computer.
  • Locate the Recycle Bin icon. It is typically represented by a waste basket or recycling bin symbol.
  • Double-click on the Recycle Bin icon to open it.

B. Explanation of the process of searching for the deleted Excel file within the Recycle Bin

  • Once the Recycle Bin is open, you will see a list of deleted files and folders.
  • Use the search function at the top right corner of the Recycle Bin window to search for the name of the deleted Excel file.
  • If the file is found, right-click on it and select the "Restore" option to move the file back to its original location on your computer.
  • If the file is not found in the Recycle Bin, it may have been permanently deleted, and you may need to consider using a file recovery tool or seeking professional assistance to recover the file.

Restoring the Deleted File

Accidentally deleting an important Excel file can be a frustrating experience. However, with the right guidance, you can easily recover the file from the recycle bin. Here's how:

A. Guidance on selecting the deleted Excel file
  • Step 1: Open the recycle bin on your computer.
  • Step 2: Look for the Excel file that you want to recover. You can use the search bar to locate the file quickly.
  • Step 3: Once you have located the file, right-click on it to select it.

B. Instructions on how to restore the file back to its original location
  • Step 1: After selecting the file, right-click on it again.
  • Step 2: From the dropdown menu, choose the "Restore" option.
  • Step 3: The file will be restored to its original location on your computer.

By following these simple steps, you can easily recover an Excel file that has been mistakenly deleted from the recycle bin. It's important to be cautious when handling important files, but it's also helpful to know how to quickly recover them in case of an accident.

Using File Recovery Software

When a file is deleted from the recycle bin, it is generally assumed that it is permanently gone. However, with the help of file recovery software, there is still a chance to recover the deleted Excel file.

A. Explanation of when file recovery software is necessary

File recovery software is necessary when the deleted Excel file is no longer available in the recycle bin or has been permanently deleted from the system. In such cases, file recovery software can scan the computer's hard drive for traces of the deleted file and potentially restore it to its original state.

B. Recommendations for reliable file recovery software options
  • Recuva: Recuva is a popular and user-friendly file recovery software that can be used to recover deleted Excel files. It offers a step-by-step wizard to guide users through the recovery process.
  • Stellar Data Recovery: Stellar Data Recovery is another reliable option for recovering deleted Excel files. It has a range of advanced features and supports various file formats.
  • EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard: EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard is known for its powerful scanning capabilities and can be used to recover deleted Excel files from various storage devices.

Before using any file recovery software, it's important to note that the chances of successful recovery depend on various factors such as the amount of time since the file was deleted and the extent of activity on the computer since then. It's recommended to use the software as soon as possible after realizing the file has been deleted.

Preventing Future Data Loss

Accidentally deleting an important Excel file can be a major setback, but there are steps you can take to prevent future data loss. Here are some tips to help you safeguard your Excel files:

A. Tips on regularly backing up Excel files

  • Regularly schedule automatic backups of your Excel files to an external hard drive or cloud storage service.

  • Use version control to save multiple copies of your Excel files, so that you can revert to an older version if necessary.

  • Consider using a file recovery software solution to automatically create backups of your Excel files at regular intervals.

B. Advice on being cautious when deleting files

  • Double-check the contents of the Recycle Bin before emptying it, as there may be important Excel files that were accidentally deleted.

  • Take extra care when deleting files by using keyboard shortcuts instead of the delete button to prevent accidental deletions.

  • Consider using the "Save As" function to create a duplicate of an Excel file before making major changes, so that the original file is preserved as a backup.

Seeking Professional Help

When dealing with a deleted Excel file that cannot be found in the recycle bin, it may be time to consider seeking assistance from an IT professional. Here are some considerations and options when looking for reliable IT support for data recovery issues.

A. When to consider seeking assistance from an IT professional
  • Difficulty in recovering the file using standard methods
  • Lack of technical knowledge in handling data recovery
  • Potential risk of further data loss or corruption
  • Need for specialized tools or software for data recovery

B. Options for finding reliable IT support for data recovery issues
  • Consulting with an in-house IT department or IT personnel within the organization
  • Engaging the services of a reputable IT consultancy or data recovery specialist
  • Seeking recommendations from industry colleagues or professional networks
  • Utilizing online directories or platforms to find certified IT professionals or data recovery experts


Recap of the importance of being able to recover deleted Excel files: Losing important Excel files can be a major setback, whether it's a crucial business report or a personal budget spreadsheet. Being able to recover these files can save countless hours of work and prevent significant stress.

Encouragement for readers: I encourage all readers to practice the steps outlined in this tutorial and to be proactive in preventing data loss. Regularly backing up your files and using file recovery tools can help safeguard your important data and give you peace of mind.

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