Excel Tutorial: How To Put Excel Spreadsheet Into Google Docs


As more and more people are using Google Docs for collaboration and sharing, it's essential to know how to put an Excel spreadsheet into Google Docs. This tutorial will guide you through the process, ensuring that you can easily access and edit your Excel files in Google Docs. The importance of this skill cannot be understated, as it allows for seamless integration of Excel data into Google's collaborative platform, making it easier to work with others and share information.

Key Takeaways

  • Collaboration and sharing are essential in today's work environment, making it important to know how to put an Excel spreadsheet into Google Docs.
  • Using Google Docs for Excel allows for seamless integration, making it easier to work with others and share information.
  • Benefits of using Google Docs for Excel include collaboration with others, access from anywhere with an internet connection, and automatic saving and backup capabilities.
  • When formatting Excel spreadsheets in Google Docs, it's important to adjust column widths and row heights, apply cell formatting and styles, and use formulas and functions.
  • Sharing and collaborating on Excel spreadsheets in Google Docs allows for real-time collaboration with others, adding comments and suggestions, and setting permissions for sharing.

Benefits of using Google Docs for Excel

Google Docs offers several benefits for working with Excel spreadsheets. These benefits include:

A. Collaboration with others

  • With Google Docs, multiple users can work on the same Excel spreadsheet simultaneously. This allows for real-time collaboration and eliminates the need to email different versions back and forth.

  • Users can leave comments and suggestions, making it easy to communicate and make changes within the document.

B. Access from anywhere with internet connection

  • Google Docs can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, whether it's a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

  • This makes it convenient to work on Excel spreadsheets while on the go or from different locations.

C. Automatic saving and backup capabilities

  • Google Docs automatically saves changes made to the Excel spreadsheet, so there's no risk of losing work due to a computer crash or power outage.

  • It also has revision history, allowing users to see previous versions of the document and restore it to a previous state if needed.

Step-by-step guide on how to put Excel spreadsheet into Google Docs

For those who want to transfer their Excel spreadsheets into Google Docs for easier collaboration and sharing, here's a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

A. Open Google Drive

To start the process, open your web browser and go to Google Drive. Sign in with your Google account if you haven't already.

B. Click on the "New" button and select "File upload"

Once you're in Google Drive, look for the "New" button in the top-left corner of the screen. Click on it and a drop-down menu will appear. From there, select "File upload."

C. Choose the Excel spreadsheet from your computer and click "Open"

A window will pop up allowing you to browse your computer files. Locate the Excel spreadsheet that you want to upload and click "Open" to begin the upload process.

D. Open the uploaded file in Google Sheets

After the upload is complete, you will see your Excel spreadsheet in Google Drive. Right-click on the file and select "Open with" then choose "Google Sheets" to open the file in Google's spreadsheet application.

Tips for Formatting Excel Spreadsheet in Google Docs

When using Google Docs to work with Excel spreadsheets, it's important to understand how to format the data effectively. Here are some tips for adjusting column widths and row heights, applying cell formatting and styles, and using formulas and functions:

  • Adjusting column widths and row heights

    When transferring an Excel spreadsheet to Google Docs, you may need to adjust the column widths and row heights to ensure all the data fits and is easily readable. To do this, simply click and drag the column or row headers to the desired size. You can also use the "Resize row" and "Resize column" options under the "Format" menu for more precise adjustments.

  • Applying cell formatting and styles

    Google Docs allows you to apply various cell formatting and styles to make your spreadsheet visually appealing and easy to interpret. You can change the font, color, alignment, and borders of cells by selecting the desired cells and using the options under the "Format" menu. You can also use pre-defined cell styles to quickly apply a consistent look and feel to your data.

  • Using formulas and functions

    Formulas and functions are essential for performing calculations and analysis in your spreadsheet. Google Docs supports a wide range of functions that are similar to those in Excel, such as SUM, AVERAGE, and IF. To use a function, simply type "=" followed by the function name and the cell references or values you want to calculate. You can also use the "Insert" menu to access a list of commonly used functions.

Sharing and collaborating on Excel spreadsheet in Google Docs

Sharing and collaborating on Excel spreadsheets in Google Docs can greatly improve productivity and efficiency in a team setting. Here are some important features and tips for sharing and collaborating on Excel spreadsheets in Google Docs:

A. Sharing settings and permissions

1. Setting access levels

  • When sharing an Excel spreadsheet in Google Docs, you can choose to give others view-only access, comment access, or edit access. This allows you to control who can make changes to the spreadsheet and who can only view or comment on it.

2. Sharing with specific people or groups

  • You can share the Excel spreadsheet with specific people by entering their email addresses or share it with a group by entering a Google Group email address. This ensures that only those who are meant to have access to the spreadsheet can view or edit it.

B. Real-time collaboration with others

1. Simultaneous editing

  • One of the key benefits of using Google Docs for Excel spreadsheets is the ability for multiple people to edit the spreadsheet at the same time. This real-time collaboration feature allows for faster decision-making and seamless teamwork.

2. Presence indicators

  • Google Docs shows you who else is currently viewing or editing the spreadsheet, so you can see when someone else is working on the same document as you. This can help avoid conflicts and ensure smooth collaboration.

C. Adding comments and suggestions

1. Commenting on specific cells or ranges

  • Users can add comments to specific cells or ranges within the Excel spreadsheet, allowing for clear communication and feedback. This feature is especially useful for discussing data, calculations, or any other aspects of the spreadsheet.

2. Suggesting edits

  • Google Docs allows users to suggest edits to the Excel spreadsheet without making direct changes. This can be helpful when seeking approval for changes or when multiple options are being considered.

Comparing features between Excel and Google Sheets

When it comes to working with spreadsheets, Microsoft Excel has long been the industry standard. However, Google Sheets has emerged as a powerful contender, offering many of the same features and functionality as Excel. Let's take a closer look at the key differences and similarities between the two.

A. Functionality and features available in Excel
  • Data Analysis:

    Excel offers advanced data analysis tools such as pivot tables, data validation, and various built-in functions for statistical, engineering, and financial calculations.
  • Data Visualization:

    Excel provides a wide range of chart options and customization features to create visually appealing and informative charts and graphs.
  • Customization:

    Excel allows for extensive customization of spreadsheets, including the ability to create macros and add-ins to automate tasks and enhance functionality.

B. Similar features and differences in Google Sheets
  • Data Analysis:

    Google Sheets offers basic data analysis tools, such as pivot tables and conditional formatting, but lacks some of the more advanced features found in Excel.
  • Data Visualization:

    Similar to Excel, Google Sheets provides a variety of chart options and customization features, although the range may be slightly more limited compared to Excel.
  • Customization:

    While Google Sheets supports add-ons and scripts to extend functionality, it does not offer the same level of customization and automation capabilities as Excel.

C. Compatibility and limitations
  • Compatibility:

    Both Excel and Google Sheets can open and save files in various formats, making it easy to share and collaborate on spreadsheets across different platforms.
  • Limitations:

    Google Sheets may have limitations in handling large datasets and complex calculations compared to Excel, which can be a consideration for users with specialized data processing needs.

Ultimately, the choice between Excel and Google Sheets will depend on the specific requirements and preferences of the user. While Excel may offer more advanced features and customization options, Google Sheets provides the benefit of cloud-based collaboration and seamless integration with other Google Workspace apps.


In conclusion, transferring your Excel spreadsheet into Google Docs offers numerous benefits such as easy collaboration, accessibility from any device, and the ability to share and edit in real-time. We encourage you to give it a try and experience the convenience of having your spreadsheets in the cloud. Remember, Google Docs also offers additional features and add-ons that can enhance your productivity even further. So, don't hesitate to explore all the possibilities that Google Docs has to offer!

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