Excel Tutorial: What Does The Plus Sign Do In Excel


When it comes to using Excel, understanding the functions of different mathematical symbols is crucial. In this tutorial, we will be focusing on the significance of the plus sign (+) in Excel and how it can be utilized to perform various calculations. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, knowing the ins and outs of this basic function can enhance your Excel skills and efficiency.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the significance of the plus sign in Excel is essential for performing various calculations.
  • The plus sign is used for simple addition as well as concatenating text in Excel.
  • It can be incorporated within formulas for more complex mathematical operations.
  • The plus sign also serves as a shortcut for the AutoSum feature, improving efficiency in Excel.
  • Mastering the use of the plus sign can enhance Excel skills and productivity for users of all levels.

Basic Function of the Plus Sign

When it comes to using Excel for mathematical operations, the plus sign plays a crucial role in performing basic arithmetic functions. Understanding its basic function is essential for anyone looking to harness the full power of Excel.

A. Define the plus sign in Excel

In Excel, the plus sign (+) is a mathematical operator used for addition. It is used to add one number to another or to add cell references, ranges, or values together.

B. Explain its primary function in mathematical operations

The primary function of the plus sign in Excel is to perform addition. It allows users to add numerical values in cells, which is a fundamental operation for any type of spreadsheet calculations. By using the plus sign, users can easily add up numbers, cell references, or ranges to derive a total or aggregate data for further analysis or reporting.

Excel Tutorial: What does the plus sign do in excel

When using Excel, the plus sign (+) is a vital tool for performing simple addition calculations. Understanding how to use the plus sign in Excel is essential for anyone working with spreadsheets.

Addition in Excel

  • Demonstrate how to use the plus sign for simple addition in Excel
  • Provide an example to illustrate its usage

Demonstrate how to use the plus sign for simple addition in Excel: In order to use the plus sign for addition in Excel, simply select the cell where you want the sum to appear, type "=" followed by the first number, then "+", followed by the second number. For example, if you want to add the numbers in cells A1 and B1, you would type "=A1+B1" into the cell where you want the sum to appear.

Provide an example to illustrate its usage: Let's say you have a list of numbers in cells A1 and B1, and you want to find the sum of these two numbers. You would simply enter "=A1+B1" in cell C1, and the sum of the two numbers will appear in that cell.

Concatenation in Excel

In Excel, the plus sign can be used for concatenating text, which means combining text strings together into a single string.

A. Discuss how the plus sign can be used for concatenating text in Excel

Concatenation is the process of combining two or more text strings into one. In Excel, the plus sign (+) is used to perform concatenation. When you use the plus sign between two or more text strings, Excel will combine them into a single string.

B. Show an example of using the plus sign for combining text strings

For example, if you have the text string "Hello" in cell A1 and "World" in cell A2, you can use the formula =A1+A2 in cell A3 to concatenate the two strings and display "HelloWorld" in cell A3.

  • First, select the cell where you want the concatenated string to appear (in this case, cell A3).
  • Next, type the formula =A1+A2 into the cell and press Enter. Excel will automatically combine the text strings from cells A1 and A2 and display the result in cell A3.

Using the Plus Sign in Formulas

When working with formulas in Excel, the plus sign (+) is used to perform addition operations. It allows you to add together values, cell references, or other elements within a formula.

Explain how the plus sign is used within formulas in Excel

The plus sign is commonly used in Excel formulas to add together numerical values. For example, if you wanted to add the values in cell A1 and A2, the formula would be =A1+A2.

Additionally, the plus sign can be used to concatenate text values. For example, if you wanted to combine the text in cell A1 and A2, the formula would be =A1&A2.

Provide examples of more complex formulas utilizing the plus sign

  • Simple addition: In a basic formula, you can use the plus sign to add together multiple cell references, such as =A1+B1+C1.
  • Using the plus sign for conditional addition: You can use the plus sign within an IF function to conditionally add values based on certain criteria. For example, =IF(A1>10, B1+C1, D1+E1).
  • Combining functions: The plus sign can be used to combine different functions within a formula, such as =SUM(A1:A5)+AVERAGE(B1:B5).

Shortcut for AutoSum

One of the most common tasks in Excel is adding up a range of numbers. The AutoSum feature is often used to quickly calculate the sum of a range of cells, but did you know that you can use the plus sign (+) as a shortcut for this feature?

A. Highlight how the plus sign can be used as a shortcut for the AutoSum feature

The plus sign is a quick and easy way to sum a range of cells in Excel. Instead of manually selecting the cells and then clicking the AutoSum button, you can simply type the plus sign followed by the first cell in the range, then press Enter. This will automatically sum the selected range of cells.

B. Show how to use the plus sign to quickly sum a range of cells

To use the plus sign as a shortcut for the AutoSum feature, follow these steps:

  • Select the cell where you want the sum to appear.
  • Type '=' followed by the first cell in the range.
  • Then type '+' followed by the next cell, and continue this pattern until you have included all the cells you want to sum.
  • Press Enter to see the sum of the selected range of cells.


In conclusion, we have discussed the significance of the plus sign in Excel and its function as the addition operator. We explored how it can be used to perform simple mathematical calculations as well as for concatenating text values. It is important to understand and use the plus sign effectively in Excel as it is a fundamental tool for creating formulas and manipulating data within spreadsheets.

By mastering the use of the plus sign, you can enhance your efficiency and accuracy in handling numerical and textual data, ultimately improving your Excel skills and productivity.

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