Excel Tutorial: How To Plot Addresses On Google Maps From Excel


Plotting addresses on Google maps from Excel is an important skill for anyone working with location data. Whether you're a business owner looking to visualize your customer locations, a researcher mapping out data points, or just someone trying to organize a road trip, learning how to plot addresses on Google maps can be extremely useful. In this tutorial, we will provide a brief overview of the steps involved in plotting addresses on Google maps from Excel, making it easy for you to get started with this handy feature.

Key Takeaways

  • Plotting addresses on Google maps from Excel is a valuable skill for various purposes, including business, research, and personal organization.
  • Setting up the Excel sheet properly, using a consistent format for addresses, and checking for errors is crucial for successful mapping.
  • Signing up for a Google Cloud Platform account, enabling the Google Maps JavaScript API, and obtaining an API key are essential steps for using Google maps.
  • Installing and efficiently using the Geocode add-in for Excel is necessary for converting addresses into geographical coordinates.
  • Customizing the map with different options available in the Google Maps API and sharing the customized map can enhance the visualization of address data.

Setting up your Excel sheet

Before you can plot addresses on Google Maps from Excel, you need to make sure your Excel sheet is properly set up. Here are the steps to follow:

A. Ensure address data is in separate columns (street, city, state, zip)

Make sure that the addresses you want to plot on Google Maps are separated into different columns for street, city, state, and zip code. This will make it easier to format the data for mapping.

B. Use a consistent format for all addresses

It's important to use a consistent format for all addresses to ensure accuracy when plotting them on Google Maps. For example, if you use abbreviations for street names (e.g., St. instead of Street), make sure this format is used consistently throughout the sheet.

C. Check for any spelling errors or inconsistencies in the data

Before moving on to plotting addresses on Google Maps, carefully review the address data in your Excel sheet for any spelling errors or inconsistencies. This will help ensure that the addresses are accurately plotted on the map.

Using Google maps API

Google Maps API allows you to integrate Google Maps into your websites and applications, making it easy to plot addresses from Excel onto Google Maps.

A. Sign up for a Google Cloud Platform account
  • Go to the Google Cloud Platform website and click on the "Get Started for Free" button.
  • Follow the prompts to create a new account or sign in with your existing Google account.
  • Once your account is set up, you will need to create a new project to access the Google Maps API.

B. Enable the Google Maps JavaScript API
  • After creating a new project, navigate to the "APIs & Services" tab and select "Library".
  • Search for "Google Maps JavaScript API" and click on it.
  • Click on the "Enable" button to activate the API for your project.

C. Obtain an API key for accessing the Google Maps API
  • Once the API is enabled, go to the "Credentials" tab under "APIs & Services".
  • Click on "Create Credentials" and select "API key".
  • A new API key will be generated, which you will need to copy and paste into your Excel spreadsheet for accessing the Google Maps API.

Installing and using the Geocode add-in

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for data analysis and visualization. One useful feature is the ability to plot addresses on Google Maps directly from an Excel spreadsheet. In this tutorial, we will walk through how to do this using the Geocode add-in.

Download and install the Geocode add-in for Excel

The first step is to download and install the Geocode add-in for Excel. The add-in is available for free from the Microsoft AppSource store. Once installed, it will appear as a new tab in the Excel ribbon.

Use the Geocode add-in to convert addresses into geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude)

Once the add-in is installed, you can use it to convert addresses into geographical coordinates, specifically the latitude and longitude. This is essential for plotting addresses on Google Maps. Simply select the addresses you want to convert, click on the Geocode tab, and choose the "Convert to Coordinates" option. The add-in will then generate the latitude and longitude for each address.

Tips for efficiently using the Geocode add-in

  • Batch processing: The Geocode add-in allows you to process multiple addresses at once, saving you time and effort. Take advantage of this feature to efficiently convert a large number of addresses into coordinates.
  • Data validation: Before using the add-in, ensure that your addresses are properly formatted and accurate. This will help avoid any errors or inconsistencies in the geocoding process.
  • Regular updates: Keep the Geocode add-in up to date to benefit from any improvements or bug fixes. Check for updates regularly to ensure you are using the latest version of the add-in.

Plotting addresses on Google maps

Plotting addresses on Google maps from an Excel workbook can be a useful tool for visualizing the locations of your data. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

A. Insert a new worksheet in your Excel workbook
  • Step 1: Open your Excel workbook

    Open the Excel workbook that contains the addresses you want to plot on Google maps.

  • Step 2: Insert a new worksheet

    Go to the bottom of the workbook and click on the '+' button to insert a new worksheet.

B. Paste the geocoded coordinates into the new worksheet
  • Step 1: Geocode the addresses

    Use a geocoding service or tool to convert the addresses into latitude and longitude coordinates.

  • Step 2: Paste the coordinates into the new worksheet

    Copy and paste the geocoded coordinates into the new worksheet in your Excel workbook.

C. Use the Google Maps API to plot the addresses on a map
  • Step 1: Obtain a Google Maps API key

    Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console and create a project. Then enable the Google Maps JavaScript API and obtain an API key.

  • Step 2: Create a HTML file

    Create a new HTML file and use the Google Maps API to plot the addresses on a map using the geocoded coordinates from your Excel worksheet.

By following these steps, you can easily plot addresses from your Excel workbook onto a map generated by the Google Maps API. This can be a valuable tool for businesses, researchers, or anyone looking to visualize location data.

Customizing your map

Customizing your map in Google Maps API can help you add a personal touch and make it more informative and visually appealing. Here are some ways you can customize your map.

Explore different customization options available in the Google Maps API

  • Styling: You can change the color scheme, add custom icons, and create a unique visual identity for your map.
  • Layers: You can add layers such as traffic, bicycle paths, transit lines, and more to provide additional context and information.
  • Custom controls: You can add custom controls to your map, such as a scale bar, zoom controls, and a full-screen button, to enhance user experience.

Add labels, markers, and other visual elements to your map

Adding visual elements to your map can make it more engaging and easier to understand. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Labels: You can add labels to specific locations or areas on the map to provide additional information.
  • Markers: You can add markers to pinpoint specific locations, which can be customized with different icons and colors.
  • Shapes: You can add shapes, such as polygons and polylines, to highlight boundaries or routes on the map.

Save and share your customized map

Once you have customized your map to your liking, you can save and share it with others. Here’s how:

  • Saving: You can save your customized map to your Google account, allowing you to access it later or make further edits.
  • Sharing: You can share your map with others by generating a link or embedding it on a website, allowing others to view and interact with your customized map.


Recap: Being able to plot addresses on Google maps from Excel can greatly enhance your data visualization and analysis capabilities. It allows you to easily see geographic patterns and relationships within your data.

Encouragement: I encourage you to practice the tutorial and experiment with customizing your maps. The more you familiarize yourself with this process, the more proficient you will become in using it for your specific needs.

Invitation: I invite you to share your experiences and any additional tips for plotting addresses on Google maps. Your insights and feedback can help others improve their mapping skills and make the most out of this powerful tool.

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