Excel Tutorial: How To Open Unsaved Excel File


Being able to retrieve unsaved Excel files is an essential skill for anyone who works with spreadsheets. The frustration of losing hours of work due to a simple mistake or technical issue can be overwhelming. In this tutorial, we will explore the steps to retrieve unsaved Excel files and save you from the distress of losing important data.

Key Takeaways

  • Adjusting AutoRecover settings in Excel can help prevent data loss
  • Accessing the Document Recovery pane is a crucial step in retrieving unsaved Excel files
  • Searching for temporary files can be a last resort for recovering unsaved work
  • Consider using reliable third-party recovery tools if other methods fail
  • Implementing best practices for preventing data loss, such as saving work frequently and utilizing backup files, is essential for anyone working with Excel

The AutoRecover feature in Excel

The AutoRecover feature in Excel is a lifesaver when it comes to avoiding the loss of unsaved work. It automatically saves your changes to a temporary location at regular intervals, allowing you to recover your work in the event of a system crash, power failure, or accidental closure of the Excel file.

Explain what the AutoRecover feature does

The AutoRecover feature in Excel regularly saves a temporary copy of your file to prevent data loss in case of unexpected events. By default, it saves every 10 minutes, but you can adjust the time interval to suit your preference.

Show how to adjust the AutoRecover settings in Excel

To adjust the AutoRecover settings in Excel, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open Excel and go to the "File" tab.
  • Step 2: Click on "Options" to open the Excel Options dialog box.
  • Step 3: In the Excel Options dialog box, select "Save" from the left-hand menu.
  • Step 4: Under the "Save workbooks" section, adjust the time interval in the "Save AutoRecover information every [X] minutes" box to your desired frequency.
  • Step 5: Click "OK" to save your changes and close the Excel Options dialog box.

Using the Document Recovery pane

When working on an Excel file, it's not uncommon to accidentally close the file without saving. However, Excel provides a solution for this issue through the Document Recovery pane, which allows users to locate and open unsaved files.

Below, we will explain how to access the Document Recovery pane and demonstrate how to locate and open unsaved files from the pane.

A. Explain how to access the Document Recovery pane

To access the Document Recovery pane in Excel, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open Excel, and if there are any unsaved files from a previous session, a Document Recovery pane will automatically appear on the left side of the screen.
  • Step 2: If the Document Recovery pane does not automatically appear, you can manually access it by clicking on the "File" tab, then selecting "Open" from the left-hand menu. Next, click on "Recover Unsaved Workbooks" at the bottom of the Recent list.

B. Demonstrate how to locate and open unsaved files from the Document Recovery pane

Once you have accessed the Document Recovery pane, you can proceed to locate and open unsaved files by following these steps:

  • Step 1: In the Document Recovery pane, you will see a list of unsaved files. Select the file you want to recover by clicking on it.
  • Step 2: After selecting the file, Excel will open a prompt asking you to confirm whether you want to open the selected file. Click "Yes" to recover and open the file.
  • Step 3: Once the file is open, make sure to save it immediately to avoid losing any changes in the future. You can do this by clicking on the "File" tab and selecting "Save As" to save the file to a specific location on your computer.

Searching for temporary files

When working on an Excel file, there may be instances where the file is not saved, and the system crashes, resulting in the loss of unsaved data. However, there is a possibility that the unsaved file may still be recovered from temporary folders.

Explain how to search for temporary files in the system

To search for temporary files in the system, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open the File Explorer on your computer.
  • Step 2: Navigate to the C: drive (or the drive where your operating system is installed).
  • Step 3: Look for the "Users" folder and open it.
  • Step 4: Open the folder with your username.
  • Step 5: Go to the "AppData" folder, which may be hidden, so make sure to enable the option to view hidden folders in File Explorer.
  • Step 6: Once in the "AppData" folder, navigate to the "Local" folder, and then the "Temp" folder.

Provide steps for locating and opening unsaved files from temporary folders

After reaching the temporary folder, you can search for the unsaved Excel file by following these steps:

  • Step 1: Look for files with the ".xlsx" extension, as these are Excel files.
  • Step 2: Sort the files by date modified to find the most recent ones.
  • Step 3: Once you locate the unsaved file, copy it to a safe location, such as your desktop or a dedicated folder.
  • Step 4: Double-click on the file to open it in Excel.

Utilizing Third-Party Recovery Tools

When all else fails and you are unable to recover your unsaved Excel file using built-in methods, utilizing third-party recovery tools can be a viable solution. These tools are designed to scan your system for any temporary or unsaved files, allowing you to retrieve your lost data.

Provide recommendations for reliable third-party recovery tools

  • Recuva: This is a popular and reliable data recovery tool that can be used to recover unsaved Excel files. It scans your system for any deleted or unsaved files and allows you to easily restore them.
  • Disk Drill: Another highly recommended recovery tool, Disk Drill, is known for its user-friendly interface and effectiveness in recovering lost data, including unsaved Excel files.
  • Stellar Data Recovery: Stellar offers a range of data recovery solutions, including a dedicated tool for recovering unsaved Excel files. It is a trusted name in the industry and is known for its comprehensive data recovery capabilities.
  • EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard: This tool is not only effective in recovering lost or deleted files but also excels in retrieving unsaved Excel files. It offers a simple and intuitive process for file recovery.
  • MiniTool Power Data Recovery: With a focus on simplicity and efficiency, MiniTool Power Data Recovery is a reliable tool for recovering unsaved Excel files and other types of data. It offers a free version with limited features, making it a budget-friendly option.

Best practices for preventing data loss

When working with Excel, it’s important to take proactive measures to prevent data loss. Here are some best practices to consider:

A. Discuss the importance of saving work frequently

One of the most crucial habits to adopt when working with Excel is to save your work frequently. This can be easily done by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + S or by clicking the Save button in the top left corner of the Excel window. By saving your work regularly, you can minimize the risk of losing important data in the event of a system crash or power outage.

B. Share tips for creating backup files and utilizing cloud storage

In addition to saving your work frequently, it’s also a good idea to create backup files of your Excel documents. This can be done by making duplicates of your files and storing them in a separate location, such as an external hard drive or USB drive. Another option is to utilize cloud storage services, such as Google Drive or Dropbox, to automatically backup your Excel files and access them from any device with an internet connection. By incorporating these backup methods into your workflow, you can safeguard your data against unexpected events.


In conclusion, this blog post highlighted the important steps to open unsaved Excel files. We discussed the AutoRecover feature, the Document Recovery pane, and how to use temporary files to retrieve unsaved work. By implementing these tips, you can prevent the loss of valuable data and save time recreating lost work.

We encourage our readers to take advantage of these strategies and make it a habit to regularly save their work while using Excel. By following these techniques, you can ensure that your data is secure and easily retrievable in case of an unexpected shutdown or accidental closure of Excel.

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