Excel Tutorial: How To Mail Merge From Excel To Word On Mac


If you've ever had to send out a bulk of personalized letters or emails, you know how time-consuming it can be. This is where mail merge comes into play, allowing you to create personalized documents quickly and efficiently. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to perform a mail merge from Excel to Word on Mac, streamlining your business communications and saving you valuable time and effort.

Key Takeaways

  • Mail merge allows for quick and efficient creation of personalized documents
  • Organizing and formatting data in Excel is crucial for a successful mail merge
  • Connecting Excel to Word and customizing the document are important steps in the process
  • Completing the merge and reviewing the final document is essential for accuracy
  • Mastering mail merge can streamline business communications and save time and effort

Step 1: Prepare Your Excel Spreadsheet

Before you can perform a mail merge from Excel to Word on your Mac, it's important to ensure that your Excel spreadsheet is set up correctly to avoid any errors in the merging process. Follow these steps to prepare your Excel spreadsheet:

A. Ensure your data is organized and accurate

  • Check for any misspelled or inaccurate data entries
  • Remove any duplicate entries
  • Ensure that all necessary information is included for each record

B. Use column headers for easy reference

  • Assign clear and descriptive headers to each column in your spreadsheet
  • Avoid using numbers in the headers, as they can cause confusion during the merging process

C. Format any special characters or dates

  • Ensure that special characters or dates are formatted correctly to avoid any formatting issues during the merge
  • Consider using the tag to highlight important data points for easy reference during the merging process

By following these steps to prepare your Excel spreadsheet, you can ensure a smooth and successful mail merge process from Excel to Word on your Mac.

Step 2: Set Up Your Word Document

Once you have your Excel data ready for mail merge, it's time to set up your Word document for the merge. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth and successful mail merge process.

A. Open Microsoft Word and start a new document

First, open Microsoft Word on your Mac and start a new document. You can do this by clicking on the "File" tab and selecting "New" to create a blank document.

B. Access the Mailings tab and select "Start Mail Merge"

Once your new document is open, navigate to the "Mailings" tab at the top of the Word window. Click on the "Start Mail Merge" button to begin the process of merging your Excel data into the Word document.

C. Choose the type of document you want to create (letters, labels, envelopes, etc.)

After selecting "Start Mail Merge," a drop-down menu will appear. From this menu, you can choose the type of document you want to create, such as letters, labels, envelopes, or even email messages. Select the appropriate option based on your specific mail merge needs.

Step 3: Connect Excel to Word

Once you have your Excel spreadsheet ready, it's time to connect it to your Word document for the mail merge.

A. Select "Select Recipients" and choose "Use an Existing List"

In your Word document, click on the "Mailings" tab and select "Select Recipients." From the drop-down menu, choose "Use an Existing List."

B. Navigate to your Excel spreadsheet and select the correct sheet

A window will pop up prompting you to locate your Excel spreadsheet. Navigate to the correct folder and select the spreadsheet. If your Excel file contains multiple sheets, make sure to choose the correct one for the mail merge.

C. Match the fields from your Excel sheet to the placeholders in your Word document

After selecting the Excel spreadsheet, Word will display a list of all the fields in your Excel sheet. You'll need to match these fields to the placeholders in your Word document. For example, if your Excel sheet has a "First Name" column, you'll need to match it to the "First Name" placeholder in your Word document.

Step 4: Customize Your Document

Once you have inserted your merge fields and connected your Excel spreadsheet to your Word document, it’s time to customize your document to ensure it looks polished and professional.

A. Insert merge fields where you want the data from Excel to appear

Before you can customize your document, you need to make sure that you have inserted the merge fields in the appropriate places. These merge fields are placeholders for the data from your Excel spreadsheet.

  • Open your Word document and place your cursor where you want the data from Excel to appear.
  • Click on the Insert Merge Field button in the Mailings tab.
  • Select the merge field you want to insert from the drop-down menu.
  • Repeat this process for each piece of data you want to pull from Excel.

B. Preview your document to ensure the merge fields are in the correct place

Before making any final adjustments to your document, it’s important to preview it to ensure that the merge fields are in the correct place and that the data from Excel will populate where you expect it to.

  • Click on the Preview Results button in the Mailings tab.
  • Review each page of your document to make sure the merge fields are correctly placed.
  • If you notice any issues, go back and adjust the placement of the merge fields in your document.

C. Make any necessary adjustments to the layout or formatting

Once you have confirmed that the merge fields are in the correct place, you can make any necessary adjustments to the layout or formatting of your document to ensure it looks polished and professional.

  • Modify the font size, style, and color to make the text more visually appealing.
  • Adjust the margins, spacing, and alignment to improve the overall layout of your document.
  • Consider adding headers, footers, or page numbers for a more professional touch.

Step 5: Complete the Merge

After you have set up the mail merge in Excel and Word, it's time to complete the process by following these final steps:

  • A. Select "Finish & Merge" and choose "Edit Individual Documents"
  • Once you have inserted all the fields and are satisfied with the layout, go to the "Mailings" tab in Word. Click on "Finish & Merge" and choose "Edit Individual Documents" from the dropdown menu. This will generate a new document with the merged information.

  • B. Choose to merge all records or a specific range
  • Next, a dialog box will appear asking if you want to merge all records or a specific range. Choose the option that best fits your needs and click "OK". This will populate the document with the merged data from your Excel spreadsheet.

  • C. Review the merged document for accuracy and make any final edits
  • Once the merge is complete, review the merged document to ensure that all the information has been accurately inserted. Check for any errors or formatting issues and make any necessary edits. This is your final opportunity to make sure everything looks the way you want it before finishing the mail merge process.


In conclusion, mail merge is a powerful tool that can significantly streamline communication and documentation processes. By allowing you to personalize and send bulk emails or letters, it saves time and ensures accuracy in your correspondence. We encourage you to practice and master the mail merge process, as it is an essential skill for efficient business operations. With a little practice, you'll soon be able to effortlessly merge data from Excel to Word on your Mac, making your work more productive and professional.

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