Excel Tutorial: How To Insert Pdf Into Excel 2016


Inserting a PDF into Excel 2016 can be a game-changer, especially when it comes to organizing and presenting data in a more comprehensive and visually appealing manner. Whether you want to include a chart, graph, or a specific page from a PDF report, learning how to insert PDF into Excel 2016 can streamline your workflow and enhance the quality of your presentations.

In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps to insert a PDF into Excel 2016, making it easier for you to seamlessly incorporate PDF content into your spreadsheets.

Key Takeaways

  • Inserting a PDF into Excel 2016 can enhance the visual appeal and organization of data.
  • The Insert Object feature in Excel 2016 allows for seamless integration of PDF content into spreadsheets.
  • Following the step-by-step guide can help users easily insert PDFs into their Excel workbooks.
  • Tips for formatting the inserted PDF include adjusting size, linking to the original file, and changing display options.
  • While there are limitations to editing PDFs within Excel, the advantages include preserving formatting, creating comprehensive spreadsheets, and facilitating sharing and collaboration.

Understanding the Insert Object feature in Excel 2016

Microsoft Excel 2016 comes with a powerful feature called Insert Object, which allows users to insert various types of files into their Excel workbook, including PDF files. This feature provides a convenient way to incorporate external documents into your spreadsheet, making it easy to reference and share important information.

Explanation of what the Insert Object feature is

The Insert Object feature in Excel 2016 enables users to embed objects from other programs, such as PDF files, into their worksheets. This means that instead of just inserting a link to the PDF, you can actually display the content of the PDF within the Excel file itself. This feature is particularly useful for creating comprehensive reports or data analysis that require input from multiple sources.

Benefits of using Insert Object for inserting PDFs

  • Enhanced organization: By inserting a PDF into Excel using the Insert Object feature, you can keep all relevant information in one place, eliminating the need to switch between different files or applications.
  • Improved accessibility: When you insert a PDF using Insert Object, anyone who opens the Excel file can view the PDF content without needing to have the PDF file separately. This makes it easier to share and collaborate on documents.
  • Preservation of formatting: Inserting a PDF as an object in Excel allows you to maintain the original formatting of the PDF, ensuring that the document looks the way it was intended to.
  • Increased security: By embedding a PDF file in Excel, you can protect the information from being easily copied or edited, providing an added layer of security for sensitive documents.

Step-by-step guide on how to insert PDF into Excel 2016

Microsoft Excel 2016 allows you to insert PDF files into your worksheets, which can be useful for presenting data in a visually appealing way. Follow these steps to learn how to do it:

A. Opening Excel and navigating to the desired worksheet
  • 1.

    Open Microsoft Excel 2016 on your computer
  • 2.

    Navigate to the worksheet where you want to insert the PDF

B. Clicking on the Insert tab and selecting Object
  • 3.

    Once on the desired worksheet, click on the "Insert" tab at the top of the Excel window
  • 4.

    From the "Text" group, click on "Object" to open the "Object" dialog box

C. Choosing Create from File and browsing for the PDF
  • 5.

    Within the "Object" dialog box, select the "Create from File" tab
  • 6.

    Click on "Browse" to find and select the PDF file you want to insert

D. Selecting the PDF file and clicking Insert
  • 7.

    After selecting the PDF file, click "Insert" to add it to the Excel worksheet
  • 8.

    You can now resize and position the PDF file as desired within the worksheet

Tips for formatting the inserted PDF in Excel 2016

When you insert a PDF into an Excel 2016 worksheet, it's important to ensure that it is formatted properly to fit seamlessly with your data and presentation. Here are some tips for formatting the inserted PDF:

A. Adjusting the size and position of the inserted PDF

After inserting the PDF into the Excel worksheet, you may need to adjust its size and position to fit the layout of your data. To do this, simply click on the inserted PDF, and then drag its corners to resize it as needed. You can also drag the entire PDF to reposition it within the worksheet. This will help you ensure that the PDF doesn't overlap with any important data or elements.

B. Linking the PDF to the original file for easy updates

If the content of the PDF is subject to change, it's a good idea to link it to the original file. This way, any updates made to the original file will automatically reflect in the inserted PDF within Excel. To do this, right-click on the inserted PDF, select "Link to File," and then choose the original PDF file. This will make it easier to keep your Excel worksheet up-to-date without manually reinserting the PDF each time it changes.

C. Changing the icon or display options for the inserted PDF

Excel 2016 allows you to change the icon or display options for the inserted PDF to better suit your presentation needs. Right-click on the inserted PDF, select "Acrobat Document Object," and then choose "Convert" to change the display option to an icon for a more compact view. You can also customize the icon by right-clicking on it and selecting "Adobe PDF Object" to change the icon appearance or adjust its properties.

Understanding the limitations of inserting PDF into Excel 2016

When it comes to inserting a PDF into Excel 2016, there are certain limitations that users should be aware of.

A. Inability to edit the PDF within Excel

One of the main limitations of inserting a PDF into Excel 2016 is the inability to edit the content of the PDF within Excel. While the PDF can be displayed within a worksheet, users will not be able to make any changes to the text or images within the PDF.

B. Potential issues with file size and compatibility

Another limitation to consider is the potential for issues with file size and compatibility. Large PDF files may not display properly within Excel or may cause the program to run slowly. Additionally, certain types of PDF files may not be compatible with Excel, leading to formatting or display issues.

Advantages of using PDFs in Excel 2016

When working with Excel 2016, incorporating PDFs into your spreadsheets can offer several advantages that can enhance the efficiency and organization of your data. Let’s explore some of the key benefits:

A. Preserving the formatting and layout of the original document
  • Retaining Visual Integrity: Inserting a PDF into Excel 2016 allows you to maintain the visual appearance of the original document, including fonts, images, and other visual elements. This is especially useful when dealing with complex layouts or reports.
  • Consistency: By using PDFs, you can ensure that the formatting and layout of your data remain consistent, regardless of the software or device used to view the spreadsheet.

B. Creating a more comprehensive and organized spreadsheet
  • Embedding Data: When you insert a PDF into Excel 2016, you have the ability to include additional information or context within the spreadsheet, creating a more comprehensive and organized document.
  • Centralized Information: By incorporating PDFs into your Excel workbook, you can consolidate relevant data and documents in a single location, making it easier to access and reference the information when needed.

C. Making it easier to share and collaborate on data
  • Sharing Complex Data: Utilizing PDFs in Excel 2016 simplifies the sharing process, as it allows you to distribute complex data and reports in a standardized format that can be easily viewed and understood by others.
  • Collaborative Work: By integrating PDFs, you can facilitate collaborative work on the spreadsheet, enabling team members to access and review the attached documents within the Excel file.


Inserting a PDF into Excel 2016 can greatly enhance the functionality and visual appeal of your workbooks. By following the simple steps outlined in this tutorial, you can seamlessly integrate PDFs into your spreadsheets, allowing for easier data analysis and presentation. We encourage you to give it a try and explore the possibilities of using PDFs in your Excel workbooks. Whether it's for incorporating charts, graphs, or detailed reports, the integration of PDFs can take your Excel game to the next level.

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