Excel Tutorial: How To Import Tab Delimited File Into Excel


Tab delimited files are a common way to store and exchange data. They are text files in which each line represents a row of data, and the individual values within each row are separated by tabs. Importing tab delimited files into Excel can be incredibly useful as it allows you to easily analyze and manipulate the data using Excel's powerful tools and functions.

Key Takeaways

  • Tab delimited files are a common way to store and exchange data, with each line representing a row of data and values separated by tabs.
  • Importing tab delimited files into Excel allows for easy analysis and manipulation of data using Excel's tools and functions.
  • When importing tab delimited files into Excel, it is important to select the correct delimiter and adjust import settings as needed.
  • After importing, it's important to remove any blank rows and format the data for easy manipulation and analysis.
  • Using best practices such as saving files in the appropriate format and backing up original tab delimited files can help ensure data accuracy and organization.

Understanding Tab Delimited Files

When working with Excel, it is important to understand how to import tab delimited files. In this tutorial, we will explore the definition of tab delimited files, provide examples of tab delimited files, and explain how they differ from other file formats.

A. Definition of tab delimited files

A tab delimited file is a type of text file where each piece of data is separated by a tab character. This format is commonly used for exporting and importing data between different applications, such as spreadsheet programs and databases.

B. Examples of tab delimited files

Examples of tab delimited files include .txt and .csv files that have been saved with tab delimiters. These files can contain various types of data, such as customer information, financial records, and product lists.

C. How tab delimited files differ from other file formats

Tab delimited files differ from other file formats, such as comma separated values (CSV) or fixed-width text files, in how they separate the data. While CSV files use commas to separate data, tab delimited files use tab characters. Fixed-width text files, on the other hand, have a predefined format where each field has a specific width.

Step-by-Step Guide on Importing Tab Delimited Files into Excel

Importing a tab delimited file into Excel is a straightforward process that can be done in just a few simple steps. Follow the guide below to learn how to import tab delimited files into Excel.

A. Open Excel and create a new workbook

  • Begin by opening Microsoft Excel on your computer and creating a new workbook.
  • If you already have Excel open, you can skip this step and proceed to the next one.

B. Locate and open the tab delimited file

  • Locate the tab delimited file that you want to import into Excel on your computer.
  • Once you have found the file, open it by double-clicking on it.

C. Choose the option to import the file into Excel

  • After opening the tab delimited file, you will see a prompt asking how you would like to open the file.
  • Choose the option to import the file into Excel.

D. Select the delimiter and adjust any other import settings

  • Excel will then prompt you to specify the delimiter used in the file. In the case of a tab delimited file, select the "Tab" option.
  • You may also need to adjust other import settings based on the structure of your file.

E. Complete the import process and review the data in Excel

  • Once you have selected the delimiter and adjusted any other settings, complete the import process by clicking "Finish."
  • Excel will then import the tab delimited file, and you will be able to review the data in your new Excel workbook.

Removing Blank Rows After Importing

When importing a tab delimited file into Excel, it's common to encounter blank rows that can disrupt data analysis and visualization. Here's how to identify, delete, and prevent these blank rows.

Identifying and selecting blank rows in the Excel sheet

Before removing blank rows, it's important to first identify and select them. To do this, you can:

  • Manually identify blank rows: Scroll through the Excel sheet and visually identify the blank rows. Once identified, select the entire row by clicking on the row number on the left side of the sheet.
  • Use the Go To Special feature: Click on the "Home" tab, then select "Find & Select" > "Go To Special." In the dialog box, choose "Blanks" and click "OK." This will select all the blank cells in the sheet, making it easier to delete them.

Deleting the blank rows using Excel's built-in tools

Once the blank rows are identified and selected, you can delete them using Excel's built-in tools:

  • Right-click and delete: Right-click on the selected rows and choose "Delete." In the confirmation dialog box, select "Entire row" and click "OK." This will remove the blank rows from the sheet.
  • Use the Filter feature: Click on the "Data" tab, then select "Filter." This will add filter arrows to the header of each column. Click on the filter arrow for the column that may contain blank cells, then uncheck the "Blanks" option to hide the blank rows. Once hidden, you can select and delete them as needed.

Tips for preventing blank rows in future imports

To minimize the occurrence of blank rows after importing a tab delimited file into Excel, consider the following tips:

  • Cleanse the data before importing: Use a text editor or data cleaning tool to remove any unnecessary blank rows or empty cells from the tab delimited file before importing it into Excel.
  • Double-check the import settings: When importing the file, ensure that the delimiter and other settings are accurately configured to avoid creating blank rows in the Excel sheet.
  • Regularly review and clean up imported data: After importing the data, regularly review and clean up any blank rows or empty cells that may have been inadvertently included.

Formatting and Manipulating Tab Delimited Data in Excel

When importing a tab delimited file into Excel, it's important to know how to format and manipulate the data to make it more useful and easier to work with. Here are some key tips for doing just that:

A. Adjusting column widths and row heights

  • Column widths: To adjust the width of columns in Excel, simply click and drag the boundary between two column headers. This allows you to make columns wider or narrower as needed to accommodate the data.
  • Row heights: Similarly, you can adjust the height of rows by clicking and dragging the boundary between two row numbers. This can be useful for displaying long or multiline text in a cell.

B. Using formulas and functions to manipulate the data

  • Formulas: Excel has a wide range of formulas that can be used to manipulate tab delimited data. This includes basic arithmetic operations, as well as more advanced functions for things like text manipulation and data analysis.
  • Functions: Functions in Excel allow you to perform specific operations on data, such as finding the average of a range of numbers or counting the occurrences of a particular value. These can be very useful for working with imported tab delimited data.

C. Applying conditional formatting to highlight important information

  • Conditional formatting: This feature in Excel allows you to automatically apply formatting (such as bolding, coloring, or adding icons) to cells based on their content. This can be useful for quickly identifying important or unusual data in a large dataset.
  • Custom rules: In addition to the built-in conditional formatting options, you can also create custom rules for highlighting specific data based on your own criteria. This gives you full control over how the imported tab delimited data is visually represented in Excel.

Best Practices and Tips for Working with Tab Delimited Files in Excel

When working with tab delimited files in Excel, it's important to follow best practices and use helpful tips to ensure that your data is imported and managed effectively. Below are some key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Saving the Excel file in the appropriate format
  • When importing a tab delimited file into Excel, it's essential to save the Excel file in the appropriate format to retain the tab delimited structure. This can be done by selecting "Save As" and choosing the "Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt)" format.

  • Backing up the original tab delimited file for future use
  • Before making any changes or modifications to the imported tab delimited file in Excel, it's recommended to create a backup of the original file. This ensures that you have a copy of the raw data for future reference or if any errors occur during the import process.

  • Using Excel's data validation tools to ensure data accuracy
  • Excel offers a range of data validation tools that can be utilized to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the imported tab delimited data. This includes features such as data validation rules, data validation lists, and error checking tools to identify any discrepancies or issues within the dataset.


Importing tab delimited files into Excel is an essential skill for anyone working with data. It allows for easy organization and manipulation of data, making it a valuable tool for data analysis and reporting. The import process is straightforward and the benefits of having tab delimited data in Excel are numerous, including easier data analysis and reporting. We encourage you to practice importing tab delimited files to become proficient in the process, as it will greatly benefit your data management and analysis skills.

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