Excel Tutorial: How To Type Symbol In Excel


When it comes to working with Excel, typing symbols is an essential skill that can greatly enhance your ability to organize and analyze data. Whether you are creating formulas, formatting cells, or building charts, the ability to insert symbols can make your work more efficient and professional. In this tutorial, we will provide an overview of the importance of typing symbols in Excel and a guide to the most commonly used symbols in the program.

Key Takeaways

  • Being able to type symbols in Excel is essential for organizing and analyzing data efficiently.
  • The "Symbol" function in Excel allows for easy insertion of common symbols.
  • Keyboard shortcuts can significantly speed up the process of typing symbols in Excel.
  • Customizing the symbol menu and adding frequently used symbols can enhance productivity.
  • Troubleshooting common symbol typing issues can improve overall Excel experience.

Understanding the Symbol Insertion Process

Inserting symbols in an Excel spreadsheet can be a useful and necessary function, especially when dealing with technical or mathematical data. Understanding how to properly insert symbols in Excel can enhance the readability and accuracy of your data. In this tutorial, we will explore the process of inserting symbols in Excel and provide a step-by-step guide to help you easily navigate this function.

A. Explanation of how to insert symbols in Excel

When working in Excel, you may encounter the need to insert symbols such as currency signs, mathematical symbols, or other special characters. Excel provides a "Symbol" function that allows you to easily insert these symbols into your spreadsheet.

B. Step-by-step guide on using the "Symbol" function in Excel

  • Step 1: Open your Excel spreadsheet and navigate to the cell where you want to insert the symbol.
  • Step 2: Click on the "Insert" tab in the Excel ribbon at the top of the screen.
  • Step 3: In the "Symbols" group, click on the "Symbol" button. This will open a drop-down menu with a list of commonly used symbols.
  • Step 4: If the symbol you want to insert is in the list, simply click on it and it will be inserted into the selected cell. If the symbol you need is not in the list, click on "More Symbols" to open the "Symbol" dialog box.
  • Step 5: In the "Symbol" dialog box, you can select the font from which you want to insert the symbol, choose the specific symbol you need, and then click "Insert".
  • Step 6: After inserting the symbol, click "Close" to exit the "Symbol" dialog box.

Following these steps will allow you to easily insert symbols into your Excel spreadsheet, enhancing the clarity and precision of your data.

Typing Common Symbols in Excel

Typing common symbols in Excel can be useful for creating professional-looking spreadsheets. Whether you need to display currency symbols, mathematical symbols, or special characters, Excel provides several methods for easily incorporating these symbols into your data.

A. How to type currency symbols
  • Using the Insert Symbol feature:

    This feature allows you to insert currency symbols, such as the dollar sign ($), euro (€), pound (£), and yen (¥), directly into your cells. To access this feature, go to the "Insert" tab, click on "Symbol," and select the desired currency symbol from the list.
  • Using shortcut keys:

    For commonly used currency symbols, you can use shortcut keys to quickly insert them into your cells. For example, to type the dollar sign ($), you can simply press "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "4" on your keyboard.

B. How to type mathematical symbols
  • Using the Insert Symbol feature:

    Similar to currency symbols, you can use the "Insert Symbol" feature to insert mathematical symbols, such as the square root (√), equals (=), greater than (>) and less than (<) symbols.
  • Using Unicode:

    If you frequently use mathematical symbols, you can use Unicode to type them directly into your cells. Simply type the Unicode value of the symbol followed by "Alt" + "X" to convert it into the desired symbol. For example, to type the square root symbol, you can type "221A" followed by "Alt" + "X" to display the symbol (√).

C. How to type special characters
  • Using the Insert Symbol feature:

    Excel provides a wide range of special characters, including arrows, bullets, and shapes, that can be inserted using the "Insert Symbol" feature. Simply select the desired special character from the list and click "Insert" to add it to your cell.
  • Using ASCII codes:

    For special characters that do not have a specific key on the keyboard, you can use ASCII codes to type them in Excel. Simply hold down the "Alt" key and type the ASCII code of the character using the numeric keypad. For example, holding "Alt" and typing "0151" will insert an em dash (—).

Using Shortcuts to Type Symbols

When working in Excel, it's common to need to type symbols such as currency signs, mathematical symbols, or other special characters. Instead of searching through menus or inserting symbols manually, you can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly type these symbols. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to use keyboard shortcuts to type symbols in Excel.

Introduction to keyboard shortcuts for commonly used symbols

Keyboard shortcuts are a convenient way to quickly input symbols without having to navigate through menus or search for specific characters. By using a combination of keys, you can easily type commonly used symbols in Excel.

Some of the most commonly used symbols include the dollar sign ($), the percentage sign (%), the asterisk (*), and various mathematical symbols such as the plus sign (+) and the minus sign (-).

Step-by-step guide on using keyboard shortcuts in Excel

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use keyboard shortcuts to type symbols in Excel:

  • 1. Dollar sign ($): To type the dollar sign ($), simply press Shift + 4 on your keyboard.
  • 2. Percentage sign (%): To type the percentage sign (%), press Shift + 5.
  • 3. Asterisk (*): To type the asterisk (*), press Shift + 8.
  • 4. Mathematical symbols: For mathematical symbols such as the plus sign (+) and the minus sign (-), use the respective keys on your keyboard.

By using these keyboard shortcuts, you can quickly and efficiently type symbols in Excel without having to interrupt your workflow.

Customizing Symbol Options in Excel

Customizing the symbol menu in Excel allows you to add frequently used symbols to the "Recently Used Symbols" list for quick access.

Explanation of customizing the symbol menu in Excel

When working in Excel, you may frequently need to insert symbols such as currency symbols, mathematical symbols, or special characters. Excel provides a built-in feature for inserting symbols, but it can be time-consuming to navigate through the symbol menu every time you need to insert a specific symbol. Customizing the symbol menu allows you to add your frequently used symbols to the "Recently Used Symbols" list for easy access.

How to add frequently used symbols to the "Recently Used Symbols" list

Follow these steps to add frequently used symbols to the "Recently Used Symbols" list:

  • First, open the Excel document and click on the "Insert" tab in the toolbar.
  • Next, click on the "Symbol" button in the "Symbols" group to open the symbol menu.
  • In the symbol menu, select the symbol that you want to add to the "Recently Used Symbols" list and click on the "Insert" button.
  • After inserting the symbol, it will now appear in the "Recently Used Symbols" list at the top of the symbol menu for quick access in the future.

Troubleshooting Symbol Typing Issues

When working in Excel, typing symbols can sometimes present challenges. It's important to be aware of common problems that may arise and how to effectively troubleshoot them.

A. Common problems when typing symbols in Excel

  • Incorrect format: One common issue when typing symbols in Excel is the incorrect format. For example, if you're trying to type a currency symbol but it's not displaying correctly, this can be frustrating.
  • Auto-correct: Excel's auto-correct feature can sometimes interfere with typing symbols. This can result in the wrong symbol being inserted or the symbol not appearing at all.
  • Special characters: Some symbols, such as mathematical or scientific symbols, may not be readily available on the keyboard and require special input methods.

B. Solutions to troubleshoot symbol typing issues

  • Check formatting: Ensure that the cell or range of cells is formatted correctly to display the desired symbols. This can be done by selecting the cell(s) and adjusting the formatting options in the "Number" tab of the Home menu.
  • Disable auto-correct: If auto-correct is causing issues with symbol typing, consider disabling this feature in Excel. This can be done by going to the File menu, selecting Options, and then navigating to the Proofing section. From there, you can customize the auto-correct settings.
  • Use the Character Map: For special symbols that are not readily available on the keyboard, utilize the Character Map tool in Windows to locate and insert these symbols into Excel. This tool can be found in the Accessories folder of the Start menu.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: Familiarize yourself with keyboard shortcuts for commonly used symbols, such as the currency symbol or mathematical operators. This can expedite the process of typing symbols in Excel.


Being able to type symbols in Excel is crucial for accurate data presentation and analysis. Whether it's a currency symbol, mathematical operator, or special character, knowing how to input these symbols can greatly enhance the functionality and visual appeal of your Excel sheets. I encourage you to practice and explore with typing symbols in Excel to become more proficient and efficient in your spreadsheet tasks.

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