Excel Tutorial: How To Turn Table Into Graph Excel


In today's data-driven world, data visualization in Excel plays a crucial role in helping businesses and individuals make sense of large amounts of information. One of the most common ways to visualize data is by turning tables into graphs. This process can help to identify trends, patterns, and outliers more easily, making it a valuable tool for decision-making and analysis.

  • Importance of data visualization in Excel: Visual representation of data can make complex information easier to understand and interpret, allowing for better insights and decision-making.
  • Purpose of turning tables into graphs: Converting tables into graphs can help to illustrate relationships and comparisons within the data, making it more visually compelling and easier to analyze.

Key Takeaways

  • Visual representation of data in Excel can make complex information easier to understand and interpret, leading to better insights and decision-making.
  • Converting tables into graphs can help illustrate relationships and comparisons within the data, making it more visually compelling and easier to analyze.
  • Understanding different types of charts available in Excel and selecting the right chart for your data is crucial for effective data visualization.
  • Customizing the appearance of charts and adding meaningful context can enhance the effectiveness of data visualization in Excel.
  • Effective data visualization in Excel involves simplifying the chart design, choosing the right colors and fonts, and adding meaningful context to the chart.

Understanding Excel Charts

When working with data in Excel, turning a table into a graph can provide valuable visual insights. Understanding the different types of charts available in Excel and selecting the right chart for your data is essential for creating effective visual representations of your data.

A. Different types of charts available in Excel
  • Column and Bar Charts:

    These types of charts are used to compare values across different categories. Column charts are vertical, while bar charts are horizontal.
  • Line Charts:

    Line charts are ideal for showing trends over time. They connect data points with straight lines.
  • Pie Charts:

    Pie charts are used to show the proportion of individual data points to the whole. They are useful for illustrating percentages.
  • Scatter Plots:

    Scatter plots are used to display the relationship between two sets of data points. They are particularly useful for showing correlations.
  • Area Charts:

    Area charts are similar to line charts, but the area between the lines and the axis is filled with color. They are useful for showing the cumulative total of a set of data.

B. Selecting the right chart for your data
  • Consider your data type:

    Depending on the type of data you have, certain charts may be more suitable. For example, if you have categorical data, a bar or pie chart may be appropriate, while if you have numerical data, a line or scatter plot may be more useful.
  • Think about the message you want to convey:

    Different charts can emphasize different aspects of your data. Consider what story you want your chart to tell and choose a chart type that supports that message.
  • Keep it simple:

    Avoid using overly complex charts that make it difficult for viewers to understand the data. Choose a chart type that presents the data clearly and concisely.

Converting Table into Graph

When working with data in Excel, it is often helpful to visualize the information in the form of a graph or chart. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to turn a table into a graph in Excel.

A. Selecting the data for the graph

  • 1. Identify the data: First, identify the data in your table that you want to represent in the graph. This could be numerical values in a column or row.
  • 2. Highlight the data: Once you have identified the data, select the range of cells that you want to include in the graph. This can be done by clicking and dragging your mouse over the cells.

B. Inserting a chart in Excel

  • 1. Open the Insert tab: In Excel, navigate to the Insert tab on the ribbon at the top of the window.
  • 2. Select a chart type: Click on the Chart button and choose the type of graph you want to create, such as a bar graph, line graph, or pie chart.
  • 3. Insert the chart: After selecting the chart type, a blank chart will appear on your worksheet. This is where your data will be plotted.

C. Customizing the appearance of the chart

  • 1. Add titles and labels: Double-click on the chart to open the Chart Tools and then add a chart title, axis titles, and data labels to make your graph easier to understand.
  • 2. Change the chart style: Experiment with different chart styles and color schemes to make your graph visually appealing and easy to interpret.
  • 3. Customize the axis: Adjust the scale and formatting of the axis to better display your data.

By following these steps, you can easily turn a table into a graph in Excel and effectively visualize your data.

Adding and Formatting Chart Elements

Once you have created a table and turned it into a graph in Excel, you may want to enhance the visual presentation by adding and formatting various chart elements. This will help make your graph more informative and visually appealing.

A. Adding titles and labels
  • Title:

    To add a title to your chart, simply click on the chart to activate it, then go to the "Chart Tools" tab and select "Chart Title." You can then choose whether to add a title above the chart or overlay it on the chart itself.
  • Axis Labels:

    To add labels to the x and y axes, click on the chart and go to the "Chart Tools" tab, then select "Axis Titles." From there, you can choose to add horizontal and vertical axis titles as needed.
  • Data Labels:

    If you want to display data labels on your chart to show specific values, you can select the data series and then click on "Data Labels" under the "Chart Elements" option in the "Chart Tools" tab.

B. Formatting axes and gridlines
  • Axes:

    To format the axes on your chart, click on them and go to the "Chart Tools" tab. From there, you can adjust the scale, number format, and other options to customize the appearance of the axes.
  • Gridlines:

    If you want to add or remove gridlines on your chart, you can do so by clicking on the chart, going to the "Chart Tools" tab, and selecting "Gridlines." You can then customize the gridline options to suit your preferences.

C. Changing the chart style and color scheme
  • Chart Style:

    You can change the overall style of your chart by clicking on it and going to the "Chart Tools" tab. From there, you can select different style options to change the appearance of the chart to better fit your needs.
  • Color Scheme:

    To change the color scheme of your chart, click on the chart and go to the "Chart Tools" tab. From there, you can select "Change Colors" to choose a different color palette for your chart.

Using Chart Tools for Analysis

When working with data in Excel, it's important to be able to visualize and analyze the data in a way that is easily understandable. One way to do this is by turning tables into graphs using Excel's chart tools. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use these tools for analysis.

Adding data labels and trendlines

One of the first things you can do to enhance your graph is to add data labels and trendlines. Data labels provide additional information about the data points on the graph, while trendlines can help to identify patterns or trends in the data.

  • To add data labels, click on the graph to select it, then go to the "Chart Tools" tab and click on "Add Chart Element" > "Data Labels". You can choose to display the labels for each data point, or only for the data series.
  • To add a trendline, select the graph and go to "Chart Tools" > "Design" > "Add Chart Element" > "Trendline". From here, you can choose the type of trendline to add, such as linear, exponential, or moving average.

Using chart filters and slicers

Another useful feature for analyzing data in a graph is the ability to use chart filters and slicers to dynamically change the data that is displayed.

  • To add a chart filter, click on the graph and go to "Chart Tools" > "Analyze" > "Filter". This will add filter buttons to the graph that you can use to hide or show specific data series.
  • To add a slicer, go to "Chart Tools" > "Analyze" > "Insert Slicer". This will allow you to add a visual filter that can be used to dynamically change the data displayed in the graph.

Creating combination charts for multiple data sets

Sometimes, you may want to compare multiple sets of data on the same graph. In this case, you can create a combination chart to display multiple data sets using different chart types.

  • To create a combination chart, select the data you want to graph, then go to "Insert" > "Charts" and choose the type of chart you want to create. You can then use the "Chart Tools" to customize the graph with different data series, axes, and labels.

Tips for Effective Data Visualization

When it comes to turning a table into a graph in Excel, it's important to consider the principles of effective data visualization. Here are some tips to help you create visually appealing and meaningful charts:

A. Simplifying the chart design

When creating a chart in Excel, it's important to keep the design clean and simple. Avoid cluttering the chart with unnecessary elements, and focus on highlighting the key data points. Use clear and concise labels to help viewers understand the information at a glance.

B. Choosing the right colors and fonts

The choice of colors and fonts can have a significant impact on the readability and visual appeal of your chart. Select a color scheme that is easy on the eyes and effectively conveys the information. Similarly, choose fonts that are clear and easy to read, and ensure that the text is appropriately sized for the chart.

C. Adding meaningful context to the chart

While the data itself is important, it's equally crucial to provide context to help viewers interpret the information. Consider adding titles, captions, and annotations to your chart to provide additional insights and context. This can help viewers understand the significance of the data and its implications.


In summary, we have learned how to easily convert a table into a graph in Excel by selecting the data, choosing the appropriate chart type, and customizing it to fit our needs. This is a powerful tool that can help visually represent data and make it easier to understand and analyze.

Now that you have the basics down, I encourage you to practice and explore more chart features in Excel. There are numerous options for customizing your graphs and creating compelling visual representations of your data. The more you experiment and familiarize yourself with these features, the more confident and proficient you will become in using Excel for data visualization.

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