Excel Tutorial: How To Share Workbook In Excel 365


In this Excel tutorial, we will be discussing how to share workbooks in Excel 365. Sharing workbooks is a crucial aspect of collaborating with colleagues and speeding up the workflow in a professional setting. By sharing workbooks, multiple users can simultaneously work on a document, making it easier to track changes, make updates, and ensure a smooth and efficient process.

Key Takeaways

  • Sharing workbooks in Excel 365 is essential for collaborating with colleagues and increasing workflow efficiency.
  • Understanding the different sharing options in Excel 365 is crucial for effective collaboration.
  • Following a step-by-step guide to sharing a workbook ensures a smooth and error-free process.
  • Real-time collaboration offers numerous benefits, such as the ability to make edits and see changes instantly.
  • Implementing best practices and considering security measures is important for successful workbook sharing.

Understanding Sharing Options in Excel 365

When it comes to collaborating on Excel workbooks, Excel 365 offers a variety of sharing options to choose from. Understanding these options and how they work is crucial for efficient teamwork and seamless sharing. In this tutorial, we will walk through the different sharing options available in Excel 365 and provide an explanation of how each option works.

A. Walkthrough of different sharing options

Excel 365 provides several options for sharing workbooks with others. These options include:

  • Share with People: This option allows you to share the workbook with specific individuals by entering their email addresses. You can also set permissions for each person, such as view-only or edit access.
  • Invite People: Similar to "Share with People," this option enables you to invite specific individuals to collaborate on the workbook. You can also specify permissions for each invitee.
  • Get a Sharing Link: With this option, you can generate a link to the workbook that can be shared with anyone. You can set permissions for the link, such as allowing anyone with the link to edit or view the workbook.
  • Embed: This option allows you to embed the workbook in a website or blog, making it accessible to anyone who visits the site.

B. Explanation of how each option works

Each sharing option in Excel 365 serves a unique purpose and provides different levels of control over who can access and edit the workbook. Here's a brief explanation of how each option works:

Share with People and Invite People

Both of these options allow you to share the workbook with specific individuals by entering their email addresses. You can control who has access to the workbook and set permissions for each person, ensuring that only authorized users can view or edit the workbook.

Get a Sharing Link

With this option, you can generate a link to the workbook that can be shared with anyone. You have the flexibility to set permissions for the link, such as allowing anyone with the link to edit or view the workbook. This option is useful for sharing the workbook with a wider audience, such as clients or stakeholders.


The "Embed" option allows you to embed the workbook in a website or blog, making it accessible to anyone who visits the site. This can be helpful for sharing data and insights with a broader audience, such as readers of your blog or visitors to your website.

Understanding these sharing options in Excel 365 empowers you to collaborate effectively and securely with others, whether they are colleagues, clients, or external stakeholders. By choosing the right sharing option and setting the appropriate permissions, you can ensure that your workbooks are accessible to the right people and that collaboration is seamless and productive.

Step-by-Step Guide to Sharing a Workbook

Sharing a workbook in Excel 365 is a simple process that allows multiple users to collaborate on the same document in real-time. Follow these steps to share a workbook with your colleagues:

A. Opening the workbook to be shared

Before you can share a workbook, you need to open the file in Excel 365. If the workbook you want to share is not already open, locate it on your computer and double-click to open it in Excel.

B. Navigating to the "Share" button in Excel 365

Once the workbook is open, look for the "Share" button in the top-right corner of the Excel window. This button is located next to the "File" tab and looks like a silhouette of a person with a plus sign. Click on the "Share" button to begin the sharing process.

C. Adding collaborators and adjusting permissions

After clicking on the "Share" button, a panel will appear on the right-hand side of the Excel window. In this panel, you can enter the email addresses of the collaborators you want to share the workbook with. You can also adjust the permissions for each collaborator, allowing them to either edit or view the workbook. Once you have added the collaborators and set the permissions, click "Send" to share the workbook with them.

Collaborating in Real-Time

Real-time collaboration in Excel 365 allows multiple users to work on a workbook simultaneously, making it easier to share and edit documents with team members or colleagues. This feature offers numerous benefits and can significantly improve productivity and efficiency in a business setting.

A. Discussing the benefits of real-time collaboration

  • Improved communication and teamwork: Real-time collaboration allows team members to work together on a document, which fosters better communication and collaboration.
  • Increased productivity: With real-time collaboration, multiple users can work on a document at the same time, reducing the time it takes to complete tasks and projects.
  • Version control: Real-time collaboration helps to prevent version control issues, as all changes are visible to all users in real-time.
  • Remote work flexibility: Real-time collaboration enables team members to work on the same document from different locations, making it easier for remote teams to collaborate effectively.

B. How to make edits and see changes in real-time

  • To make edits in real-time, open the Excel workbook in Excel 365 and click on the "Share" button located at the top-right corner of the screen.
  • Enter the email addresses of the individuals you want to collaborate with, set their permissions (edit or view-only), and click "Send."
  • Once the recipients open the shared workbook, they can make edits in real-time, and all changes will be visible to all users instantly.
  • To see changes in real-time, simply keep the shared workbook open, and any edits made by other users will be visible as they happen.

Managing and Tracking Changes

When collaborating on a workbook in Excel 365, it is essential to be able to track changes made by various contributors and manage versions to ensure smooth workflow and accurate data.

A. How to track changes made by collaborators
  • Enabling Track Changes:

    To track changes made by collaborators, go to the "Review" tab, click on "Track Changes," and then select "Highlight Changes." Here, you can choose the options for highlighting changes and set who can track changes.
  • Viewing Tracked Changes:

    Once changes are being tracked, you can easily view them by going to the "Review" tab and clicking on "Track Changes" and then "Highlight Changes." This will display all the changes made by collaborators.
  • Accepting or Rejecting Changes:

    After reviewing the tracked changes, you have the option to accept or reject each change individually or all at once, ensuring that the final version of the workbook is accurate and up-to-date.

B. Managing versions and resolving conflicts
  • Creating Versions:

    To manage different versions of the workbook, you can use the "Version History" feature in Excel 365. Simply go to the "File" tab, select "Info," and then click on "Version History" to see a list of all saved versions and restore or delete them as needed.
  • Resolving Conflicts:

    In case of conflicting changes made by different collaborators, Excel 365 provides the option to resolve conflicts by comparing and merging different versions of the workbook. This ensures that no important data is lost and that all contributions are integrated seamlessly.

Best Practices for Sharing Workbooks

Sharing workbooks in Excel 365 can greatly enhance collaboration and productivity. However, it is important to follow best practices to ensure effective collaboration and maintain security.

A. Tips for effective collaboration
  • Use the "Share" feature

    Excel 365 offers a convenient "Share" feature that allows you to easily invite others to collaborate on a workbook. This feature also enables real-time editing, making it easier for teams to work together seamlessly.

  • Communicate clearly

    When sharing a workbook, it is crucial to communicate with your collaborators about the purpose of the workbook, the expected contributions, and any specific guidelines for editing. Clear communication will help avoid misunderstandings and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

  • Utilize comments and track changes

    Excel 365 provides tools for leaving comments and tracking changes, which can be invaluable for communication and managing edits. Encouraging collaborators to use these features can streamline the feedback process and keep everyone informed.

  • Establish version control

    It's important to establish a system for version control when multiple people are working on a workbook. Using clear naming conventions or a version control tool can help prevent confusion and ensure that everyone is working with the most up-to-date version.

B. Security considerations for shared workbooks
  • Manage access carefully

    When sharing a workbook, it's crucial to carefully manage access permissions to ensure that only authorized individuals can make changes. Excel 365 allows you to control who can view and edit the workbook, so be sure to review and adjust these settings as needed.

  • Protect sensitive data

    If the workbook contains sensitive information, such as financial data or personal details, it's essential to take steps to protect this data. Utilize encryption, password protection, or other security measures to safeguard sensitive information from unauthorized access.

  • Regularly review access and permissions

    As collaborators come and go, it's important to regularly review and update access and permissions for shared workbooks. Removing access for individuals who no longer need it can help minimize the risk of data breaches or unauthorized changes.

  • Be cautious with external sharing

    When sharing workbooks externally, such as with clients or partners, exercise caution and only share the necessary information. Consider using secure file sharing methods and always verify the identities of external collaborators to minimize security risks.


Sharing workbooks in Excel 365 has numerous benefits, including improved collaboration, real-time updates, and the ability to work on the same document simultaneously. This can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and accuracy in your work.

Now is the time to start utilizing the sharing features in Excel 365 to maximize the potential of your team and achieve better results. By embracing this feature, you can streamline your workflow, reduce errors, and work more seamlessly with your colleagues. Take advantage of the opportunities that sharing workbooks in Excel 365 presents, and reap the benefits of improved productivity and collaboration.

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