Excel Tutorial: How To Recover Previous Version Of Excel File


Welcome to our Excel tutorial on how to recover previous versions of Excel files. In today's digital age, data loss and file corruption can be a common occurrence which can be frustrating and disruptive. Knowing how to restore previous versions of your Excel files is crucial for data recovery and troubleshooting purposes. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps to easily retrieve earlier versions of your Excel files, saving you time and hassle in the process.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the AutoRecover feature in Excel is crucial for data recovery and troubleshooting purposes
  • Excel's built-in version history provides an easy way to compare and restore previous versions of files
  • Windows File History can be a valuable tool for recovering previous versions of Excel files, if configured and optimized properly
  • Cloud storage services like OneDrive and Google Drive offer automatic file versioning and easy access to previous versions of Excel files
  • Consider exploring third-party tools for Excel file recovery, but carefully evaluate their features and limitations before choosing one

Understanding Excel's AutoRecover feature

Microsoft Excel's AutoRecover feature is a valuable tool that can help you recover previous versions of your Excel files in case of unexpected closures or crashes. Understanding how this feature works can save you time and frustration in the event of a mishap.

A. Explain what the AutoRecover feature in Excel does

The AutoRecover feature in Excel automatically saves a temporary version of your work at regular intervals. This ensures that even if your file is closed unexpectedly, you can recover the most recent version of your work when you reopen Excel. This can be a lifesaver if you forgot to hit the save button or if your computer crashes.

B. Discuss how often Excel saves AutoRecover information by default

By default, Excel saves AutoRecover information every 10 minutes. This means that every 10 minutes, a temporary version of your file is stored in the AutoRecover folder, providing you with multiple points to recover from in case of a crash.

C. Clarify where to find AutoRecover files on your computer

AutoRecover files are saved to a specific folder on your computer. The location of this folder may vary depending on your operating system, but you can easily find it by going to the Excel Options menu and navigating to the Save tab. Here, you can view and change the default AutoRecover file location.

Using Excel's built-in version history

When working with Excel files, it's not uncommon to accidentally overwrite important data or make changes that you later regret. Luckily, Excel has a built-in version history feature that allows you to recover previous versions of your work, making it easier to revert back to a previous state.

A. Explain how to access Excel's version history for a specific file

To access Excel's version history for a specific file, simply open the file in Excel and navigate to the "File" tab. From there, select "Info" and then click on "Version History." This will display a list of all previous versions of the file, along with the date and time each version was saved.

B. Discuss how to compare and restore previous versions of an Excel file using version history

Once you have accessed the version history for the file, you can compare different versions by selecting the ones you want to compare and clicking on "Compare" at the top of the screen. This will open a new window that allows you to see the differences between the selected versions. To restore a previous version, simply select the version you want to restore and click on "Restore" to overwrite the current version with the selected one.

C. Highlight the benefits of using Excel's built-in version history for file recovery

The built-in version history feature in Excel offers several benefits for file recovery. It provides a quick and easy way to access and compare previous versions of a file, allowing you to identify and restore any lost or mistakenly edited data. This can be especially useful for preventing data loss and saving time when trying to recover important information.

Recovering previous versions using Windows File History

When working with Excel files, it's essential to have a system in place for recovering previous versions in case of accidental deletions or unwanted changes. One of the most efficient ways to do this is by utilizing Windows File History, which allows you to restore previous versions of files with ease.

Explain how to enable and configure Windows File History for Excel files

To enable Windows File History for Excel files, you'll need to first ensure that it is turned on in your system settings. To do this:

  • Step 1: Go to the Control Panel on your Windows device.
  • Step 2: Click on "File History" and select the drive where you want to store the file versions.
  • Step 3: Click on "Turn on" to start the File History feature.
  • Step 4: Under "Advanced settings," you can configure how often File History saves copies of your files.

Discuss how to use Windows File History to recover a previous version of an Excel file

Once File History is enabled and configured, recovering a previous version of an Excel file is a straightforward process:

  • Step 1: Open the folder where the Excel file is located.
  • Step 2: Right-click on the file and select "Restore previous versions."
  • Step 3: A new window will open, showing the different versions of the file saved by File History. Select the version you want to recover.
  • Step 4: Click "Restore" to recover the selected version to its original location.

Provide tips for optimizing Windows File History for efficient file recovery

To ensure that Windows File History is optimized for efficient file recovery, consider the following tips:

  • Regular backups: Make sure that File History is set to back up your files regularly to minimize the risk of data loss.
  • Storage location: Choose a reliable and easily accessible storage location for your file versions to ensure quick recovery when needed.
  • Monitor file versions: Keep an eye on the file versions being saved by File History to track changes and ensure that the right versions are available for recovery.

Utilizing cloud storage services for versioning

When it comes to managing and safeguarding your Excel files, utilizing cloud storage services for versioning can be incredibly beneficial. These platforms, such as OneDrive and Google Drive, offer automatic file versioning, allowing you to access and restore previous versions of your Excel files with ease.

A. Discuss the benefits of using cloud storage services like OneDrive or Google Drive for automatic file versioning
  • Automatic backup: Cloud storage services automatically save and backup your Excel files, ensuring that you always have access to previous versions.
  • Easy accessibility: Access your files from anywhere with an internet connection, making it convenient to retrieve previous versions when needed.
  • Security: Cloud storage services provide secure environments for your files, protecting them from loss or damage.

B. Explain how to access and restore previous versions of Excel files in cloud storage
  • OneDrive: In OneDrive, right-click on the Excel file, select "Version history," and then choose the version you want to restore.
  • Google Drive: In Google Drive, right-click on the Excel file, select "Manage versions," and then choose the version you want to restore.

C. Highlight the importance of regularly syncing Excel files with cloud storage for versioning purposes

Regularly syncing your Excel files with cloud storage is crucial for ensuring that all versions are up to date and accessible. This practice helps to prevent data loss and provides peace of mind knowing that previous versions can be easily recovered if necessary.

Third-party tools for Excel file recovery

When it comes to recovering previous versions of Excel files, there are several third-party tools and software options available that can help you retrieve your lost or corrupted data. These tools offer advanced features and capabilities beyond the native file recovery options provided by Excel.

Introduce third-party tools and software options

There are numerous third-party tools and software options specifically designed for Excel file recovery. These tools are designed to help you recover previous versions of your Excel files, even if they have been deleted or corrupted. Some popular options include:

  • Stellar Data Recovery: This tool offers a comprehensive solution for recovering Excel files and supports various file formats, including XLS and XLSX.
  • Recuva: Recuva is a user-friendly tool that enables you to recover deleted Excel files from your computer, external drives, and other storage devices.
  • EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard: This tool provides advanced features for Excel file recovery, including the ability to recover files from formatted or damaged storage devices.

Discuss the features and limitations of popular third-party file recovery tools

Each third-party file recovery tool comes with its own set of features and limitations. It's important to understand what each tool offers so you can make an informed decision about which one is best for your Excel file recovery needs.

Stellar Data Recovery offers a user-friendly interface and supports a wide range of file formats, making it a versatile option for recovering Excel files. However, it may not be as effective at recovering files from severely damaged storage devices.

Recuva is known for its simplicity and ease of use, but it may not be as effective at recovering Excel files from complex data loss scenarios.

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard provides advanced features for recovering Excel files from various storage devices, but it may have a steeper learning curve for beginners.

Provide tips for choosing the right third-party tool for Excel file recovery needs

When selecting a third-party tool for Excel file recovery, consider the following factors:

  • File format support: Ensure that the tool supports the specific Excel file formats you need to recover.
  • User interface: Look for a tool with a user-friendly interface that suits your technical expertise.
  • Advanced features: If you anticipate complex data loss scenarios, opt for a tool with advanced recovery capabilities.
  • Customer support: Consider the level of customer support provided by the tool's developer to address any issues or questions you may have.


In conclusion, being able to recover previous versions of Excel files is crucial for data protection and recovery purposes. Whether it's due to accidental deletion, file corruption, or other unforeseen circumstances, having the ability to restore previous versions can save time and frustration. I encourage our readers to explore and utilize the various methods discussed, such as using the "Recover Unsaved Workbooks" feature, utilizing the built-in AutoRecover option, or leveraging third-party recovery tools. Additionally, regularly practicing file backups and utilizing versioning features can further enhance data protection and ensure that you always have access to previous versions of your important Excel files.

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