Excel Tutorial: How To Recover An Unsaved Excel File On Mac


Have you ever spent hours working on an important Excel file, only to have it unexpectedly close without saving? It's a frustrating experience, but fortunately, there are ways to recover unsaved Excel files on a Mac. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps to retrieve your unsaved work in Excel, so you never have to worry about losing important data again.

Key Takeaways

  • Knowing how to recover unsaved Excel files on a Mac is essential for preventing data loss and frustration.
  • AutoRecover in Excel for Mac is a built-in feature that can help you retrieve unsaved work in case of unexpected closures.
  • Regularly saving your work, using AutoSave, and setting up a backup system are best practices to prevent data loss in Excel for Mac.
  • Time Machine can be used to easily recover unsaved Excel files on a Mac by accessing previous versions of files.
  • Utilizing third-party data recovery software and seeking professional help are additional options for recovering unsaved Excel files on Mac.

Understanding AutoRecover in Excel for Mac

AutoRecover is a feature in Excel for Mac that automatically saves your work at regular intervals, helping to prevent data loss in the event of a system crash or unexpected shutdown.

A. Explain what AutoRecover is and how it works in Excel for Mac

AutoRecover is designed to create backup copies of your Excel workbooks as you work on them. These backup files are stored in a separate location from the original files and are updated at set intervals, ensuring that your work is protected even if the original file is not saved.

B. Discuss the default AutoRecover settings in Excel for Mac

By default, AutoRecover is enabled in Excel for Mac, with a default save interval of 10 minutes. This means that Excel will automatically save a backup copy of your workbook every 10 minutes while you are working on it. The default location for these backup files is in the AutoRecover folder, which can be accessed in the event of a file recovery.

Steps to recover an unsaved Excel file on Mac

Accidentally losing an unsaved Excel file can be a nightmare, but fortunately, there are ways to recover these files on a Mac. Follow these steps to recover an unsaved Excel file on your Mac:

A. Open the temporary items folder

  • Step 1: Open the "Finder" on your Mac.
  • Step 2: In the "Finder" menu, select "Go" and then click on "Go to Folder."
  • Step 3: In the dialog box, type "~/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.Excel/Data/Library/Preferences/AutoRecovery" and click "Go."

B. Look for the unsaved Excel file

  • Step 1: In the "AutoRecovery" folder, look for the file with the ".xls" extension, which is the default file format for Excel on Mac.
  • Step 2: Check the file’s date and time to ensure it matches the time when the unsaved file was last worked on.

C. Recover the file and save it to a safe location

  • Step 1: Copy the unsaved Excel file to a safe location on your computer to prevent it from being overwritten.
  • Step 2: Open the file in Excel to ensure it is the correct file and make any necessary changes.
  • Step 3: Save the file to a permanent location on your computer or cloud storage.

D. Alternative methods for recovering unsaved Excel files

  • Method 1: Use the "AutoRecover" feature in Excel by selecting "File" > "Open Recent" > "Recover Unsaved Workbooks."
  • Method 2: Check the "Trash" on your Mac for any recently deleted Excel files.
  • Method 3: Use Time Machine to restore a previous version of the Excel file if it was backed up.

Best practices to prevent data loss in Excel for Mac

It can be incredibly frustrating to lose important work in Excel, especially if you haven't saved your file recently. To prevent data loss, it's important to follow these best practices:

A. Regularly saving your work in Excel

One of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent data loss in Excel is to save your work regularly. Get into the habit of pressing Command + S every few minutes or after making significant changes to your spreadsheet. This will ensure that you always have a recent version of your file to fall back on if something goes wrong.

B. Using the AutoSave feature

Excel for Mac offers an AutoSave feature that automatically saves your work at regular intervals. To enable AutoSave, click on the Excel menu, select Preferences, then click on Save. Check the box next to AutoSave and set the time interval for how often you want Excel to save your work. This way, even if you forget to manually save your file, Excel will do it for you.

C. Setting up a backup system for important Excel files

In addition to saving your work regularly and using AutoSave, it's a good idea to set up a backup system for important Excel files. This could involve using a cloud storage service like OneDrive or iCloud to automatically back up your files, or manually creating copies of important files on an external hard drive. By having a backup system in place, you can easily recover your files if they are accidentally deleted or become corrupted.

Using Time Machine to recover unsaved Excel files

If you are working on an important Excel file and forgot to save it before a system crash or accidental closure, you can use Time Machine to recover the unsaved file on your Mac.

A. How to access Time Machine on a Mac

  • Step 1: Click on the Apple menu in the top-left corner of your screen.
  • Step 2: Select "System Preferences" from the drop-down menu.
  • Step 3: Click on "Time Machine" to open the Time Machine preferences.

B. Navigating through Time Machine to locate the unsaved Excel file

  • Step 1: Open the folder where you were working on the Excel file.
  • Step 2: Click on the Time Machine icon in the top-right corner of your screen and select "Enter Time Machine."
  • Step 3: Use the timeline on the right side of the screen to navigate to the date and time when you last worked on the Excel file.
  • Step 4: Once you locate the file, select it and press the "Space Bar" to preview its contents.

C. Restoring the unsaved Excel file from Time Machine

  • Step 1: After previewing the file, click on the "Restore" button to recover the unsaved Excel file to its original location.
  • Step 2: If you want to restore the file to a different location, press and hold the "Option" key while clicking the "Restore" button, and choose a new destination for the file.
  • Step 3: Once the file is restored, open it in Excel to ensure that it is the correct version and contains the latest changes.

Additional tips for recovering unsaved Excel files on Mac

If the previous methods were unsuccessful in recovering your unsaved Excel file, there are a few additional tips that you can try before giving up hope.

  • Utilizing third-party data recovery software
  • There are various third-party data recovery software options available for Mac that are specifically designed to recover unsaved or deleted files. These tools utilize advanced algorithms to scan your system for any remnants of the unsaved Excel file and attempt to restore it. Some popular options include Disk Drill, Data Rescue, and EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard.

  • Checking other locations for temporary or unsaved files
  • In addition to the AutoRecover and temporary file locations mentioned earlier, you can also check other potential locations where Excel might have saved a temporary or unsaved version of your file. Look in the "TemporaryItems" folder, which is a hidden folder that can be accessed by using the "Go to Folder" option in the Finder. You can also search your entire system for files with the ".xlsx" or ".xls" file extension to see if any unsaved versions were stored elsewhere.

  • Seeking professional help if necessary
  • If all else fails, and the unsaved Excel file is critical to your work or business, it may be time to seek professional help. Consider reaching out to a data recovery specialist or a tech support professional who has experience with Mac systems. They may have the expertise and tools necessary to perform a more in-depth search and recovery process.


In conclusion, this tutorial has provided valuable insights into recovering an unsaved Excel file on Mac. We discussed the importance of utilizing the AutoRecover feature and accessing temporary files to retrieve unsaved work. Additionally, we highlighted the significance of taking proactive measures to prevent data loss in Excel for Mac.

  • Encourage readers to save their work frequently to minimize the risk of losing important data.
  • Emphasize the importance of regularly backing up files to avoid potential loss in case of unexpected system crashes or power failures.
  • Recommend utilizing cloud storage solutions or external drives for added data protection.

By implementing these preventative measures, users can safeguard their work and minimize the impact of potential data loss in Excel for Mac. Remember, prevention is always better than cure when it comes to protecting your important files and documents.

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