Excel Tutorial: How To Make A Standard Deviation Graph In Excel


Understanding standard deviation is crucial for anyone working with data. It measures the amount of variation or dispersion in a set of values, indicating how much the data deviates from the mean. Visualizing standard deviation can provide valuable insights into the spread of data and help identify trends, outliers, and potential errors in the dataset. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of creating a standard deviation graph in Excel, enabling you to effectively analyze and interpret your data.

Key Takeaways

  • Standard deviation measures the amount of variation in a set of values and is crucial for data analysis.
  • Visualizing standard deviation in Excel can help identify trends, outliers, and errors in the dataset.
  • Entering data accurately and consistently in Excel is essential for effective analysis.
  • Excel's built-in functions can be used to easily calculate standard deviation.
  • Customizing error bars and formatting the graph can enhance the visual appeal and interpretability of the data.

Step 1: Enter Data into Excel

Before creating a standard deviation graph in Excel, the first step is to input the data into the spreadsheet. This data will be used to calculate the standard deviation and create the graph.

A. Explanation of inputting data into Excel

To input the data into Excel, open a new spreadsheet and enter the data into the cells. Each column should represent a different variable, and each row should represent a different observation or data point. It's important to label the columns and rows clearly to avoid confusion later on.

B. Ensuring accuracy and consistency in data entry

It's crucial to double-check the data entry for accuracy and consistency. Any errors in the data can lead to inaccurate calculations and misleading graphs. Make sure to review each entry and use Excel's built-in features, such as data validation and cell formatting, to ensure that the data is entered correctly.

Step 2: Calculate Standard Deviation

Once you have input your data into Excel, the next step is to calculate the standard deviation. This is a measure of the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of values. Excel has built-in functions that can help you quickly and easily calculate the standard deviation of your data.

A. Using Excel's built-in functions to calculate standard deviation

Excel offers two main functions for calculating the standard deviation: STDEV.S and STDEV.P. The STDEV.S function is used when working with a sample of data, while the STDEV.P function is used when working with an entire population. You can use these functions to calculate the standard deviation for a single range of data, or for multiple ranges at once.

B. Discussing the different functions available for calculating standard deviation

It's important to understand the differences between the STDEV.S and STDEV.P functions, as well as when to use each one. When working with data that represents an entire population, the STDEV.P function is the appropriate choice. However, if you are working with a sample of data, the STDEV.S function should be used to provide an unbiased estimate of the population standard deviation.


By using the built-in functions in Excel, you can easily calculate the standard deviation of your data. Understanding the differences between the STDEV.S and STDEV.P functions will ensure that you are using the appropriate method for your specific data set.

Step 3: Create a Scatter Plot

After calculating the standard deviation, the next step is to create a scatter plot to visually represent the data.

A. Selecting the data to graph

First, select the data range that you want to include in your scatter plot. This may include the mean, standard deviation, and the data points for which you want to depict the deviation.

B. Inserting a scatter plot in Excel

To insert a scatter plot in Excel, navigate to the "Insert" tab on the Excel ribbon. From the "Charts" group, select "Scatter" and then choose the desired scatter plot style. This will create a blank scatter plot on your worksheet.

Adding data to the scatter plot

Now, you can add the selected data to the scatter plot. To do this, right-click on the chart and choose "Select Data". In the "Select Data Source" dialog box, click on "Add" to add the data series for the mean, standard deviation, and data points. Select the ranges for each data series and click "OK".

Customizing the scatter plot

Once the data is added, you can customize the scatter plot by adjusting the axis labels, adding a title, and modifying the appearance of data points, lines, and error bars. This will help make the standard deviation graph more visually appealing and easier to interpret.

By following these steps, you can create a standard deviation graph in Excel that effectively represents the variability of your data.

Step 4: Add Error Bars

After creating your graph and adding the data series, the next step is to add error bars to represent the standard deviation. Error bars visually show the variability of the data and can be a valuable addition to your graph.

A. Accessing the error bars feature in Excel

To access the error bars feature in Excel, select the data series on your graph that you want to add error bars to. Then navigate to the "Chart Tools" menu at the top of the Excel window and click on the "Layout" tab. In the "Analysis" group, you will find the "Error Bars" option. Click on the small arrow next to it to access the drop-down menu with error bar options.

B. Customizing the error bars to represent standard deviation

Once you have accessed the error bars feature, select "More Error Bar Options" from the drop-down menu. This will open the "Format Error Bars" task pane on the right-hand side of the Excel window. In the task pane, you can customize the error bars to represent the standard deviation of your data.

Customizing error bars:

  • Under "Error Amount," select the "Custom" option.
  • Click on the "Specify Value" button next to the "Positive Error Value" box.
  • In the dialog box that appears, input the range of cells containing the standard deviation values for your data. This will vary depending on your specific data set.
  • Repeat the process for the "Negative Error Value" box to include the standard deviation values for the lower end of the data.

By customizing the error bars to represent standard deviation, you can effectively communicate the variability of your data in your Excel graph.

Step 5: Format the Graph

Now that you have created the standard deviation graph in Excel, it's time to format and customize it to make it visually appealing and easy to interpret.

A. Adjusting the axes and labels
  • 1. Adjusting the axes:

    Click on the horizontal and vertical axes to customize the scale and intervals. You can also add a secondary vertical axis if needed.
  • 2. Adding labels:

    Make sure to add clear and descriptive labels to your axes. This will help your audience understand the data more easily.
  • 3. Changing axis titles:

    You can change the default axis titles to more specific and relevant ones that better describe the data being represented.

B. Enhancing the visual appeal of the graph
  • 1. Choosing a style:

    Experiment with different graph styles and color schemes to find the one that best represents your data and matches your overall presentation aesthetic.
  • 2. Adding data markers:

    Consider adding markers to your data points to visually highlight them and make the graph more visually engaging.
  • 3. Adjusting line thickness and style:

    You can change the thickness and style of the lines in your graph to make them stand out or blend in, depending on your preference.
  • 4. Adding a title and legend:

    Make sure to include a clear and descriptive title for your graph, as well as a legend if you have multiple data sets. This will help your audience understand the information being presented.

By following these formatting tips, you can create a standard deviation graph in Excel that is not only accurate and informative but also visually appealing and easy to understand.


Creating a standard deviation graph in Excel can be a powerful tool for visualizing data and gaining better insights into the variability of your data set. By following the key steps we've covered, including calculating the standard deviation and then using it to create the graph, you can enhance your data analysis capabilities.

We encourage you to utilize this tool in your professional and academic pursuits to improve the clarity and impact of your data visualization. By incorporating standard deviation graphs into your reports and presentations, you can effectively convey the distribution and variability of your data, ultimately leading to more informed decision-making.

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