Excel Tutorial: How To Get Data From Pdf Into Excel


Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to extract data from a PDF file and input it into an Excel spreadsheet? If so, you're not alone. Many professionals encounter this challenge on a regular basis, as PDFs are a common format for sharing and storing data. In this Excel tutorial, we will explore how to efficiently get data from PDF into Excel, saving you time and effort in manual data entry.

There are several methods and tools available for extracting data from PDFs and importing it into Excel. Understanding how to do this can greatly improve productivity and make it easier to work with data across different platforms. Whether you're dealing with financial reports, survey results, or any other type of data contained in a PDF, being able to transfer it into Excel can streamline your workflow and analysis process.

Key Takeaways

  • Extracting data from PDF to Excel can save time and effort in manual data entry.
  • Understanding the different types of data in PDFs and the challenges in extracting it is important for efficient workflow.
  • There are various tools available, such as Adobe Acrobat, online converters, and third-party software, for extracting PDF data into Excel.
  • Manual data entry from PDF to Excel requires a step-by-step process and tips for accuracy and efficiency.
  • Utilizing Microsoft Excel data scraping feature and best practices for importing PDF data into Excel can improve productivity and streamline the analysis process.

Understanding PDF data

When it comes to extracting data from a PDF into Excel, it's important to have a good understanding of the different types of data that can be found in a PDF document and the challenges that come with extracting it.

A. Different types of data in PDF
  • Text-based data:

    This is the most common type of data found in PDFs and includes text, tables, and other structured information.
  • Image-based data:

    Some PDFs may contain data in the form of images, such as scanned documents or charts, which can be more challenging to extract.
  • Interactive data:

    PDFs can also contain interactive elements such as forms and hyperlinks, which may require special handling when extracting data.

B. Challenges in extracting data from PDF
  • Non-editable format:

    One of the main challenges in extracting data from PDF is that it is a non-editable format, making it difficult to directly copy and paste into Excel.
  • Complex layouts:

    PDFs with complex layouts or multiple columns can make it difficult to extract data in a structured format.
  • Image-based data:

    Extracting data from images within a PDF can be challenging, as it may require optical character recognition (OCR) to convert the images into editable text.
  • Security settings:

    Some PDFs may have security settings that prevent data extraction, requiring additional steps to unlock the content.

Tools for extracting PDF data

When it comes to getting data from a PDF into Excel, there are several tools that can be used to simplify the process. Here are some of the most common methods:

A. Use of Adobe Acrobat

Adobe Acrobat is a powerful tool that allows users to convert PDF files into Excel spreadsheets. With the use of this software, you can open a PDF file and then export it as an Excel spreadsheet. This method is helpful when dealing with PDFs that contain tabular data or forms that need to be imported into Excel.

B. Online pdf to excel converters

There are various online tools available that allow users to convert PDF files into Excel format. These tools typically require you to upload the PDF file, and then they will convert it into an Excel spreadsheet that can be downloaded. Online converters are convenient and user-friendly, making them a popular choice for those who need to quickly extract data from a PDF.

C. Third-party data extraction software

There are also third-party software programs that are specifically designed for extracting data from PDF files and importing it into Excel. These programs often offer more advanced features and customization options, making them a good choice for users who frequently work with PDF data. Some examples of these software include Tabula, PDFTables, and Able2Extract.

Manual data entry from PDF to Excel

When it comes to getting data from a PDF into Excel, manual entry is often the only option. While it may be time-consuming, it can be done efficiently and accurately with the right approach. Below is a step-by-step process for manual entry and tips to ensure accuracy and efficiency.

Step-by-step process for manual entry

  • Open the PDF: Begin by opening the PDF file containing the data you want to transfer to Excel. Ensure that the document is clear and legible for easier data entry.
  • Open Excel: Open a new or existing Excel spreadsheet where you want to input the data from the PDF. This will be your working file for the manual entry process.
  • Start Data Entry: Begin manually entering the data from the PDF into the corresponding cells in the Excel spreadsheet. Take your time to ensure accuracy, and double-check entries as you go along.
  • Use Formatting: Use Excel's formatting tools to ensure that the data is presented in a clear and organized manner. This can help improve readability and reduce errors.
  • Save and Verify: Once all the data has been entered, save the Excel file and verify that the information has been accurately transferred from the PDF.

Tips for accuracy and efficiency

  • Use keyboard shortcuts: Utilize keyboard shortcuts for copying, pasting, and navigating between the PDF and Excel to streamline the data entry process.
  • Break it down: If the PDF contains a large amount of data, consider breaking down the task into smaller sections to prevent fatigue and maintain accuracy.
  • Double-check entries: Take the time to review and double-check each entry to ensure accuracy and avoid errors that could impact the integrity of the data.
  • Utilize data validation: Use Excel's data validation feature to restrict the type of data that can be entered into specific cells, reducing the risk of input errors.
  • Seek assistance if needed: If you encounter challenges or have a large amount of data to input, consider seeking assistance from colleagues or utilizing tools that can help streamline the process.

Using Microsoft Excel data scraping feature

Data scraping is a technique used to extract data from websites, documents, or any other source and save it into a structured format such as a spreadsheet. In the context of Microsoft Excel, data scraping allows users to pull data from a PDF document and import it directly into an Excel worksheet, saving time and effort in manual data entry.

Explanation of data scraping

Data scraping in Excel involves using the "From Data" feature to import data from a PDF document and convert it into a table format within the Excel workbook. This process eliminates the need to manually transcribe data from a PDF into Excel, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Step-by-step guide on how to use it

  • Step 1: Open a new or existing Excel workbook where you want to import the data from the PDF.
  • Step 2: Click on the "Data" tab in the Excel ribbon, then select "Get Data" and choose "From File".
  • Step 3: Navigate to the location of the PDF file and select it. Excel will then display a preview of the data contained within the PDF.
  • Step 4: Choose the specific data or table that you want to import from the PDF, and click "Load" to import it into the Excel workbook.
  • Step 5: Excel will convert the selected data from the PDF into a table format, allowing you to manipulate and analyze it as needed.

By following these steps, users can efficiently extract data from a PDF and bring it into Excel without the need for manual data entry or transcription. This can be particularly useful for tasks such as financial reporting, data analysis, or any other situation where data needs to be consolidated from multiple sources.

Best practices for importing PDF data into Excel

Importing data from PDF into Excel can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, you can ensure data integrity, clean and format the data effectively, and even automate the process for future use.

A. Ensuring data integrity
  • Use reliable PDF to Excel conversion tools

    Choose a trusted conversion tool that can accurately extract data from the PDF and transfer it into Excel without loss of integrity.

  • Check for errors and inconsistencies

    After importing the data, carefully review it to identify any errors or inconsistencies that may have occurred during the extraction process.

  • Verify the accuracy of the imported data

    Compare the imported data with the original PDF to ensure that all information has been accurately transferred to Excel.

B. Formatting and cleaning the data
  • Remove unnecessary elements

    Eliminate any unnecessary elements such as headers, footers, or annotations that may have been imported along with the data.

  • Standardize the formatting

    Ensure that the data is consistently formatted in Excel by using functions and tools to clean up any inconsistencies.

  • Organize the data into a usable format

    Arrange the imported data into tables or lists that are easy to understand and work with in Excel.

C. Automating the process for future use
  • Create a reusable import template

    Set up a template in Excel that can be used to efficiently import data from PDF into Excel in the future.

  • Utilize macros and scripts

    Use macros or scripts to automate the import process, allowing for quick and accurate data extraction from PDFs into Excel.

  • Regularly update and refine the automation process

    Review and improve the automation process to ensure that it remains effective and efficient as PDF data import requirements change over time.


Extracting data from PDF into Excel is crucial for efficient data analysis and manipulation. By using the methods discussed in this tutorial, you can easily convert PDF data into usable Excel format. Whether it's using the 'Copy and Paste' method, converting the PDF into a Word document first, or using a specialized software, there are multiple options available to suit your needs. We encourage you to try out these different methods and see which one works best for you!

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