Excel Tutorial: How To Create Drop Down List In Excel 365


Creating drop down lists in Excel 365 can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of data entry. By providing a predefined set of options for users to choose from, drop down lists help in organizing data and minimizing errors. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating drop down lists in Excel 365, and explain how this feature can benefit your data management tasks.

Key Takeaways

  • Drop down lists in Excel 365 improve efficiency and accuracy of data entry.
  • They help in organizing data and minimizing errors.
  • Data source for drop down lists should be organized and easily accessible.
  • Customizing drop down lists with error alerts and user input options can enhance functionality.
  • Utilizing advanced features like conditional formatting and dependent drop down lists can further enhance data organization and management.

Setting up the data

Creating a drop down list in Excel 365 can help streamline data entry and ensure consistency in your spreadsheets. Follow these steps to set up the data for your drop down list:

A. Selecting the cells where the drop down list will be applied

To begin, select the cells in which you want to create the drop down list. You can choose a single cell or a range of cells where the list will be available for selection.

B. Identifying the source of the drop down list options

Next, determine the source of the options you want to include in the drop down list. This could be a list of items in the same worksheet, a different worksheet, or even a different workbook.

C. Ensuring the data source is organized and easily accessible

Once you have identified the source of the drop down list options, make sure the data is organized and easily accessible. This could involve arranging the options in a clear format within the worksheet or ensuring that the external data source is readily available.

Creating the drop down list

Excel 365 offers a user-friendly interface for creating drop down lists, which can be a valuable tool for data entry and organization. Follow the steps below to add a drop down list to your Excel spreadsheet.

A. Navigating to the Data tab in Excel 365

To begin creating a drop down list in Excel 365, open your Excel spreadsheet and navigate to the Data tab located at the top of the screen. This tab contains all the data-related features and functionalities needed to create and manage drop down lists.

B. Utilizing the Data Validation feature to create the drop down list

Once you are on the Data tab, look for the Data Validation option in the Data Tools group. Click on the Data Validation button to access the feature that will enable you to create the drop down list.

C. Inputting the data source for the drop down list options

After selecting the Data Validation feature, a dialog box will appear. In the Settings tab of the dialog box, choose "List" from the Allow drop-down menu. This will open up the Source field where you can input the options that you want to appear in the drop down list.

Additional tips for creating the drop down list

  • Ensure the data source for the drop down list is entered correctly, separating each option with a comma.
  • You can also refer to a range of cells as the data source for the drop down list.
  • Use the Input Message and Error Alert tabs in the Data Validation dialog box to provide instructions and guidelines for using the drop down list.

Customizing the drop down list

When creating a drop down list in Excel 365, it's essential to customize it to fit your specific needs. This can include adding error alerts, allowing user input, and adjusting settings for specific requirements.

A. Adding error alerts for invalid data entries

A common issue with drop down lists is invalid data entries. To address this, you can add error alerts to notify users when they input invalid data. This can help maintain data accuracy and consistency.

B. Allowing the option for users to input their own data

Sometimes, users may need to input data that isn't included in the drop down list. By allowing the option for users to input their own data, you can accommodate for these situations and ensure all necessary information is captured.

C. Adjusting the drop down list settings for specific needs

Every drop down list may have unique requirements. This could include adjusting the size, font, or color of the list, or allowing multiple selections. By customizing the drop down list settings, you can tailor it to meet your specific needs.

Implementing the drop down list

Creating a drop down list in Excel 365 can greatly enhance the efficiency and organization of your spreadsheet. By providing a predefined set of options for data input, you can ensure consistency and accuracy in your work. Let's take a look at how to implement and utilize this feature.

A. Testing the drop down list functionality

  • Begin by selecting the cell or range of cells where you want the drop down list to appear.
  • Go to the "Data" tab on the ribbon and click on "Data Validation."
  • Choose "List" as the validation criteria and enter the options for the drop down list in the "Source" field.
  • Click "OK" to apply the drop down list to the selected cells.
  • Test the functionality by clicking on a cell with the drop down list and selecting an option from the list.

B. Using the drop down list to input data in various cells

  • Once you have tested the functionality of the drop down list, you can start using it to input data in various cells.
  • Simply click on the cell with the drop down list, and you will see a small arrow appear on the right-hand side of the cell.
  • Click on the arrow to reveal the list of options, and select the appropriate value to input into the cell.
  • Repeat this process for any other cells with the drop down list, ensuring consistent and accurate data entry.

C. Exploring the efficiency and organization benefits of the drop down list

  • By using drop down lists in your Excel 365 spreadsheet, you can streamline data input and minimize errors.
  • Since the options are predefined, there is no room for variations or typos in the data, leading to improved accuracy.
  • Furthermore, the drop down list allows for a more organized and structured approach to data entry, making it easier to analyze and work with the information in the spreadsheet.
  • Overall, the implementation of drop down lists in Excel 365 can bring about significant efficiency and organization benefits to your work.

Advanced features and tips

When it comes to creating drop down lists in Excel 365, there are advanced features and tips that can take your data organization to the next level. In this chapter, we will explore some of these advanced techniques to enhance the functionality and customization of drop down lists.

A. Utilizing conditional formatting with drop down lists

Conditional formatting is a powerful tool that can be used in conjunction with drop down lists to visually highlight specific data based on the selection made in the list. This can be particularly useful for quickly identifying trends, outliers, or important data points.


  • 1. Creating rules based on drop down list selections
  • 2. Applying color scales, data bars, or icon sets to the formatted cells
  • 3. Using custom formulas for more complex conditional formatting

B. Creating dependent drop down lists for more complex data organization

In some cases, you may need to create dependent drop down lists where the options available in the second list are dependent on the selection made in the first list. This is especially useful for organizing and categorizing complex data sets.


  • 1. Setting up the data validation for the primary drop down list
  • 2. Using VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH formulas to populate the options for the dependent drop down list
  • 3. Managing dynamic ranges to accommodate changes in the data
  • 4. Creating cascading drop down lists for multiple levels of dependencies

C. Exploring additional options for customizing and enhancing drop down lists

There are numerous additional options and techniques for customizing and enhancing drop down lists to suit your specific needs. From adding searchable drop down lists to incorporating images or icons, these advanced options can greatly improve the usability and visual appeal of your lists.


  • 1. Using data validation to create searchable drop down lists
  • 2. Inserting images or icons in the drop down list options
  • 3. Employing named ranges for easier management and referencing
  • 4. Adding auto-complete functionality to the drop down list


Creating drop down lists in Excel 365 is a valuable tool for improving efficiency and organization in your spreadsheets. By utilizing drop down lists, you can streamline data entry and ensure consistency in your data. As you continue to explore and practice using drop down lists, you will discover even more ways to enhance your Excel skills and make your work processes more effective.

We encourage you to experiment with creating drop down lists in your Excel 365 spreadsheets and discover the various benefits for yourself. Whether you are managing inventory, compiling survey results, or organizing contact information, utilizing drop down lists will help you maintain clean, organized data and improve your productivity.

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