Excel Tutorial: How To Create A Drop Down List In Excel 365


Excel 365 is a powerful tool for data organization and analysis, and one of its most useful features is the ability to create drop down lists. These lists can streamline data entry, minimize errors, and make your spreadsheets more user-friendly. In this tutorial, we will provide an overview of the steps to create a drop down list in Excel 365, so you can take full advantage of this handy tool.

Key Takeaways

  • Drop down lists in Excel 365 are a powerful tool for data organization and analysis
  • Creating drop down lists can streamline data entry and minimize errors
  • Understanding the steps to create a drop down list is essential for taking full advantage of this feature
  • Data validation and choosing the right criteria are crucial in creating effective drop down lists
  • Utilizing drop down lists in Excel can make spreadsheets more user-friendly and efficient

Step 1: Open Excel and select a cell

Creating a drop down list in Excel 365 is a useful tool for data validation and streamlining data entry. Follow these steps to add a drop down list to your Excel sheet.

A. How to open Excel 365

To begin, open Excel 365 by clicking on the Excel app icon or by searching for "Excel" in the search bar of your computer. Once Excel is open, you can start a new worksheet or open an existing one.

B. Selecting the appropriate cell for the drop down list

After opening your worksheet, select the cell where you want the drop down list to appear. This is typically the cell where you want users to be able to choose from a list of options.

Step 2: Go to the Data tab

After opening your Excel 365 spreadsheet, the next step is to go to the Data tab to access the drop down list feature.

A. Location of the Data tab in Excel 365

The Data tab is typically located on the top menu bar of the Excel interface, alongside other tabs such as Home, Insert, and Formulas. It is easily identifiable by its label "Data."

B. Clicking on the Data tab to access the drop down list feature

Once you have located the Data tab, simply click on it to access a range of data-related functions and features, including the drop down list tool.

Step 3: Click on Data Validation

A. Explanation of the Data Validation feature in Excel: Data Validation is a feature in Excel that allows you to set specific criteria for the data that can be entered into a cell. This can help to ensure the accuracy and consistency of your data by restricting input to a certain type of data (such as text, numbers, or dates) or by creating a drop-down list of options for the user to choose from.

B. How to find and click on Data Validation in the Data tab: To access the Data Validation feature in Excel 365, first, open your Excel workbook. Then, navigate to the Data tab on the ribbon at the top of the screen. Within the Data tab, you will find the Data Tools group, where the Data Validation button is located. Click on the Data Validation button to open the Data Validation dialog box.

Step 4: Choose 'List' as the validation criteria

After selecting the range of cells for data validation, the next step is to choose the type of validation criteria. In this case, we will be selecting 'List' as the validation criteria.

A. Selecting 'List' from the drop down menu in Data Validation

Once the Data Validation dialog box is open, you will see a drop down menu under the 'Allow' field. Click on the drop down menu and select 'List' from the available options.

B. Understanding the different validation criteria options available in Excel 365

Excel 365 offers various validation criteria options to choose from when setting up data validation. These options include 'Whole Number', 'Decimal', 'List', 'Date', 'Time', 'Text Length', and more. Each option has its own specific use case and can be selected based on the type of data you want to validate.

Step 5: Input the source for the drop down list

After setting up the data validation and selecting the cell for the drop down list, the next step is to input the source for the drop down list.

A. Entering the options for the drop down list

Once you have selected the cell for the drop down list, click on the "Data" tab in the Excel ribbon. Then, click on "Data Validation" and select "Data Validation" from the drop-down menu. In the Data Validation dialog box, go to the "Settings" tab and select "List" from the "Allow" drop-down menu. In the "Source" field, enter the options you want to appear in the drop down list, separated by commas. For example, if you want the drop down list to include the options "Red, Blue, Green," you would enter "Red, Blue, Green" in the "Source" field.

B. Tips for formatting the source data to work effectively in the drop down list

When entering the options for the drop down list, it's important to consider the formatting of the source data to ensure that it works effectively in the drop down list. Here are some tips:

  • Consistent formatting: Make sure the options in the source data are consistently formatted to avoid any discrepancies in the drop down list.
  • No blank spaces: Remove any unnecessary blank spaces before or after the options in the source data to prevent any issues with the drop down list.
  • Clear and concise options: Keep the options in the source data clear and concise to make it easier for users to select from the drop down list.


Creating a drop down list in Excel 365 is a simple and effective way to streamline data entry and analysis. To recap, the steps to create a drop down list include: selecting the cells where you want the drop down list to appear, going to the Data tab, clicking on Data Validation, selecting List as the allowed type, and inputting the source of the list. By utilizing drop down lists in Excel, you can ensure efficient and accurate data entry and make it easier to analyze and manipulate data. This can ultimately save time and reduce errors in your spreadsheet tasks.

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