Excel Tutorial: How Do You Make A Calendar On Excel


Calendars are an essential tool for tracking events, deadlines, and important dates in both personal and professional settings. In Excel, creating a calendar can help you stay organized and visually represent your schedule. In this tutorial, we will cover the steps to create a customized calendar in Excel, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs and preferences.

Key Takeaways

  • Calendars in Excel are essential for organization and visual representation of schedules
  • Steps to create a customized calendar include setting up the spreadsheet, entering dates, formatting the calendar, adding additional details, and utilizing Excel features
  • Formatting the calendar involves adjusting column widths, applying borders, and using conditional formatting
  • Adding additional details such as titles and events enhances the functionality of the calendar
  • Utilizing Excel features like formulas and dropdown menus can improve the efficiency of the calendar

Setting up the spreadsheet

When creating a calendar in Excel, the first step is to set up the spreadsheet in a way that is conducive to creating a clear and organized calendar.

A. Opening a new Excel workbook

To get started, open a new Excel workbook by clicking on the "File" menu and selecting "New." From there, you can choose a blank workbook to begin creating your calendar.

B. Adjusting the column widths and row heights

Once you have your blank workbook open, you'll want to adjust the column widths and row heights to create the structure for your calendar. To do this, place your cursor between the letters at the top of the sheet to select the entire spreadsheet. Then, right-click and select "Column Width" to adjust the width of the columns, and "Row Height" to adjust the height of the rows. This will help you create evenly-spaced cells for your calendar.

Entering the dates

When creating a calendar in Excel, it is important to accurately enter the dates. Here are the steps to ensure the dates are entered correctly:

A. Choosing the starting date for the calendar

Before entering the dates, it is crucial to select the starting date for the calendar. This will depend on the month and year for which the calendar is being created. For example, if the calendar is for the month of January 2023, the starting date would be January 1, 2023.

B. Using the fill handle to enter the remaining dates

After entering the starting date, the fill handle can be used to automatically enter the remaining dates for the month. To do this, simply click and drag the fill handle (located in the bottom right corner of the cell) to fill in the subsequent dates. The fill handle will automatically continue the sequence of dates for the entire month.

Formatting the calendar

When creating a calendar on Excel, it’s important to ensure that the formatting is clear and easy to read. Here are some ways to improve the appearance of your calendar:

Applying borders to the cells

By adding borders to the cells in your calendar, you can create a clear visual distinction between each day and easily differentiate between weeks and months. To add borders, select the cells you want to format, then go to the “Home” tab, click on “Borders” and choose the border style you prefer. This will help make your calendar look more organized and professional.

Using conditional formatting for highlighting specific dates

Conditional formatting is a useful feature in Excel that allows you to automatically apply formatting to cells based on specific criteria. You can use this to highlight important dates in your calendar, such as holidays or deadlines. To do this, select the cells you want to format, then go to the “Home” tab, click on “Conditional Formatting” and choose the formatting style and criteria you want to apply. This will make those dates stand out and catch the reader’s eye.

Adding Additional Details

After creating a basic calendar in Excel, you may want to add some additional details to make it more useful and personalized. Here are a couple of ways to do that:

  • Including a title for the calendar: To make your calendar more visually appealing and organized, you can add a title at the top. This could be something simple like "2022 Calendar" or something more specific like "Family Events Calendar."
  • Inserting any relevant events or reminders: Excel allows you to enter events and reminders directly onto the calendar. You can use different colors, font styles or even symbols to distinguish between different types of events. For example, you can use red for important deadlines, green for holidays, and blue for personal events.

Including a title for the calendar

To include a title for your calendar, simply select a cell where you want the title to appear and type in the desired text. You can then format the title using different font styles, sizes, and colors to make it stand out.

Inserting any relevant events or reminders

To insert events or reminders onto the calendar, select the cell corresponding to the date and enter the event details. You can also use conditional formatting to automatically color code the cells based on the type of event, creating a visually appealing and easy-to-read calendar.

Utilizing Excel features

When creating a calendar in Excel, there are several features that you can utilize to make the process easier and more efficient. Two key features to take advantage of are using formulas for automatic date updates and creating dropdown menus for easy navigation.

Using formulas for automatic date updates

  • Use the TODAY function: The TODAY function in Excel automatically updates to the current date whenever the spreadsheet is opened. To incorporate this into your calendar, you can use the TODAY function in a cell to display the current date, and then use formulas to populate the rest of the calendar based on this date.
  • Utilize the EOMONTH function: The EOMONTH function calculates the last day of the month, which can be useful for creating a calendar that spans multiple months. By combining the TODAY function with the EOMONTH function, you can create a dynamic calendar that always displays the current month and updates accordingly.

Creating dropdown menus for easy navigation

  • Insert a dropdown list: To make navigating the calendar easier, you can create dropdown menus for selecting the month and year. This allows users to quickly jump to a specific month or year without manually scrolling through the calendar.
  • Utilize Data Validation: Excel's Data Validation feature can be used to create dropdown lists in cells. By setting up data validation for the cells containing the month and year, you can ensure that users can only select valid options, preventing input errors and improving the user experience.


In conclusion, creating a calendar in Excel is a useful skill that can help you stay organized and efficient. Throughout this tutorial, we covered the steps to make a calendar, including setting up the spreadsheet, inputting the dates, and formatting the cells. Remember to practice and experiment with different calendar formats in Excel to find the style that works best for you. With a little bit of patience and creativity, you can customize your calendar to fit your specific needs and preferences.

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