Excel Tutorial: How To Make A Food Menu On Excel


Are you looking to create a professional-looking food menu for your restaurant or event? In this Excel tutorial, we will show you how to design and organize a food menu using the powerful features of Microsoft Excel. Whether you are a small business owner or a party planner, being able to create a visually appealing and functional menu can greatly improve your organization and presentation, ultimately enhancing the customer experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Creating a food menu on Excel can greatly improve organization and presentation for small business owners and event planners.
  • Labeling columns for item name, description, price, and category is essential for setting up the spreadsheet.
  • Using borders, cell shading, and appropriate font choices can enhance the visual appeal of the menu.
  • Adding images and functionality such as drop-down lists and search functions can further improve the menu design.
  • Practicing and customizing the menu is encouraged for a personalized and professional outcome.

Setting Up Your Spreadsheet

When creating a food menu on Excel, it's important to start with a well-organized spreadsheet. Follow these steps to set up your spreadsheet for an easy and efficient menu creation.

A. Open a new Excel workbook

Begin by opening Excel and starting a new workbook. This will give you a clean slate to work with for your menu creation.

B. Label the columns for item name, description, price, and category

Once your workbook is open, it's time to label your columns. In the first row of the spreadsheet, use the following column headers: Item Name, Description, Price, and Category.

  • Item Name: This column will contain the names of the food items on your menu.
  • Description: Use this column for a brief description of each item, such as ingredients or special features.
  • Price: The price column should contain the cost of each menu item.
  • Category: Use this column to categorize your menu items, such as appetizers, entrees, desserts, etc.

Entering Your Data

When creating a food menu on Excel, the first step is to input all the necessary data into the spreadsheet. This includes the food items, descriptions, prices, and categories.

  • Input the food items in the item name column: Begin by entering the names of the food items in the designated column. This will serve as the primary identifier for each menu item.
  • Add descriptions for each item: In a separate column, provide a brief description of each food item to give your customers a better understanding of what they can expect.
  • Include the corresponding prices: Next to each food item, input the corresponding price to ensure that your customers are aware of the cost.
  • Categorize the items: To make it easier for customers to navigate the menu, categorize the items into sections such as appetizers, entrees, and desserts. Create a column for categories and assign each item to its respective category.

Formatting Your Menu

When creating a food menu in Excel, it's important to format it in a way that is visually appealing and easy to read. Here are some tips for formatting your menu:

Use borders to separate the categories

  • Use the border tool to add borders around each category of food items, such as appetizers, entrees, and desserts.
  • This helps to visually separate the different sections of the menu and make it easier for customers to navigate.

Apply cell shading to alternate rows for easier reading

  • By applying cell shading to every other row, you can make it easier for customers to read the menu and distinguish between different items.
  • Choose a light, neutral color for the shading to ensure that the text remains easy to read.

Choose a font and font size for the menu items

  • Select a legible font for your menu, such as Arial or Times New Roman, and ensure that the font size is large enough for easy reading.
  • Consider using bold or italics to emphasize certain menu items or categories.

Adding Visuals

Adding visuals to your food menu in Excel can make it more visually appealing and enticing for your customers. Here's how you can easily insert images of the food items and customize them to fit your menu.

A. Insert images of the food items

To insert images of the food items into your Excel food menu, follow these steps:

  • Select the cell where you want to insert the image.
  • Go to the "Insert" tab in the Excel ribbon.
  • Click on "Pictures" and select the image file from your computer.
  • The image will be inserted into the selected cell.

B. Adjust the size and alignment of the images

Once you have inserted the images, you can adjust their size and alignment to fit your food menu layout:

  • Click on the image to select it.
  • You can drag the corner handles to resize the image to your desired dimensions.
  • To align the image within the cell, right-click on the image and choose "Format Picture."
  • In the "Format Picture" pane, go to the "Size & Properties" tab to set the alignment options.

Adding Functionality

When creating a food menu on Excel, it's important to make it user-friendly and efficient. Adding functionality such as drop-down lists, formulas for calculations, and a search function can greatly enhance the usability of the menu.

Create a drop-down list for the categories

Creating a drop-down list for the categories will make it easier for users to navigate the menu and select items. To do this, simply select the cells where you want the drop-down list to appear, then go to the Data tab and choose "Data Validation." From there, you can set the criteria for the drop-down list, including the source of the options.

Use formulas to calculate the total price for multiple items

Using formulas to automatically calculate the total price for multiple items selected by the user can save time and reduce errors. To do this, you can use the SUM function to add up the prices of the selected items, or use a combination of functions to calculate discounts or taxes if applicable.

Add a search function for easy navigation

Adding a search function will allow users to quickly find specific items on the menu. To do this, you can use the FILTER or VLOOKUP function to create a search feature that will display only the items that match the search criteria entered by the user. This can greatly improve the user experience and make the menu more efficient to use.


In conclusion, this tutorial covered how to create a food menu on Excel by using various functions and design tools. It is important to practice and customize the menu to suit your specific needs and preferences. Additionally, there are plenty of resources for further learning on Excel and menu design, including online tutorials, forums, and books. Remember, the more you practice, the more proficient you will become in utilizing Excel for menu creation.

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