Excel Tutorial: How To Export Outlook Contacts To Excel


Are you tired of manually entering your Outlook contacts into Excel? In this tutorial, we will show you how to export your Outlook contacts to Excel with just a few simple steps. This will not only save you time and effort, but also make it easier to manage and organize your contacts in a spreadsheet format.

Key Takeaways

  • Exporting Outlook contacts to Excel can save time and effort
  • Organizing contacts in a spreadsheet format makes them easier to manage
  • Accessing and customizing fields for export is a simple process
  • Saving the Excel file allows for easy access and sharing of contacts
  • Managing contacts in Excel provides a more efficient way to keep track of important information

Step 1: Accessing Outlook Contacts

To begin exporting your Outlook contacts to Excel, you first need to access your contacts list in Microsoft Outlook.

  • A. Open Microsoft Outlook
  • Launch Microsoft Outlook on your computer.

  • B. Click on the "People" icon at the bottom of the screen
  • Once Outlook is open, navigate to the bottom of the screen and click on the "People" icon to access your contacts.

Step 2: Selecting Contacts to Export

After launching Microsoft Outlook, you will need to navigate to the "File" tab at the top of the screen to begin the process of exporting your contacts to Excel. Follow these steps to proceed:

A. Click on the "File" tab at the top of the screen

Locate and click on the "File" tab, which is typically found in the upper-left corner of the Outlook window. This will open a drop-down menu with various options for managing your Outlook account.

B. Select "Open & Export" and then choose "Import/Export"

From the drop-down menu, select the "Open & Export" option to access a range of actions related to managing your Outlook data. Next, choose the "Import/Export" option from the list, which will launch a new window with a variety of import and export options.

Step 3: Choosing Export Option

Once you have selected the contacts you want to export, the next step is to choose the export option that will allow you to save the contacts in an Excel file.

A. Select "Export to a file" and click "Next"

After selecting the export to a file option, you will be prompted to choose the file type for the export. This will allow you to specify the format in which you want to save your contacts.

B. Choose "Microsoft Excel" as the file type and click "Next"

When prompted to choose the file type for the export, select "Microsoft Excel" as the desired format. This will ensure that your contacts are saved in an Excel file, which can easily be opened and edited in Microsoft Excel.

Step 4: Mapping Fields

Once you have selected the folder containing the contacts you want to export, the next step is to customize the fields to be exported by clicking on "Map Custom Fields."

A. Select the folder containing the contacts you want to export

Before you can proceed with mapping the fields, make sure to select the folder that contains the contacts you wish to export. This ensures that you are working with the correct set of data.

B. Click "Map Custom Fields" to customize the fields to export

After selecting the folder, locate and click on the "Map Custom Fields" option. This will allow you to customize which fields from your Outlook contacts you want to export to Excel. By doing so, you can tailor the exported data to meet your specific needs and preferences.

Saving the Excel File

Once you have successfully exported your Outlook contacts to Excel, it is important to save the file in a location where you can easily access it and keep it organized.

A. Choose a location to save the Excel file
  • After clicking "Finish" in the export wizard, a dialog box will appear prompting you to choose a location to save the Excel file.
  • It is recommended to select a folder or directory on your computer where you store other relevant files, such as your documents or contacts.
  • Consider creating a new folder specifically for your exported Outlook contacts for better organization.

B. Click "Finish" to export the Outlook contacts to Excel
  • Once you have chosen a location for the file, click "Finish" to complete the export process.
  • The exported Excel file will then be saved in the location you specified, ready for you to access and use as needed.


After following the simple steps of exporting your Outlook contacts to Excel, you now have all your important contacts organized and easily accessible in a manageable format. This will save you time and make it easier to keep your contacts up to date. Whether you are a small business owner or an individual, having your contacts in Excel will simplify your workflow and improve your productivity.

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