Excel Tutorial: How To Export Contacts From Gmail To Excel


Welcome to our Excel tutorial on how to export contacts from Gmail to Excel! Managing contacts is an essential task for individuals and businesses alike, and being able to export contacts from Gmail to Excel can save you time and effort. Whether you want to create a backup of your contacts, organize them for a mailing list, or simply have them accessible in a different format, this tutorial will guide you through the process step by step.

Key Takeaways

  • Exporting contacts from Gmail to Excel can save time and effort in managing contact information.
  • Familiarize yourself with the layout and options for managing contacts in Gmail before exporting them to Excel.
  • When exporting contacts to a CSV file, ensure that you select the correct format and review the data for any necessary adjustments in Excel.
  • Saving the contacts in Excel format allows for easier future access and editing, as well as utilizing Excel's sorting and filtering capabilities.
  • Explore additional Excel features and tools for more efficient management and organization of contact information.

Accessing Gmail contacts

To export contacts from Gmail to Excel, you will first need to access your Gmail contacts.

A. Open Gmail and navigate to the 'Contacts' tab

Upon logging into your Gmail account, you can easily access your contacts by clicking on the 'Contacts' tab located on the left-hand side of the page. This will open up your Gmail contacts in a new window.

B. Familiarize with the layout and options for managing contacts

Once you have accessed your Gmail contacts, take some time to familiarize yourself with the layout and options for managing your contacts. You can add new contacts, edit existing contacts, create contact groups, and perform other actions to organize your contacts within Gmail.

Now that you have accessed your Gmail contacts, you are ready to proceed with exporting them to Excel.

Exporting contacts to a CSV file

Exporting contacts from Gmail to Excel can be a simple and efficient process if you follow the right steps. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to export your contacts to a CSV file.

A. Select the contacts to be exported

The first step is to select the contacts that you want to export. You can select individual contacts by checking the boxes next to their names, or you can select all contacts by checking the box at the top of the list to select all.

B. Click on the 'More' dropdown menu and choose 'Export'

Once you have selected the contacts, click on the 'More' dropdown menu at the top of the page. From the dropdown menu, choose the 'Export' option. This will open a new window with export options.

C. Choose the format as 'CSV' and click 'Export'

In the export window, you will be prompted to choose the format for exporting your contacts. Select 'CSV' as the format, which is compatible with Excel. Once you have selected the format, click the 'Export' button to start the export process.

Opening the CSV file in Excel

After successfully exporting your contacts from Gmail to a CSV file, the next step is to open the file in Excel for further organization and analysis. Here’s how you can do it:

A. Locate the exported CSV file on your computer

First, navigate to the location on your computer where the CSV file was saved. Typically, it will be in your "Downloads" folder or the location you specified when exporting the file from Gmail.

B. Open Excel and import the CSV file

Next, open Excel on your computer. Once Excel is open, go to the "File" menu and select "Open." In the dialog box that appears, locate and select the CSV file you exported from Gmail. Click "Open" to import the file into Excel.

C. Review the data and make any necessary formatting adjustments

Once the CSV file is opened in Excel, take some time to review the data. Ensure that all the contact information has been properly imported and is displayed correctly. You may need to make some formatting adjustments, such as resizing columns, adjusting text alignment, or converting data formats to ensure the information is easy to read and work with.

Saving the contacts in Excel format

After successfully exporting your contacts from Gmail to Excel, the next step is to save the file in Excel format for easier future access and editing.

A. Make any final edits or adjustments to the contacts in Excel

Before saving the file, it is important to review the contacts in Excel and make any final edits or adjustments if necessary. This could include formatting the data, rearranging columns, or removing any duplicate entries.

B. Save the file in Excel format for easier future access and editing

Once you are satisfied with the contacts in Excel, it's time to save the file in Excel format. This will allow you to easily access and edit the contacts in the future using Microsoft Excel or any other compatible spreadsheet software.

Tips for organizing and utilizing the data

Organizing and managing contact information in Excel can be a breeze if you utilize the sorting and filtering capabilities as well as the various functions and tools available.

A. Use Excel's sorting and filtering capabilities to organize the contacts
  • Sort by name, email, or any other field

    Excel allows you to easily sort your contacts alphabetically by name or by any other field such as email address or phone number. This can help you quickly find and organize your contacts as needed.

  • Filter by specific criteria

    You can filter your contacts based on specific criteria, such as location, job title, or any other custom field. This can help you create targeted lists for specific purposes or events.

  • Use advanced filtering options

    Excel also provides advanced filtering options that allow you to apply complex criteria and create custom filters based on multiple conditions.

B. Explore Excel's functions and tools for managing contact information more efficiently
  • Use functions for data manipulation

    Excel offers a wide range of functions that can be used to manipulate and manage contact information. Functions such as CONCATENATE, LEFT, RIGHT, and LEN can be particularly useful for formatting and organizing data.

  • Utilize Excel's data validation feature

    Data validation can help ensure that the contact information entered into your spreadsheet is accurate and consistent. You can use data validation to create drop-down lists, set specific formats, and limit the type of data that can be entered.

  • Explore Excel's built-in templates for contact management

    Excel offers a variety of pre-built templates specifically designed for contact management. These templates can provide a starting point for organizing and utilizing contact information more effectively.


In conclusion, exporting contacts from Gmail to Excel can be a valuable time-saving skill. Remember to go to Gmail and click on Contacts, then More and Export, choose the format CSV and finally import it into Excel. Having contact information in Excel format makes it easy to organize, sort, and analyze your contacts. It also allows for easy integration with other platforms and tools. I encourage you to practice these steps and explore additional Excel features for contact management, such as data validation, filtering, and pivot tables, to further optimize your contact list.

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