Excel Tutorial: How To Edit Excel Graphs


Excel graphs play a crucial role in visually representing data, making it easier for users to interpret and analyze information. However, creating effective and visually appealing graphs requires the ability to edit and customize them according to specific requirements. This tutorial aims to provide a step-by-step guide on how to edit Excel graphs, allowing users to enhance the visual impact of their data presentations.

Key Takeaways

  • Excel graphs are essential for visually representing data and making it easier to interpret and analyze information.
  • Editing and customizing graphs according to specific requirements is crucial for creating effective and visually appealing visualizations.
  • Understanding the different types of graphs in Excel and the importance of editing them for data visualization is key to creating impactful presentations.
  • Accessing and creating graphs in Excel, as well as editing data and customizing graph elements, are important skills to master for effective graph editing.
  • Adding trendlines and error bars to Excel graphs can further enhance data visualization and analysis.

Understanding Excel Graphs

When working with data in Excel, it's essential to be able to visualize the information in a clear and concise manner. Excel graphs are a powerful tool for achieving this, allowing users to represent data in a visual format that is easily understandable. In this tutorial, we will explore the different types of graphs in Excel and the importance of editing graphs for effective data visualization.

A. Brief explanation of different types of graphs in Excel
  • Bar Charts:

    Bar charts are useful for comparing values across different categories.
  • Line Charts:

    Line charts are ideal for showing trends over time or other continuous data.
  • Pie Charts:

    Pie charts are effective for displaying the proportion of parts to a whole.
  • Scatter Plots:

    Scatter plots are used to show the relationship between two variables.
  • Histograms:

    Histograms are suitable for displaying the distribution of a dataset.

B. Importance of editing graphs for data visualization

Editing graphs in Excel is crucial for enhancing data visualization. By customizing the appearance of the graphs, such as adding labels, titles, and colors, users can make the data easier to interpret and understand. A well-edited graph can highlight key insights and trends, making it a valuable tool for decision-making and communication.

Accessing Excel Graphs

Excel graphs are a powerful way to visualize data and make it easier to understand. Whether you need to edit an existing graph or create a new one, Excel provides a user-friendly interface for managing your graphs. Here's how to access Excel graphs:

A. Instructions on how to open an existing Excel graph
  • Step 1:

    Open the Excel file that contains the graph you want to edit.
  • Step 2:

    Navigate to the worksheet containing the graph or chart.
  • Step 3:

    Click on the graph to select it. This will display the Chart Tools tab on the Excel ribbon, providing access to various editing options.

B. Steps to create a new graph in Excel
  • Step 1:

    Open the Excel file where you want to create the new graph.
  • Step 2:

    Select the data you want to include in the graph. This can be done by clicking and dragging to highlight the data range.
  • Step 3:

    Go to the Insert tab on the Excel ribbon and click on the type of graph you want to create, such as a bar graph, line graph, pie chart, etc.
  • Step 4:

    Excel will generate the graph based on the selected data, and you can further customize it using the Chart Tools tab and various formatting options.

Editing Data in Excel Graphs

When working with Excel graphs, it's not uncommon to need to make adjustments to the data being displayed. Whether you want to change the data source for the graph or add or remove data series, Excel provides the tools to easily make these edits.

How to edit the data source for the graph

  • Selecting the data: To edit the data source for your Excel graph, start by selecting the chart. Then, click on the "Select Data" option in the Design tab of the Chart Tools section. This will open a window where you can modify the data range used in the graph.
  • Adding or removing data: In the "Select Data Source" window, you can add or remove data from the graph by clicking the "Add" or "Remove" buttons. This allows you to customize the data being displayed without having to recreate the entire graph.
  • Editing the data range: Additionally, you can edit the data range directly in the "Select Data Source" window by changing the cell range or selecting different data for the series in the graph.

Adding or removing data series from the graph

  • Adding a data series: To add a data series to your Excel graph, click on the "Select Data" option in the Design tab of the Chart Tools section. In the "Select Data Source" window, click the "Add" button and then select the range of cells containing the data you want to add to the graph.
  • Removing a data series: Similarly, to remove a data series from your Excel graph, navigate to the "Select Data" option and click on the series you want to remove. Then, click the "Remove" button in the "Select Data Source" window.

Customizing Graph Elements

When creating graphs in Excel, it's important to not only display your data accurately but also to make the graph visually appealing and easily understandable to your audience. Customizing graph elements allows you to tailor the graph to your specific needs and preferences. In this tutorial, we will cover how to change the title and axis labels, as well as adjusting the color, style, and size of graph elements.

Changing the title and axis labels

One of the first steps in customizing a graph is to modify the title and axis labels. This can help provide context and clarity to the graph and make it easier for viewers to understand the data being presented. To change the title and axis labels:

  • Modify the title: Double-click on the existing title to select it, then type in the new title to replace it. You can also format the title by changing the font, size, and color.
  • Adjust the axis labels: Click on the axis labels to select them, then type in the new labels to replace them. You can also format the font, size, and color of the axis labels to improve visibility and clarity.

Adjusting the color, style, and size of graph elements

Customizing the color, style, and size of graph elements can help make your graph more visually appealing and easier to interpret. Here's how to adjust these elements:

  • Change the color: Select the data series or specific data points within the graph, then right-click and choose the "Format Data Series" option. From here, you can modify the color of the selected elements to match your desired aesthetic.
  • Modify the style: You can change the style of elements such as lines, bars, or markers by right-clicking on them and selecting the "Format" option. This allows you to adjust the style, such as solid or dashed lines, and the thickness or shape of the elements.
  • Adjust the size: Changing the size of graph elements can help emphasize certain data points or make the graph more visually impactful. You can modify the size of elements like data points or labels by selecting them and adjusting their size using the formatting options.

Adding Trendlines and Error Bars

In this chapter, we will cover how to add trendlines to show data trends and including error bars to visualize data variability in Excel graphs.

  • How to add trendlines to show data trends
  • Adding a trendline to your Excel graph can help you identify patterns and trends in your data. To add a trendline, simply right-click on the data series in your graph and select "Add Trendline" from the menu. You can then choose the type of trendline (linear, exponential, etc.) that best fits your data and customize its appearance and display options.

  • Including error bars to visualize data variability
  • Error bars are a useful way to visually represent the variability in your data. To add error bars to your Excel graph, click on the data series in the graph and then select "Error Bars" from the Chart Elements menu. You can then customize the error bar options, such as the type (standard deviation, standard error, etc.) and direction (plus, minus, or both) to accurately represent the variability in your data.


In this tutorial , we covered the key points of editing Excel graphs, including formatting, adding titles and labels, and customizing colors and styles. By practicing these techniques, readers can enhance their graph-editing skills and create visually appealing and impactful charts. I encourage everyone to explore further Excel graph editing techniques, such as trendlines, data markers, and axis formatting, to take their data visualization to the next level.

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