Excel Tutorial: How To Edit Chart Data In Excel


Being able to edit chart data in Excel is an essential skill for anyone who works with data and wants to create dynamic and impactful visual representations. Whether you need to update existing data or customize a chart to fit specific requirements, knowing how to manipulate chart data can greatly enhance your ability to present information effectively. In this tutorial, we will cover the key steps and techniques for editing chart data in Excel, empowering you to create and modify charts with confidence.

Key Takeaways

  • Being able to edit chart data in Excel is essential for creating impactful visual representations of data.
  • Accessing and navigating chart data in Excel is the first step in editing and customizing charts.
  • Formatting chart data allows for customization of appearance and adding context to the chart.
  • Using formulas and functions can enhance the dynamic nature of chart data in Excel.
  • Efficient editing of chart data can be achieved through keyboard shortcuts and built-in features in Excel.

Accessing the Chart Data

When working with charts in Excel, it's important to know how to access and edit the chart data. Here's how you can do it:

A. How to select the chart in Excel
  • Click on the chart to select it. You'll know it's selected when you see the border and handles around it.
  • If you have multiple charts on the sheet, make sure to click on the specific chart you want to edit.

B. Navigating to the chart data for editing
  • Once the chart is selected, go to the Chart Tools tab at the top of the Excel window.
  • Click on the Select Data button in the Data group. This will open the Select Data Source dialog box.
  • In the Select Data Source dialog box, you can easily edit the chart data by adding, removing, or modifying the data series.

By following these simple steps, you can easily access and edit the chart data in Excel, allowing you to customize your charts to best fit your needs.

Editing Data in the Excel Chart

When creating a chart in Excel, it is important to know how to edit the data within the chart. Whether you need to change the data range, add or remove data series, or edit individual data points, Excel provides the tools to help you make the necessary adjustments.

A. Changing the data range for the chart
  • Primary axis:

    To change the data range for the primary axis of the chart, click on the chart and then click on the "Select Data" button in the Chart Tools menu. From there, you can edit the range for the existing series or add a new series.
  • Secondary axis:

    If you have a secondary axis on your chart, you can also change the data range for it by selecting the series and editing the range in the "Select Data" menu.

B. Adding or removing data series from the chart
  • Adding a data series:

    To add a new data series to the chart, go to the "Select Data" menu and click on "Add" under the Legend Entries (Series) section. Then, you can input the range for the new series.
  • Removing a data series:

    If you need to remove a data series from the chart, simply select the series in the "Select Data" menu and click on the "Remove" button.

C. Editing individual data points within the chart
  • Changing a data point:

    If you need to edit a specific data point within the chart, you can click on the data series to select it and then click on the specific point you want to edit. This will allow you to change the value or category for that particular data point.
  • Formatting individual data points:

    Additionally, you can format individual data points by right-clicking on them and selecting "Format Data Point." This will allow you to customize the appearance of the specific data point.

Formatting the Chart Data

When it comes to creating visually appealing and informative charts in Excel, it’s important to know how to format the chart data. This involves making changes to the chart type, adjusting the appearance of the data series, and adding labels and titles to the chart.

A. Changing the chart type
  • Select the chart

    Click on the chart to select it. This will display the Chart Tools tab at the top of the Excel window.

  • Change the chart type

    Click on the Design tab under Chart Tools and then click on the Change Chart Type button to choose a different chart type that best suits your data.

B. Adjusting the appearance of the data series
  • Format the data series

    Click on the data series that you want to format to select it. Then right-click and choose Format Data Series to adjust the appearance, such as the color, style, and marker options.

  • Add data labels

    Click on the data series to select it, and then click on the Design tab under Chart Tools and select Add Chart Element to add data labels to the series.

C. Adding labels and titles to the chart
  • Add chart title

    Click on the chart to select it, then click on the Layout tab under Chart Tools and select Chart Title to add a title to the chart.

  • Include axis titles

    Click on the chart to select it, then click on the Layout tab under Chart Tools and select Axis Titles to add titles to the horizontal and vertical axes.

Using Formulas in Chart Data

When working with chart data in Excel, it's important to understand how to use formulas to manipulate the data, incorporate dynamic data, and utilize functions to analyze the data within the chart.

A. How to use formulas to manipulate the chart data

Formulas can be used to manipulate the chart data in Excel. By using formulas, you can perform calculations on the data and create custom data sets for your chart. For example, you can use formulas to add, subtract, multiply, or divide data to create new values for your chart.

B. Incorporating dynamic data into the chart

Dynamic data refers to data that changes frequently, and it's important to be able to incorporate this type of data into your chart. Using formulas such as OFFSET, INDEX, and MATCH, you can create dynamic ranges for your chart data. This allows your chart to automatically update as new data is added or existing data is changed.

C. Utilizing functions to analyze the data within the chart

Excel offers a wide range of functions that can be used to analyze the data within your chart. Functions such as AVERAGE, SUM, MAX, and MIN can be used to calculate key metrics and summarize the data within the chart. By utilizing these functions, you can gain valuable insights from the data and make informed decisions.

Tips for Efficiently Editing Chart Data

A. Keyboard shortcuts for quicker editing

When working with chart data in Excel, using keyboard shortcuts can significantly speed up the editing process. Some essential shortcuts to remember include:

  • Ctrl + C to copy data
  • Ctrl + V to paste data
  • Ctrl + X to cut data
  • Ctrl + Z to undo changes

B. Utilizing Excel's built-in features for chart editing

Excel comes with a variety of built-in features that make editing chart data a breeze. Some of these features include:

  • Data labels to display values on the chart
  • Data table to view and edit the source data for the chart
  • Chart styles for quick formatting options

C. Best practices for organizing and formatting chart data

It's important to organize and format your chart data in a way that is easy to read and understand. Some best practices to follow include:

  • Using clear and descriptive labels for data series
  • Ensuring consistent formatting for data points
  • Organizing data in a logical order for easy analysis


A. In this tutorial, we covered the key points of editing chart data in Excel, including selecting data to edit, using the ‘Select Data’ option, and making changes to the chart type and appearance.

B. I encourage you to practice and explore different ways to edit chart data in Excel. The more you experiment with the data, the more proficient you will become in creating effective and visually appealing charts.

C. As you continue your journey in mastering Excel, I recommend exploring more advanced chart editing techniques, such as adding trendlines, customizing axes, and using pivot charts to analyze data in more depth.

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