Excel Tutorial: How To Edit Background In Excel


Editing the background in Excel can have a significant impact on the overall presentation and readability of your spreadsheet. Whether you want to add a pop of color for visual appeal or simply make the data easier to understand, the background can play a crucial role in enhancing the user experience. In this tutorial, we will cover the various ways to edit the background in Excel, including changing the color, adding a gradient, and inserting an image.

Key Takeaways

  • Editing the background in Excel can significantly enhance the overall presentation and readability of your spreadsheet.
  • There are various ways to edit the background in Excel, including changing the color, adding a gradient, and inserting an image.
  • Background editing can be used to enhance data visualization, highlight important data points, and create a professional look for presentations.
  • It is important to choose the right color scheme for readability and keep backgrounds subtle to avoid distraction.
  • Readers are encouraged to explore and experiment with background editing in Excel to make a meaningful impact on data presentation and analysis.

Understanding the different ways to edit background in Excel

Excel offers various options for editing the background of your spreadsheets, allowing you to customize the look and feel of your data. Here are some key ways to accomplish this:

  • Exploring the use of Themes and Styles
  • Customizing background colors and gradients
  • Adding images as backgrounds

Exploring the use of Themes and Styles

Excel provides a range of built-in themes and styles that can be applied to your spreadsheets, including background colors, fonts, and effects. These predefined combinations offer a quick and easy way to give your data a professional and polished appearance. You can experiment with different themes and styles to find the one that best suits your preferences.

Customizing background colors and gradients

If you want more control over the background of your Excel spreadsheet, you can manually customize the colors and gradients. Excel allows you to change the background color of cells, rows, and columns, as well as apply gradients to create visually appealing effects. This level of customization enables you to tailor the background to match your specific design requirements.

Adding images as backgrounds

In addition to colors and gradients, Excel also enables you to add images as backgrounds to your spreadsheets. This feature can be particularly useful for creating branded or visually impactful documents. You can insert images as the entire background of the spreadsheet or position them behind the data, adding a personal touch to your Excel files.

Step-by-step guide to editing background in Excel

Microsoft Excel provides the option to edit the background of your spreadsheet, allowing you to customize the look and feel of your document. Follow these simple steps to edit the background in Excel.

A. Accessing the Page Layout tab

  • Open Excel: Launch Microsoft Excel on your computer.
  • Select a spreadsheet: Choose the spreadsheet in which you want to edit the background.
  • Go to the Page Layout tab: At the top of the Excel window, click on the "Page Layout" tab to access the page layout options.

B. Selecting the desired background editing option

  • Click on the Background button: Once on the Page Layout tab, locate and click on the "Background" button. This will open the background options menu.
  • Choose a background style: From the background options menu, select the desired background style or color that you want to apply to your spreadsheet.

C. Making changes and adjustments

  • Customize the background: After selecting a background style, you may have the option to further customize it by adjusting the transparency, brightness, or contrast.
  • Preview the changes: Before finalizing the background edits, preview how the background looks in your spreadsheet to ensure it meets your requirements.
  • Apply the changes: Once satisfied with the background edits, click "OK" to apply the changes and close the background options menu.

With these simple steps, you can easily edit the background in Excel and personalize your spreadsheet to your liking.

Utilizing background editing for data visualization

Background editing in Excel can be a powerful tool for enhancing the visual appeal of charts and graphs, highlighting important data points, and creating a professional and polished look for presentations. Let’s take a closer look at how to utilize background editing for data visualization.

Enhancing the visual appeal of charts and graphs

By editing the background of your charts and graphs, you can create a more visually appealing and engaging visual representation of your data. This can help draw attention to key insights and make your data more accessible and understandable.

Using background editing to highlight important data points

Background editing can be used to draw attention to important data points within your charts and graphs. By utilizing contrasting colors or shading, you can make specific data points stand out and ensure that they are easily noticed by your audience.

Creating a professional and polished look for presentations

Background editing can also be used to create a professional and polished look for your presentations. By carefully choosing color schemes and backgrounds, you can ensure that your charts and graphs look polished and cohesive, helping to enhance the overall professionalism of your presentation.

Tips for efficient background editing in Excel

When editing the background in Excel, it is important to consider the color scheme, subtlety, and contrast to ensure readability and visibility.

Choosing the right color scheme for readability

  • Consider the purpose: When choosing a color scheme for the background in Excel, consider the purpose of the spreadsheet. For example, a financial spreadsheet may benefit from a professional and clean color scheme, while a marketing spreadsheet may be more visually appealing with vibrant colors.
  • Use high contrast: Ensure that the text on the spreadsheet is easily readable by choosing a background color that provides high contrast with the text color. This will make it easier for the reader to discern the text from the background.

Keeping backgrounds subtle to avoid distraction

  • Avoid busy patterns: When editing the background in Excel, it is best to keep the background subtle and free from busy patterns or images. This helps to avoid distraction and allows the focus to remain on the content of the spreadsheet.
  • Use neutral colors: Neutral colors like light grey, beige, or off-white are often a safe choice for background editing as they are less likely to clash with the content and are easier on the eyes.

Using contrasting colors for better visibility

  • Highlight important information: When editing the background in Excel, consider using contrasting colors to highlight important information. For example, using a light background with a dark text color for headers and important data can help draw attention to key points.
  • Test for visibility: Before finalizing the background color scheme, test the spreadsheet for visibility by viewing it on different screens and in various lighting conditions. This will ensure that the background is not only visually appealing but also practical for readability.

Dealing with compatibility issues

When working with background editing in Excel, it’s important to be aware of compatibility issues that may arise, especially when sharing files with others who may have different versions of Excel or use different operating systems.

Adjusting compatibility settings

  • Check for compatibility settings: Before editing the background in Excel, ensure that the compatibility settings are in place to avoid any issues when sharing the file with others.
  • Save as compatible file type: If you encounter compatibility issues, try saving the file in a compatible format such as .xlsx or .csv to ensure that the background editing remains intact.

Undoing unwanted background changes

At times, you may make unwanted background changes in Excel, and it’s important to know how to undo these changes without affecting the rest of the worksheet.

Using the Undo feature

  • Keyboard shortcut: Utilize the Ctrl + Z keyboard shortcut to quickly undo the last background change made in Excel.
  • Using the Undo button: Locate the Undo button in the toolbar and click on it to reverse the unwanted background changes.

Finding and using helpful resources

When encountering difficulties with background editing in Excel, it’s beneficial to seek out helpful resources and tools to guide you through the troubleshooting process.

Online tutorials and forums

  • Search for online tutorials: Look for tutorials and guides on background editing in Excel to gain insight into common issues and how to resolve them.
  • Join Excel forums: Engage with the Excel community on forums to seek advice and solutions for troubleshooting background editing problems.


In conclusion, this tutorial has covered the basics of editing backgrounds in Excel, including how to change the background color and add an image as the background. By following the simple steps outlined, users can create visually appealing and organized spreadsheets.

  • Key Points: The tutorial has provided a step-by-step guide on how to edit the background in Excel, including changing the background color and adding images.
  • Encouragement: We encourage readers to explore and experiment with background editing in Excel to enhance the visual appeal of their data and gain a deeper understanding of its impact on analysis and presentation.
  • Impact: Visually appealing backgrounds can make data more engaging and easier to interpret, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of data presentation and analysis.

So go ahead and take your Excel skills to the next level by incorporating visually appealing backgrounds into your spreadsheets!

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