Excel Tutorial: How To Display Excel Data In Html


Welcome to our Excel tutorial on how to display excel data in HTML. In this post, we will walk you through the process of presenting your excel data in a web-friendly format that can be easily shared and accessed online. The ability to display excel data in HTML is crucial for businesses and individuals looking to communicate information effectively and visually on the web.

Key Takeaways

  • Displaying excel data in HTML is crucial for effective communication and visualization on the web.
  • Understanding the different types of data in Excel and how to organize and format it for HTML display is important.
  • Converting Excel data to HTML and embedding it into a website requires careful formatting and styling for better display.
  • Adding interactivity to the HTML table using JavaScript can enhance user experience and engagement.
  • Best practices for displaying Excel data in HTML include optimizing display for large datasets and ensuring compatibility across web browsers and devices.

Understanding Excel Data

A. Explanation of different types of data in Excel

  • Text: Text data in Excel is typically used for labels, descriptions, and other non-numeric information.
  • Numbers: Numeric data in Excel includes integers, decimals, and currency values.
  • Dates: Excel can store dates as a separate data type, allowing for easy manipulation and calculation.
  • Formulas: Excel allows for the input and storage of formulas, enabling dynamic calculations based on other data in the workbook.

B. How to organize and format data for display in HTML

  • Organizing data: Before displaying Excel data in HTML, it's important to organize it in a clear and structured manner, such as using tables or lists.
  • Formatting data: Excel offers a range of formatting options, such as cell borders, font styles, and background colors, which can enhance the visual appeal of the data when displayed in HTML.
  • Consideration for web display: When preparing Excel data for HTML display, it's important to consider how the data will appear on a web page, including responsiveness for different screen sizes and the use of appropriate HTML tags for structuring the content.

Converting Excel Data to HTML

Converting Excel data to HTML can be a useful skill to have, as it allows you to easily display your data on a website or share it with others online. In this tutorial, we will walk through the step-by-step process of using Excel's built-in features to convert your data to HTML, as well as provide some tips for formatting and styling the HTML output for better display.

Step-by-step guide on using Excel's built-in features to convert data to HTML

  • Step 1: Open your Excel workbook and select the range of data that you want to convert to HTML.
  • Step 2: Click on the "File" tab and select "Save As."
  • Step 3: In the "Save as type" dropdown menu, select "Web Page (.htm; .html)." This will save your Excel workbook as an HTML file.
  • Step 4: Click "Publish" to save the file to your desired location.

Tips for formatting and styling the HTML output for better display

  • Tip 1: Use CSS to style your HTML output. You can add styles to the HTML file to customize the appearance of your data, such as font styles, colors, and borders.
  • Tip 2: Consider using tables to organize your data. Tables can help to clearly display and organize your data in the HTML output.
  • Tip 3: Pay attention to responsive design. If you plan to display your data on different devices, make sure to optimize your HTML output for mobile and tablet display.
  • Tip 4: Test your HTML output in different web browsers to ensure compatibility and proper display.

Embedding HTML in a Website

When it comes to displaying Excel data on a website, embedding HTML code is the way to go. Here's how you can embed the HTML code into a website and troubleshoot common issues with displaying the data.

How to embed the HTML code into a website

Embedding HTML code into a website is a straightforward process that allows you to display Excel data in a user-friendly format. Here are the steps to embed the HTML code into a website:

  • Create the HTML table: Start by opening the Excel file and selecting the data you want to display. Then, go to the "Insert" tab and click on "Table" to create an HTML table.
  • Copy the HTML code: Once the table is created, right-click on the table and select "Copy." This will copy the HTML code for the table to your clipboard.
  • Paste the HTML code into your website: Navigate to the page on your website where you want to display the Excel data. Then, paste the copied HTML code into the appropriate location on the webpage.
  • Save and test: After pasting the HTML code, save the changes to your website and test the page to ensure that the Excel data is displayed correctly.

Troubleshooting common issues with displaying the data on a website

While embedding HTML code into a website is a relatively simple process, you may encounter some common issues when displaying Excel data. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you address these issues:

  • Data not displaying correctly: If the Excel data is not displaying correctly on your website, double-check the HTML code to ensure that it was copied and pasted accurately. Look for any missing or misplaced tags that could be causing the issue.
  • Formatting issues: Sometimes, the formatting of the Excel data may not translate accurately when displayed on a website. In this case, you may need to adjust the CSS styles for the HTML table to ensure that the data is presented in the desired format.
  • Browser compatibility: It's important to test the display of the Excel data on multiple browsers to ensure compatibility. If the data is not displaying correctly on a specific browser, you may need to make adjustments to the HTML code or CSS styles to address the issue.

By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you can effectively embed Excel data into a website and ensure that it is displayed accurately for your website visitors.

Adding Interactivity to the HTML Table

When displaying Excel data in HTML, adding interactivity to the table can greatly enhance the user experience. By using JavaScript, you can make the table interactive and allow users to manipulate the data according to their needs.

How to make the HTML table interactive using JavaScript

To make the HTML table interactive, you can use JavaScript to add features such as sorting, filtering, and searching. This allows users to easily navigate through the data and find the information they are looking for.

One way to achieve this is by using JavaScript libraries such as jQuery or DataTables. These libraries provide pre-built functions for adding interactivity to HTML tables, making it easier to implement advanced features without writing complex code from scratch.

By adding event listeners and handling user inputs, you can create a dynamic and responsive table that enhances the overall user experience.

Examples of interactive features to enhance user experience

  • Sorting: Allow users to sort the table by different columns, such as ascending or descending order, to quickly organize the data.
  • Filtering: Implement filter options that enable users to display only the data that meets specific criteria, making it easier to focus on relevant information.
  • Searching: Add a search bar that allows users to input keywords and quickly locate relevant data within the table.
  • Pagination: Divide large datasets into multiple pages to improve performance and navigation, especially for displaying extensive Excel data.
  • Editing: Enable users to edit cells directly within the HTML table, providing a seamless way to make changes to the data.

Best Practices for Displaying Excel Data in HTML

When displaying Excel data in HTML, it’s important to follow best practices to ensure that the data is presented in an optimized and compatible manner across different platforms. Here are some tips to consider:

Tips for optimizing the display of large datasets

  • Use pagination: When dealing with large datasets, consider implementing pagination to break up the data into smaller, more manageable chunks for display.
  • Utilize filters: Incorporate filtering options to allow users to easily search and sort through the data to find what they are looking for.
  • Limit the number of columns: Avoid overwhelming the user with too many columns of data at once. Only display the most relevant information to keep the display clean and organized.
  • Optimize performance: Use efficient coding practices to ensure that the data loads quickly and does not slow down the user’s browsing experience.

Ensuring compatibility across different web browsers and devices

  • Responsive design: Ensure that the HTML display is responsive and adapts to different screen sizes, making it easy to view on various devices, such as desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
  • Browser testing: Test the HTML display across different web browsers to ensure that the data is presented consistently and accurately on each platform.
  • Compatibility with older browsers: Consider the compatibility of the HTML display with older web browsers, making adjustments as necessary to ensure a seamless user experience for all users.


Recapping our discussion, displaying Excel data in HTML is crucial for sharing and presenting data in an accessible and interactive format. By converting Excel data into HTML, users can enhance the visual appeal and interactivity of their data, making it easier for others to understand and analyze. We encourage you to explore and experiment with different methods of displaying Excel data in HTML to find the best solution for your needs. Whether it's through coding or using online tools, the possibilities are endless.

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