Excel Tutorial: How To Convert Pdf To Excel Without Losing Formatting


When it comes to dealing with data, converting PDF to Excel can be a common headache for many professionals. While there are several tools available for this task, maintaining the formatting and layout of the original document can be a real challenge. This is why knowing how to convert PDF to Excel without losing formatting is crucial for anyone working with data. In this tutorial, we will delve into the importance of this skill and provide a step-by-step guide to help you accomplish this task efficiently.

Key Takeaways

  • Converting PDF to Excel without losing formatting is a common challenge for professionals dealing with data.
  • Understanding the differences in formatting between PDF and Excel is crucial for efficient conversion.
  • Using Adobe Acrobat, online tools, or Excel's data import functionality are different approaches to converting PDF to Excel.
  • Customizing import settings and using manual transfer techniques can help preserve formatting during the conversion process.
  • It is important to consider specific needs and limitations when choosing the best approach for PDF to Excel conversion.

Understanding the format of PDF and Excel

When it comes to working with different file formats, it’s important to understand the unique formatting characteristics of each. PDF (Portable Document Format) and Excel have distinct features that set them apart in terms of formatting and presentation.

A. How PDF and Excel differ in formatting

PDF is a fixed-layout format, meaning that the content and formatting are preserved regardless of the device or software used to view it. On the other hand, Excel is a dynamic spreadsheet application that allows for data manipulation, calculations, and complex formatting.

B. Challenges in converting PDF to Excel without losing formatting

Converting a PDF document to an Excel spreadsheet can present several challenges, especially when it comes to retaining the original formatting. These challenges may include:

  • Complex layout: PDFs often have complex layouts with tables, graphs, and images, which can be difficult to convert accurately to Excel.
  • Text recognition: Converting PDF text to editable Excel cells requires accurate character recognition to maintain formatting, fonts, and text sizes.
  • Special formatting: PDFs may contain special formatting such as color-coded cells, merged cells, and conditional formatting, which can be challenging to replicate in Excel.
  • Data integrity: Ensuring that the data from the PDF is accurately transferred to Excel without loss of integrity or precision is crucial for maintaining formatting.

Using Adobe Acrobat to export PDF to Excel

Converting a PDF file to Excel can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to preserving the original formatting. Adobe Acrobat offers a simple and efficient solution to export PDF to Excel while maintaining the formatting intact. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to accomplish this along with some potential limitations and issues to consider.

Step-by-step guide on exporting PDF to Excel

  • Step 1: Open the PDF file in Adobe Acrobat.
  • Step 2: Click on “Export PDF” in the right pane.
  • Step 3: Choose “Spreadsheet” as the export format.
  • Step 4: Select “Microsoft Excel Workbook” as the export format.
  • Step 5: Click “Export” and choose a location to save the Excel file.

Limitations and potential issues with using Adobe Acrobat

While Adobe Acrobat provides a convenient way to convert PDF to Excel without losing formatting, there are certain limitations and potential issues to keep in mind:

  • Complex Formatting: Adobe Acrobat may struggle to maintain complex formatting, such as tables with merged cells or advanced styling.
  • Scanned PDFs: Converting scanned PDFs to Excel may result in errors or loss of data due to the nature of scanned documents.
  • Large Files: Exporting large PDF files to Excel can be time-consuming and may lead to performance issues.
  • Data Accuracy: While Adobe Acrobat tries to preserve the original formatting, there can be instances of data inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the exported Excel file.

Using online tools to convert PDF to Excel

Converting PDF to Excel can be a time-consuming and frustrating task, especially when it comes to maintaining the original formatting. However, there are several online tools available that claim to make this process quick and easy. In this chapter, we will explore the popular online conversion tools and weigh their pros and cons.

A. Overview of popular online conversion tools

1. Smallpdf

  • One of the most popular online tools for converting PDF to Excel
  • Simple interface and easy to use
  • Offers both free and paid options


  • Specifically designed for converting PDF to Excel
  • Provides advanced options for data extraction and formatting
  • Offers a free trial for users to test its capabilities

3. Adobe Acrobat

  • Widely used for PDF editing and conversion
  • Includes features for converting PDF tables to Excel
  • Requires a subscription for full access to conversion tools

B. Pros and cons of using online tools for conversion


  • Convenient and accessible from any device with internet connectivity
  • Eliminates the need for downloading and installing software on your computer
  • Some tools offer advanced features for complex data extraction and formatting


  • Privacy and security concerns when uploading sensitive documents to online platforms
  • Dependence on internet connection for the conversion process
  • Limited functionality compared to dedicated desktop software for PDF to Excel conversion

Leveraging Excel's data import functionality

When it comes to converting PDF data into Excel without losing formatting, Excel's data import functionality can be a powerful tool. In this guide, we will walk through the step-by-step process of importing PDF data into Excel and customizing import settings to preserve formatting.

A. Step-by-step guide on importing PDF data into Excel

  • Open Excel: Launch Microsoft Excel on your computer.
  • Select 'Data' tab: Navigate to the 'Data' tab on the Excel ribbon.
  • Click on 'Get Data': Click on the 'Get Data' option to start the import process.
  • Choose 'From File': Select 'From File' and then 'From PDF' to import the PDF data into Excel.
  • Locate the PDF file: Browse and choose the PDF file you want to convert into Excel.
  • Review import settings: Review the import settings and adjust as needed.
  • Click 'Load': Once satisfied with the settings, click 'Load' to import the PDF data into Excel.

B. Customizing import settings to preserve formatting

  • Adjust data type: Excel allows you to specify the data type for each column to preserve formatting.
  • Manage delimiters: If your PDF data is delimited, you can customize the delimiter settings to maintain the correct formatting.
  • Handle special characters: Excel provides options to handle special characters during the import process to ensure formatting is preserved.
  • Preview data: Before finalizing the import, you can preview the data to ensure the formatting is maintained.
  • Save import settings: Once you have customized the import settings, you can save them for future use to streamline the conversion process.

Techniques for preserving formatting during manual transfer

When transferring data from a PDF to Excel manually, it is important to preserve the formatting to ensure the accuracy and readability of the information. Here are some techniques for preserving formatting:

  • Use text boxes: When copying text from a PDF, consider using text boxes in Excel to maintain the layout and structure of the content.
  • Convert to tables: If the data in the PDF is presented in a tabular format, convert it into a table in Excel to retain the layout and formatting.
  • Format cells: After pasting the data into Excel, use the formatting options to adjust the font, alignment, and other attributes to match the original presentation in the PDF.
  • Check for special characters: Pay attention to special characters and symbols in the PDF and ensure they are properly transferred to Excel.

Common pitfalls to avoid when transferring data manually

Despite the best efforts to preserve formatting, there are common pitfalls to be aware of when manually transferring data from a PDF to Excel:

  • Loss of structure: Manually copying text without considering the original layout can result in a loss of structure and readability in Excel.
  • Missing data: It is easy to overlook or miss out on certain data points when copying from a PDF to Excel, leading to incomplete information.
  • Incorrect alignment: Without careful attention to alignment, the data in Excel may not match the original presentation in the PDF.
  • Formatting inconsistencies: Inconsistent use of fonts, colors, and styles may lead to a lack of uniformity in the Excel document compared to the PDF.


As we have seen, maintaining formatting during the PDF to Excel conversion is crucial for preserving the integrity of the data. It ensures that the information remains organized and easy to interpret, saving valuable time and effort. When considering the best approach for this conversion, it is important to evaluate your specific needs. If you require a high level of accuracy and complex formatting, using specialized PDF to Excel conversion software may be the best option. On the other hand, if you are working with simpler documents and prioritize cost-effectiveness, using an online converter could be a suitable alternative.

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