Excel Tutorial: How To Calculate Percentage Discount In Excel


Knowing how to calculate percentage discounts in Excel is an essential skill for anyone working with numbers or running a business. Whether you're a salesperson looking to determine the final price of a product or a business owner analyzing the impact of discounts on your bottom line, understanding how to use Excel for these calculations can save time and ensure accuracy. In this tutorial, we'll provide a step-by-step guide to help you easily calculate percentage discounts in Excel, so you can make informed decisions and streamline your workflow.

Key Takeaways

  • Knowing how to calculate percentage discounts in Excel is important for professionals working with numbers or running a business.
  • The basic formula for percentage discount is Original Price - (Original Price * Discount Percentage).
  • Properly formatting cells for input and using the correct cell format for percentages is crucial for accurate calculations.
  • Using the formula to calculate discounted prices and applying it to multiple items can save time and streamline workflows.
  • Practice and experimentation with different scenarios in Excel is encouraged to solidify understanding and efficiency in using percentage discounts.

Understanding the basic formula for percentage discount

When it comes to calculating percentage discount in Excel, the basic formula to be used is: Original Price - (Original Price * Discount Percentage). This formula helps in finding out the final price after applying the discount.

A. Explaining the formula

The formula involves subtracting the product of the original price and the discount percentage from the original price. This results in the final discounted price.

B. Providing examples to illustrate the formula

For example, if the original price is $100 and the discount percentage is 20%, the calculation would be: $100 - ($100 * 0.20) = $100 - $20 = $80. So, the final price after a 20% discount would be $80.

Another example could be if the original price is $50 and the discount percentage is 10%, the calculation would be: $50 - ($50 * 0.10) = $50 - $5 = $45. Therefore, the final price after a 10% discount would be $45.

Formatting the cells for input

When calculating percentage discounts in Excel, it is important to ensure that the cells are formatted correctly for input. This will help to avoid errors and ensure accurate calculations. Below are a few steps to consider when formatting the cells for input:

  • Ensuring the cells are formatted as numbers

    Before entering any data, make sure that the cells where the numbers will be input are formatted as numbers. This will prevent any potential errors and ensure that the calculations are accurate.

  • Using the correct cell format for percentages

    For the cells that will contain percentage values, it is important to format them as percentages. This can be done by selecting the cells, right-clicking, and choosing "Format Cells." Then, select "Percentage" from the list of options.

Inputting the original price and discount percentage

When it comes to calculating percentage discount in Excel, the first step is to input the original price and the discount percentage into separate cells.

A. Demonstrating how to input the original price in one cell

To input the original price in Excel, simply click on the cell where you want to enter the original price and type in the value. For example, if the original price is $100, you would type "100" into the cell.

B. Showing how to input the discount percentage in another cell

Similarly, to input the discount percentage, click on a different cell and type in the percentage value. For instance, if the discount percentage is 20%, you would type "20%" into the cell. It's important to include the percentage symbol to ensure accurate calculations.

Using the formula to calculate the discounted price

Calculating a percentage discount in Excel is a useful skill for anyone working with numbers and sales data. By using a simple formula, you can easily determine the discounted price of a product or service. Here's how to do it:

Walking through the step-by-step process of using the formula

To calculate the discounted price in Excel, you can use the following formula:

Discounted Price = Original Price - (Original Price * Discount Percentage)

For example, if you want to calculate the discounted price of a product that originally costs $100 with a 25% discount, you would use the formula:

Discounted Price = $100 - ($100 * 0.25)

This would give you a discounted price of $75.

Providing tips on avoiding common mistakes

When using the formula to calculate percentage discounts in Excel, it's important to keep a few key points in mind to avoid common mistakes:

  • Ensure the discount percentage is in decimal form: When entering the discount percentage into the formula, make sure to convert it to decimal form (e.g., 25% becomes 0.25).
  • Double-check the formula: Before finalizing the calculation, double-check the formula to ensure there are no typos or errors in the input values.
  • Use cell references: For larger datasets or repeated calculations, consider using cell references to make the process more efficient and reduce the risk of errors.

By following these tips and using the formula correctly, you can easily calculate percentage discounts in Excel and gain a better understanding of pricing and sales data.

Applying the percentage discount formula to multiple items

When dealing with a list of items in Excel, it is essential to understand how to apply the percentage discount formula to multiple items efficiently. This can save a significant amount of time and effort, especially when dealing with large datasets.

Explaining how to use the formula for a list of items

To calculate the percentage discount for a list of items in Excel, the first step is to set up the necessary columns. One column should contain the original prices of the items, while another column should contain the discount percentage for each item. The next column can be used to calculate the discounted price for each item using the formula:

Discounted Price = Original Price - (Original Price * Discount Percentage)

This formula can be applied to each row in the dataset to calculate the discounted price for each item.

Highlighting the use of absolute cell references for efficiency

When applying the percentage discount formula to multiple items, it is important to use absolute cell references to ensure efficiency. Absolute cell references can be used to lock certain cells in the formula, making it easier to copy and paste the formula to multiple rows without having to adjust the formula for each row.

For example, if the original price is listed in cell A2 and the discount percentage is listed in cell B2, the formula for calculating the discounted price in cell C2 would be:

=A2 - (A2 * $B$2)

By using absolute cell references for the discount percentage (in this case, $B$2), the formula can be copied and pasted to calculate the discounted price for all items in the list without the need to modify the formula for each row.


In conclusion, we have covered the key steps to calculate percentage discount in Excel, including using the formula = original price * (1 - discount rate) and applying the percentage format to the result. It is important to practice and experiment with different scenarios in Excel to fully understand and apply these concepts in your own work. By doing so, you will enhance your proficiency in Excel and be better equipped to handle various discount calculations in your professional or personal projects.

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