Excel Tutorial: How To Add Degree Symbol In Excel


Are you looking to add a degree symbol in Excel but not sure how to do it? In this tutorial, we will walk you through the simple steps to effortlessly insert the degree symbol into your numerical data. Many fields, such as science, mathematics, and engineering, require the use of degree symbols to accurately represent angles, temperatures, and geographic coordinates. Adding this symbol in Excel is essential for maintaining precision and clarity in your data.

Key Takeaways

  • Adding a degree symbol in Excel is essential for fields like science, mathematics, and engineering
  • The Char function can be used to easily insert the degree symbol into numerical data
  • Keyboard shortcuts and the Symbol dialog box are also convenient methods for adding the degree symbol
  • AutoCorrect options can help automatically insert the degree symbol as you type
  • The CONCATENATE function is useful for adding the degree symbol to multiple cells at once

Using the Char function in Excel

When working with text in Excel, you may need to include special characters such as the degree symbol (°). The Char function in Excel allows you to insert these special characters into your cells quickly and easily.

Explain what the Char function is and how it works

The Char function in Excel returns the character specified by the code number. In other words, it allows you to insert a specific character based on its ASCII code.

Provide step-by-step instructions on using the Char function to add a degree symbol in Excel

Here's how you can use the Char function to add a degree symbol in Excel:

  • Select the cell where you want to insert the degree symbol.
  • Enter the formula: In the formula bar, type =CHAR(176) and press Enter. The number 176 is the ASCII code for the degree symbol.
  • Verify the result: You should see the degree symbol (°) appear in the selected cell.

Using keyboard shortcuts

One of the quickest ways to add a degree symbol in Excel is by using keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts vary depending on the version of Excel you are using, so it's important to familiarize yourself with the specific keys for your version.

A. Discuss commonly used keyboard shortcuts for adding the degree symbol

For most versions of Excel, the commonly used keyboard shortcut for adding the degree symbol is Alt + 0176. Simply hold down the Alt key and type 0176 on the numeric keypad, then release the Alt key to insert the degree symbol.

B. Provide alternate keyboard shortcuts for different versions of Excel

For those using a Mac with Excel, the keyboard shortcut to add the degree symbol is Option + Shift + 8. This will insert the degree symbol into your cell.

For users with international keyboards or different language settings, the keyboard shortcut may vary. It's recommended to refer to the specific keyboard shortcut for your region or language settings to ensure the correct input of the degree symbol.

Using the Symbol dialog box

When working with Excel, you may find the need to insert special symbols such as the degree symbol. The Symbol dialog box in Excel provides a convenient method for inserting a wide range of symbols, including the degree symbol.

A. Explain how to access the Symbol dialog box in Excel

To access the Symbol dialog box in Excel, follow these steps:

  • Click on the cell where you want to insert the degree symbol
  • Go to the "Insert" tab on the Excel ribbon
  • Click on the "Symbol" button in the "Symbols" group
  • A drop-down menu will appear, click on "More Symbols"
  • The Symbol dialog box will then open

B. Walk through the process of inserting the degree symbol using the Symbol dialog box

Once the Symbol dialog box is open, follow these steps to insert the degree symbol:

  • Ensure that "Normal text" is selected in the "Font" drop-down menu
  • Locate the degree symbol in the list of available symbols
  • If the degree symbol is not visible, you can type "degree" in the "Character code" field to filter the results
  • Click on the degree symbol to select it
  • Click the "Insert" button to insert the degree symbol into the selected cell
  • After inserting the degree symbol, you can close the Symbol dialog box

By following these steps, you can easily insert the degree symbol in Excel using the Symbol dialog box.

Using AutoCorrect options

AutoCorrect is a handy feature in Excel that can automatically replace certain text strings or characters with another. By using AutoCorrect, you can easily insert the degree symbol without having to remember the shortcut keys or unicode values.

Discuss how AutoCorrect can be used to automatically insert the degree symbol

AutoCorrect can be used to automatically insert the degree symbol by creating a text string that Excel will recognize and automatically replace with the degree symbol. This means that whenever you type the specified text string, Excel will automatically replace it with the degree symbol.

Provide instructions on setting up AutoCorrect options for the degree symbol

To set up AutoCorrect options for the degree symbol in Excel, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open Excel and go to the "File" menu.
  • Step 2: Click on "Options" to open the Excel Options dialog box.
  • Step 3: In the Excel Options dialog box, select "Proofing" from the left-hand panel.
  • Step 4: Click on the "AutoCorrect Options" button.
  • Step 5: In the AutoCorrect dialog box, go to the "Replace" field and type the text string you want to use to trigger the insertion of the degree symbol (e.g. "deg").
  • Step 6: In the "With" field, type the degree symbol (°).
  • Step 7: Click "Add" and then "OK" to close the AutoCorrect dialog box.
  • Step 8: Click "OK" in the Excel Options dialog box to save your changes.

Once you have set up AutoCorrect options for the degree symbol, whenever you type the specified text string (e.g. "deg"), Excel will automatically replace it with the degree symbol (°) as you type.

Using the CONCATENATE function

The CONCATENATE function is a useful tool in Excel that allows you to combine the contents of multiple cells into one cell. This function can also be used to add the degree symbol to multiple cells at once.

Explain how the CONCATENATE function can be used to add the degree symbol to multiple cells at once

The CONCATENATE function can be used to add the degree symbol to multiple cells at once by combining the cell contents with the degree symbol using the following formula:


Where A1 is the cell containing the value to which the degree symbol will be added.

Provide examples of using the CONCATENATE function with the degree symbol

For example, if cell A1 contains the value "45", you can use the CONCATENATE function to add the degree symbol as follows:


This will result in the cell displaying "45°".

You can also use the CONCATENATE function to combine the contents of multiple cells and add the degree symbol. For example:

=CONCATENATE(A1,"°","N ",B1,"°","W")

This will result in the cell displaying "45° N 60° W".


In conclusion, there are several methods for adding a degree symbol in Excel. You can use the CHAR function, the keyboard shortcut, or the Symbol dialog box to insert the degree symbol into your cells. Accurately representing numerical data in Excel is crucial for clear and professional communication of information. Whether you are working with temperature, angles, or any other type of measurement, knowing how to add the degree symbol will help you present your data accurately and effectively.

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