PERMUT: Excel Formula Explained


Excel is a powerful tool that can be used to perform complex calculations and data analysis tasks, and one of the most useful functions it offers is PERMUT. In this blog post, we will explain what PERMUT is, how it works, and why it is an important tool for Excel users.

What is PERMUT?

PERMUT is an Excel function that calculates the number of permutations for a given set of items. A permutation is a way of arranging a set of objects in a particular order, and the PERMUT function can be used to calculate the number of possible permutations for any given set of items. This function is especially useful for tasks that involve analyzing large datasets, such as market research or statistical analysis.

Why is PERMUT important?

PERMUT is an important tool for Excel users because it can help to streamline data analysis and calculation tasks. By using this function, you can quickly analyze large amounts of data and gain insights that would be difficult or time-consuming to obtain using manual methods. Additionally, the PERMUT function can be used in conjunction with other Excel tools, such as pivot tables and charts, to create more advanced analysis frameworks.

What will this blog post cover?

In this blog post, we will provide a detailed explanation of the PERMUT function, along with examples of how it can be used in various data analysis scenarios. We will also explain the difference between PERMUT and similar Excel functions, such as COMBIN and FACT, and provide tips for troubleshooting common issues that may arise when using this function.

  • What is PERMUT?
  • Why is PERMUT important?
  • What will this blog post cover?

Key Takeaways

  • PERMUT is an Excel function used to calculate the number of permutations for a given set of items.
  • Permutations are ways of arranging a set of objects in a particular order.
  • PERMUT is useful in analyzing large datasets and can be used in conjunction with other Excel tools.
  • This blog post covers a detailed explanation of the PERMUT function, its usage in data analysis scenarios, and troubleshooting common issues.

What is PERMUT?

PERMUT is a function in Microsoft Excel that computes the number of permutations of a specified number of items taken from a larger set of items. It is a mathematical formula that is used to determine the number of possible arrangements or ordering of objects.

How does PERMUT differ from other Excel formulas?

PERMUT is different from other Excel formulas because it is specifically designed to compute the number of permutations of a set of objects. Other formulas, such as SUM and AVERAGE, are used for arithmetic operations. Unlike other formulas that operate on a data range or a single value, PERMUT requires two arguments: number of objects and number of items to select.

Examples of when to use PERMUT

  • Lottery: When determining the number of possible combinations to win a lottery, PERMUT can be used.
  • Seating arrangements: PERMUT can be used to determine the number of ways to seat a group of people at a circular or rectangular table in various possible arrangements.
  • Password generation: When creating a password, PERMUT can be used to determine the number of possible combinations that can be used to create a unique password.

Syntax of PERMUT

The PERMUT function is a mathematical formula used in Excel to calculate the total number of possible permutations for a given set of objects. The syntax of the PERMUT function is as follows:

Explanation of Syntax

  • Number - This is a required argument that represents the total number of objects in the set. This can be any positive integer.
  • Number_chosen - This is also a required argument that represents the number of objects in each permutation. This can also be any positive integer.

These two arguments are the heart of the PERMUT function. In other words, the total number of possible permutations is dependent on the combination of the two numbers. The formula computes the result as follows:

PERMUT(number, number_chosen) = number! / (number-number_chosen)!

Where ! represents the factorial notation, which means multiplying all positive integers up to the number. For example, 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120.


  • Example 1: To find out the total number of possible permutations of 5 distinct letters taken 2 at a time, the formula would be =PERMUT(5, 2). The result would be 20.
  • Example 2: To find out the total number of different configurations of 10 students to form a group of 3, the formula would be =PERMUT(10, 3). The result would be 720.
  • Example 3: To find out the total number of possible poker hands that can be dealt from a deck of 52 cards, the formula would be =PERMUT(52, 5). The result would be 2598960.

The PERMUT function can also be applied to more complex situations, including those involving variables or ranges of data. By using the formula correctly, data analysts and mathematicians can quickly and accurately calculate the total number of permutations possible for various scenarios.

How to use PERMUT

If you are new to Excel formulas, using PERMUT can seem overwhelming at first. However, with the right guidance and step-by-step instructions, you can easily use PERMUT to get the desired results. Here is a guide on how to use PERMUT.

Step-by-step instructions to use PERMUT

First, select the cell where you want the result to appear in your worksheet. Then, follow these simple steps:

  • Type the equal sign (=) to start the formula.
  • Type "PERMUT" or select it from the list of functions displayed in the "Function Library".
  • Enter the required arguments in the parentheses delimited by commas.
  • Close the parentheses and hit enter.

How to input data into PERMUT formula

To use the PERMUT formula, you need to input two arguments; the number of items and the number of items to choose from a set.

  • Number of items: The total number of items that you have, for instance, the number of people currently in a room or the number of employees you have in your company.
  • Number of items to choose: The number of items that you want to choose from the set. This could be the number of people you need to select in the lottery or the number of employees to assign a task.

Examples of using PERMUT in real-life scenarios

PERMUT is a versatile formula that can be applied in various scenarios. Here are examples of using PERMUT in real-life situations:

  • Calculating the possible outcomes of a lottery: If you have a set of 10 numbers and wish to know how many ways you can select 5 numbers, you can use the PERMUT formula, i.e., =PERMUT(10,5). This will give you 30,240 possible outcomes.
  • Assigning tasks to employees: If you have 10 employees and want to know how many ways you can assign three different tasks, you can use the PERMUT formula. In this case, =PERMUT(10,3) will give you 720 possible combinations.

Common mistakes when using PERMUT

PERMUT is a useful formula when you need to calculate the number of permutations for a given set of objects. However, like any other formula, it is prone to errors, especially when not used correctly. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when using PERMUT:

Identify common mistakes when using PERMUT

  • Not specifying all the necessary arguments – The PERMUT formula requires two arguments: the number of objects and the number of items per permutation. Failing to specify any or both of the arguments can lead to inaccurate results or formula errors.
  • Using incorrect data types – The PERMUT formula only works with whole numbers, and supplying decimal numbers, text, or cell ranges that contain these data types can result in errors.
  • Confusing the order of arguments – The PERMUT formula returns a different result when you switch the order of the arguments. Therefore, make sure that you supply the right argument in the right order.
  • Using PERMUT instead of PERMUTATIONA or PERMUTATIONP – These are two variations of the PERMUT formula that cater to specific scenarios. Using the wrong formula can cause errors in your calculation.

Explain how to avoid these mistakes

  • Ensure that you provide all the necessary arguments in the correct format, either as values or cell references.
  • Double-check your data, making sure that you only supply whole numbers and avoid any extra characters or spaces.
  • Review the syntax of the formula and ensure that you have the arguments in the expected order, especially when copying or editing a cell.
  • Choose the right type of PERMUT formula depending on your use case, PERMUTATIONA for cases that allow repetition, and PERMUTATIONP for cases that do not allow repetition.

Provide examples of how these mistakes can affect the outcome of the formula

  • If you forget to supply an argument in the formula, Excel may throw a #VALUE! error, indicating that there is a problem with the formula. For instance, using =PERMUT(5) when you intend to calculate the number of permutations for five objects taken three at a time can result in an error.
  • If you enter a decimal or a text value in the formula, Excel may give you a result that does not make sense. For instance, using =PERMUT(5, "3") instead of =PERMUT(5, 3) can return an error or a wrong output.
  • If you switch the order of arguments, Excel may give you a different output. For instance, using =PERMUT(3, 5) instead of =PERMUT(5, 3) can give you a result that does not match your expectation.
  • Using the wrong permutation formula can result in an incorrect output that can affect your analysis or decision making. For example, using =PERMUT(5,3) instead of =PERMUTATIONA(5,3) when dealing with situations that allow repetition could give you a result that is less than it should be.

Advanced uses of PERMUT

PERMUT may seem like a simple formula, but it has some advanced uses that can be helpful in certain scenarios. Here are some advanced uses of this Excel formula:

Combining PERMUT with other formulas

PERMUT can be combined with other formulas to create more complex calculations. For example:

  • You can use PERMUT with the COUNTIF formula to count the number of permutations that meet a certain condition.
  • You can use PERMUT with the IF function to create conditional permutations.
  • You can use PERMUT with the SUM function to calculate the total number of possible permutations for a set of values.

Using PERMUT in complex scenarios

PERMUT can also be used in complex scenarios where you need to calculate a large number of permutations. Here are some examples:

  • Calculating the number of possible seating arrangements for a large event.
  • Calculating the number of different product configurations for a manufacturing plant.
  • Calculating the number of different routes for a delivery truck.

To use PERMUT in these scenarios, you'll need to have a clear understanding of the problem and the formula itself. It's important to carefully consider which values you want to use for n and k to ensure you are calculating the correct number of permutations.


As we have seen, PERMUT is a very useful Excel formula for calculating the number of permutations of a set of objects. Here are the key points to remember:

  • PERMUT calculates the number of permutations of a set of objects.
  • The PERMUT function syntax is =PERMUT(number, number_chosen).
  • The number argument is the total number of objects, and the number_chosen argument is the number of objects to be chosen for each permutation.
  • PERMUT can be used in various fields, such as mathematics, statistics, engineering, and science.

It is important to note that PERMUT is highly valuable for anyone who needs to perform calculations on permutations. Not only it keeps you away from the daunting task of performing lengthy manual calculations, but it also allows you to get quick and accurate results.

With that said, we highly encourage you to incorporate PERMUT in your work. You might find that it saves you a lot of time and effort when working with permutations, which can in turn increase your productivity and effectiveness.

So don't hesitate to give PERMUT a try today and see what a difference it can make for you!

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