How to Automate Your Excel Dashboards


An Excel dashboard is an effective way to offer insights, trends, and summaries of data. Dashboards are visual tools used to monitor the critical performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics of an organization. By automating Excel dashboards, you can quickly access meaningful data and present it in an easy-to-understand and visual format. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of automating an Excel dashboard, as well as cover some tips on how to get started.

A dashboard can help an organization stay ahead of changes in their internal and external environments, making decisions based on real-time data. It helps teams to quickly spot areas of improvement, as well as trends that might otherwise be missed. Automating an Excel dashboard eliminates manual entry of data, thus enabling faster results with fewer errors.

The key benefits of automating Excel dashboards include:

  • Reduced manual data entry and fewer errors
  • Easier completion of complex analysis
  • Consistent, reliable information more quickly
  • More accurate insights into key performance metrics
  • Increased efficiency across the organization

Understanding Dashboard Elements

Dashboards serve as a high-level overview of data that helps people quickly analyze trends, evaluate performance, and make decisions. They are composed of different elements that work together to help present the data in an understandable way.

Chart Types

Charts help create visualizations of data that can be read quickly and compared with other values. There are multiple chart types to choose from depending on the type of data represented. For example, bar charts are best suited to compare categories of data, while a line chart displays trends over time. Automating chart types in Excel can save time and ensure consistency when generating a dashboard.


Calculations are important in dashboards as they provide an numerical summation of data. These can be used to present summaries of data such as totals, averages, minimum and maximum values. Automating calculations in Excel can save time and ensure accuracy when generating a dashboard.


Filters allow dashboard users to drill down into specific data points. For example, someone may want to filter out a certain month from the dashboard view. Automating filters in Excel can save time when generating a dashboard and make it easier to quickly filter out specific data.

By automating the different dashboard elements in Excel, you can quickly and easily generate a dashboard that is tailored to your needs. This will help ensure that the dashboard is accurate and consistent, and will save you time in the long run.

Exporting a Dashboard

Exporting an Excel dashboard requires collecting data from multiple sources, creating a data model, and then building the dashboard. Having an automated process makes this process faster and easier.

Collecting Data from Multiple Sources

Collecting data from multiple sources can be a daunting process. To help make this process easier, you can use tools like Power Query or the Query Editor to automatically pull data from multiple sources. In addition, you can also use formulas and macros to streamline the data collection process.

Creating a Data Model

Once the data has been collected from multiple sources, it needs to be organized into a data model. This data model is essentially a template that provides structure and meaning to the data. Tools such as Power Pivot allow you to quickly organize large amounts of data into an organized data model.

Building the Dashboard

You can use a variety of tools to build your dashboard such as Power BI, Tableau, and But the primary tool for building an Excel dashboard is Microsoft Excel. Using graphical formatting, charts, and graphs, you can easily create an interactive visualization of your data. You can also use a combination of Power Query and Power Pivot to automate the data collection and data model creation processes. This will save you time in the long run.

Automating Processes

Automating Excel dashboards will save you lots of time and energy, allowing you to stay focused on analyzing data and making decisions. In this section, we’ll go over the process of how to access and use Excel files and automate data refresh and other tasks.

Accessing Excel Files

The first step to automating Excel dashboards is to establish a connection between your machine and the Excel file. This is often done through a secure system or software, such as Microsoft PowerApps or Microsoft Flow, which allow you to access the files from anywhere and anytime.

Once you have the connection between your machine and the Excel file, you can easily access and use the data to create reports. You can also set up a system to import and export data from Excel to any other sources, such as databases, websites, and other sources, providing you with up-to-date and accurate information.

Automating the Data Refresh

The next step to automating your Excel dashboards is to automate the process of refreshing the data. This automated process will save you the time and effort of manually refreshing the data each time, allowing you to stay focused on analyzing the data and making decisions.

There are several ways you can automate the data refresh process, including using built-in tools and services offered by Microsoft, such as Power Query and Power BI. Additionally, if you have your own custom system, you can set up scripts or specific commands in order to automate the process.

Automating Other Tasks

Once you have automated the process of data refresh and have the data for your Excel dashboards ready, you can also automate other tasks related to your dashboards. For example, you can set up automated alert systems to notify you when certain data points change or when certain thresholds are met.

You can also automate the process of creating reports, where the data is automatically updated and reports are generated and sent to the relevant people or departments. Additionally, you can set up scheduled tasks in order to generate reports or keep track of key metrics, allowing you to stay up-to-date and on top of important changes.

Making Dashboards Dynamic

As an Excel user, you can create interactive dashboards to quickly summarize vast amounts of data and make faster, accurate decisions. These dashboards feature a collection of charts, pivot tables and other visuals, which capture key information about your data. You can make these dashboards even more effective and efficient by automating them. Automating your dashboard helps streamline the process of producing data summaries and ensures frequent, immediate updates of key information.

Defining Dashboard Parameters

Before you can automate your dashboard, you'll need to define the parameters it will use. Depending on your data and the type of dashboard you're creating, you may want to consider the following parameters:

  • Data source file
  • Data fields to include
  • Charts to create
  • Range of data for each chart

These parameters form the basis of your automated dashboard and should be decided on before you start the automation process.

Color Coding Data

Another helpful tool for making dashboards dynamic is color coding. Color coding allows you to quickly identify important data points on your dashboard and provides a visual cue to help you make sense of the data. Color coding your data is relatively straightforward and involves adding a color scale to your data field, so you can quickly spot changes in the underlying data.

Writing Automation Macros

Once you have defined the parameters of your dashboard and decided on a color-coding scheme, you can begin automating the process. Writing an automation macro involves using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to write a script that will execute the instructions you have defined in the parameters. This script can be used to run the dashboard in the background without any manual input from you.

Writing an automation macro for your dashboard typically involves the following steps:

  • Defining your dashboard parameters in a VBA macro
  • Creating the dashboard chart
  • Ensuring that the chart is updated regularly

Once you have written and tested your macro, you can save it and run it on a regular basis to ensure that your dashboard is continually updated with the latest information.

6. Considerations

When it comes to automating your Excel dashboards, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. The following three points are of particular importance: data security, regulatory requirements, and system limitations.

a. Data Security

Data security should be a top priority when automating your Excel dashboards as it involves storing and processing a large amount of sensitive information. Therefore, it is essential that the system you use to build your dashboards is secure and reliable. Additionally, make sure that all user access is tightly managed so that only authorized personnel can access the data.

b. Regulatory Requirements

Depending on the industry in which you operate and the type of data you are managing, there are likely certain regulatory requirements that must be adhered to. It is important to keep these in mind when automating your Excel dashboards, as failing to do so could cause serious issues down the road. Make sure to thoroughly understand any relevant regulations and ensure your dashboards are compliant.

c. System Limitations

Due to the complexity of the automation process involved, there may be certain limitations that you have to work with. This can include data size limitations, the number of fields in a dataset, and more. It is important to clearly understand all of the system's limitations so you can design and implement your dashboards accordingly.


Automating Excel dashboards can be a great way to make your analysis, visualization, and data presentation processes more efficient and enjoyable. Automating Excel dashboards provides a streamlined workflow that helps you identify trends, improve performance and ensure accuracy in records. In this blog post, you have learned how to automate your Excel dashboards and the benefits associated with doing so.

Benefits of Automating Excel Dashboards

Automating your Excel dashboards offers several benefits, including:

  • Time savings, as you will no longer need to manually update your Excel dashboards.
  • Improved accuracy, since you won’t need to worry about manual errors.
  • Increased visibility, since an automated dashboard enables you to quickly and easily share the insights you have discovered with your team.
  • Better analysis and more informed decisions, since an automated dashboard can help you identify patterns and trends in your data that you may not have noticed before.

Best Practices for Automation

To ensure that you get the most out of automating your Excel dashboards, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Ensure that your data sources are up to date, reliable, and accessible.
  • Keep your dashboard design simple and easy to read.
  • Automate where possible, but be sure to leave some room for manual input when necessary.
  • Make use of formulas, pivot tables, and charting tools to make it easier to interpret your data.
  • Be sure to share your dashboard with the appropriate people in your organization.

By following these best practices, you can make the most of automating your Excel dashboards, and make your data analysis, visualization and reporting tasks easier, more efficient and more accurate.

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