Excel Tutorial: How To Turn Excel Into Google Sheet


Are you an Excel user who wants to harness the power of Google Sheets? In this tutorial, we will show you how to turn Excel into Google Sheets, allowing you to seamlessly transition between the two platforms. With the increasing popularity of cloud-based collaboration and remote work, knowing how to use both Excel and Google Sheets is essential for professionals in various industries.

Key Takeaways

  • Knowing how to use both Excel and Google Sheets is essential for professionals in various industries due to the increasing popularity of cloud-based collaboration and remote work.
  • Understanding the differences between Excel and Google Sheets, including features, functions, and collaborative tools, is crucial for efficient use of both platforms.
  • Converting Excel files to Google Sheets is possible with a step-by-step guide on uploading files to Google Drive and instructions on how to open and edit Excel files in Google Sheets.
  • Utilizing unique Google Sheets features such as add-ons and formulas, as well as tips for transitioning from Excel to Google Sheets, can enhance efficiency and productivity.
  • Best practices for using Google Sheets include taking advantage of cloud-based storage and sharing, as well as organizing and labeling files in Google Drive for easy access.

Understanding the differences between Excel and Google Sheets

When it comes to spreadsheet software, Microsoft Excel has been the go-to choice for many years. However, Google Sheets has gained popularity as a more collaborative and flexible alternative. Understanding the key differences between the two can help users decide which one suits their needs best.

A. Discuss the key variations in features and functions
  • Interface:

    While Excel has a more traditional interface with a ribbon and separate windows for each spreadsheet, Google Sheets has a simpler and more streamlined interface with all the tools accessible within the browser window.
  • Collaboration:

    Google Sheets allows real-time collaboration, where multiple users can work on the same spreadsheet simultaneously, while Excel requires files to be saved and shared back and forth.
  • Add-ons and Apps:

    Google Sheets has a wide range of add-ons and integrated apps that can extend its functionality, while Excel relies on traditional desktop software for expanding its capabilities.
  • Formula Differences:

    While the basic formulas are similar in both, there are some differences in advanced functions and formulas between Excel and Google Sheets.

B. Highlight the benefits of using Google Sheets over Excel
  • Cost:

    Google Sheets is part of the Google Workspace suite, which is more cost-effective for businesses compared to purchasing Microsoft Office licenses for Excel.
  • Accessibility:

    Google Sheets can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, while Excel files are tied to the device and require the software to be installed.
  • Collaboration:

    Real-time collaboration in Google Sheets makes it an ideal choice for teamwork and remote work environments where multiple users need to work on the same spreadsheet simultaneously.
  • Integration:

    Google Sheets integrates seamlessly with other Google Workspace apps, such as Google Docs and Google Slides, providing a cohesive ecosystem for productivity.

Converting Excel files to Google Sheets

Converting Excel files to Google Sheets can be a seamless process if you follow the right steps. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of uploading Excel files to Google Drive and then explain how to open and edit them in Google Sheets.

A. Uploading Excel files to Google Drive
  • Step 1: Log in to your Google Drive

  • Open your web browser and log in to your Google Drive account using your credentials.

  • Step 2: Click on "New"

  • On the left-hand side, click on the "New" button to open a drop-down menu.

  • Step 3: Select "File Upload"

  • From the drop-down menu, select "File Upload" and navigate to the location of your Excel file on your computer.

  • Step 4: Choose the Excel file

  • Once you have located the Excel file, click on it to select it for upload. The file will then be uploaded to your Google Drive.

B. Opening and editing Excel files in Google Sheets
  • Step 1: Locate the uploaded Excel file

  • Once the Excel file has been uploaded to your Google Drive, locate it in the list of files within your Drive.

  • Step 2: Right-click on the Excel file

  • Right-click on the Excel file to open a context menu, and then select "Open with" and choose "Google Sheets" from the options.

  • Step 3: Editing the file

  • After the file is opened in Google Sheets, you can make any necessary edits or additions. Any changes made will be automatically saved to the file in Google Drive.

Exploring the collaborative tools in Google Sheets

Google Sheets offers a wide range of collaborative tools that allow multiple users to work on a spreadsheet simultaneously. This can be incredibly useful for teams or groups working on the same project. Some of the key collaborative features in Google Sheets include:

  • Real-time editing: Users can see changes being made to the spreadsheet in real-time, making it easy to collaborate and work together seamlessly.
  • Comments and suggestions: Users can leave comments and suggestions directly in the spreadsheet, allowing for easy communication and feedback.
  • Version history: Google Sheets keeps track of changes made to the spreadsheet, allowing users to revert to previous versions if needed.
  • Sharing and permissions: Users can easily share the spreadsheet with others and set different levels of permissions to control who can view, edit, or comment on the document.

Demonstrating how to use add-ons and formulas unique to Google Sheets

Google Sheets also offers a range of add-ons and formulas that are unique to the platform, providing additional functionality and customization options. Some of the key add-ons and formulas to explore include:

  • Add-ons: Google Sheets has a variety of add-ons available, such as data connectors, charting tools, and mail merge capabilities, which can be easily integrated to enhance the functionality of the spreadsheet.
  • Unique formulas: Google Sheets offers a range of unique formulas, such as QUERY, IMPORTXML, and GOOGLEFINANCE, that allow users to pull in data from external sources, perform complex calculations, and automate tasks within the spreadsheet.
  • Custom scripts: For more advanced users, Google Sheets also provides the ability to create custom scripts using Google Apps Script, allowing for even greater customization and automation of tasks.

Tips for transitioning from Excel to Google Sheets

Transitioning from Excel to Google Sheets can be a smooth process with the right guidance and tips. Below are some key points to consider when making the switch:

A. Providing shortcuts and tips for familiar Excel users
  • Use of keyboard shortcuts:

    Familiarize yourself with Google Sheets keyboard shortcuts to speed up tasks and improve efficiency.
  • Functionality comparison:

    Compare the similar functions and formulas between Excel and Google Sheets to understand the equivalent ways of achieving tasks.
  • Exploring add-ons:

    Utilize available add-ons in Google Sheets to replicate or enhance certain functionalities that you are used to in Excel.

B. Discussing how to adapt to the user interface and layout differences
  • Understanding the menus and tools:

    Take the time to explore the different menus and tools in Google Sheets to understand where to find specific features and commands.
  • Embracing collaboration features:

    Familiarize yourself with Google Sheets' collaborative features such as real-time editing and sharing options, which differ from Excel's individual file-based approach.
  • Customizing the interface:

    Personalize your Google Sheets experience by customizing the interface to match your preferences and workflow.

Best practices for using Google Sheets

When it comes to using Google Sheets, there are several best practices that can help you make the most out of this powerful cloud-based tool. From taking advantage of cloud-based storage and sharing to organizing and labeling files in Google Drive, these practices can significantly improve your efficiency and productivity. Let's dive into some of the key best practices for using Google Sheets.

Advantages of cloud-based storage and sharing

Cloud-based storage: One of the biggest advantages of using Google Sheets is the ability to store your files in the cloud. This means that you can access your spreadsheets from anywhere, at any time, as long as you have an internet connection. This also eliminates the risk of losing your work due to computer malfunctions or data loss.

Collaborative sharing: Google Sheets allows for seamless collaboration with colleagues or team members. You can easily share your spreadsheets with others, giving them view or edit access as needed. This makes it easy to work on projects together in real-time, without the need for sending files back and forth via email.

Organizing and labeling files in Google Drive

Folder organization: It's important to keep your Google Sheets organized in Google Drive. Create folders for different projects or categories, and make sure to place relevant spreadsheets in the appropriate folders. This will make it easier to locate specific files when needed.

File labeling: In addition to organizing your files into folders, it's also helpful to label your files with clear and descriptive names. This will further enhance the organization of your Google Drive and make it easier to search for specific spreadsheets.


In conclusion, turning Excel into Google Sheets offers numerous benefits, including real-time collaboration, cloud storage, and cross-platform accessibility. Google Sheets also has a user-friendly interface and built-in features for data analysis and visualization. We encourage our readers to practice using both platforms to maximize efficiency and versatility in their work. By familiarizing themselves with both Excel and Google Sheets, users can enhance their spreadsheet skills and adapt to different work environments and requirements.

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