IMABS: Excel Formula Explained


If you've ever used Excel to perform mathematical calculations, you may have come across the "IMABS" formula. IMABS is a built-in Excel function used to calculate the absolute value of a complex number. In this blog post, we'll explore the IMABS formula, how it works, and why it's important.

Explanation of IMABS

The IMABS formula is a mathematical function used to determine the absolute value of a complex number. A complex number is a number that includes both a real component and an imaginary component, often represented as a+bi, where "a" is the real number and "b" is the imaginary number. The absolute value of a complex number is the distance between that number and the origin on the complex plane.

Importance of using the IMABS formula in Excel

Excel is widely used in different fields, including science, finance, and engineering, for calculations involving complex numbers. One key benefit of using the IMABS formula in Excel is that it simplifies complex number calculations while reducing the likelihood of calculation errors. This formula is extremely helpful for professionals working in these fields as it streamlines their work, enabling them to focus more effectively on interpreting and utilizing results rather than being bogged down in complex calculations.

If you work with complex numbers often, the IMABS formula is one of the many powerful features that Excel offers to speed up your calculations and simplify your work. While it may seem challenging to use at first, once you understand how it works, you can quickly apply it to your work for faster and more accurate results.

Key Takeaways

  • The IMABS formula is a built-in Excel function used to calculate the absolute value of a complex number.
  • A complex number includes both a real component and an imaginary component, often represented as a+bi.
  • The absolute value of a complex number is the distance between that number and the origin on the complex plane.
  • Using the IMABS formula in Excel simplifies complex number calculations while reducing the likelihood of calculation errors.
  • The IMABS formula is extremely helpful for professionals working in science, finance, and engineering fields as it streamlines their work, resulting in faster and more accurate results.

IMABS: Excel Formula Explained

IMABS Formula

Definition of IMABS

IMABS is an Excel function that calculates the absolute value of a complex number. Absolute value is the magnitude or the length of the complex number that represents its distance from the origin. This function is commonly used in trigonometry and geometry where distance is a crucial factor.

Syntax of the Formula

The syntax of the IMABS formula is:

  • =IMABS(inumber)

The "inumber" argument is the complex number that needs to be converted to its absolute value. It is a required input and must be entered in the form of "a+bi" where "a" is the real number and "b" is the imaginary number. The letter "i" represents the square root of negative one (-1).

How to Use the Formula

Let's say we have a complex number 3+4i, and we want to find its absolute value. We will use the IMABS formula to get the answer. The formula will look like this:

  • =IMABS(3+4i)

The result of this formula will be 5, which is the distance of the complex number from the origin (0,0). The result is always a positive real number, as the absolute value cannot be negative.

The IMABS formula can also be used in conjunction with other Excel functions. For example, we can use this formula to calculate the distance between two complex numbers represented by the coordinates of their respective points. To do this, we can use the IMABS formula along with the IMLSUB formula that calculates the difference between two complex numbers.

For instance, if we have two complex numbers 2+3i and 5+7i, we can find the distance between them using the following formula:

  • =IMABS(IMSUB(5+7i,2+3i))

This formula will return the result 5, which is the distance between the two complex numbers.

Examples of using IMABS

Basic example

One of the simplest ways to use the IMABS function is to take the absolute value of a single number. For example, say you have the number -5 in cell A1, and you want to take the absolute value of that number. To do this, you would use the following formula in another cell:


In this case, the result would be 5, since the absolute value of -5 is 5. Keep in mind that the IMABS function only works with complex numbers, so if you try to apply it to a non-complex number, you will get an error message.

Example with multiple values

The IMABS function can also be used to take the absolute value of multiple values at once. For example, imagine you have a table of complex numbers in cells A2 to B6, and you want to take the absolute value of each of these numbers. To do this, you could use the following formula in cell C2:


In this case, the formula will return an array of absolute values for the numbers in each cell of the range A2 to B6. Note that when using the IMABS function with a range of cells, you must enclose the range in parentheses, as shown in the example above.

Example with negative values

Finally, it's worth noting that the IMABS function works just as well with negative values as it does with positive ones. For example, say you have the number -2 + 3i in cell A1, and you want to take its absolute value. To do this, you would use the following formula:


In this case, the result would be √(2^2+3^2), which is approximately 3.606. Note that the IMABS function automatically takes care of the negative sign when calculating the absolute value of a complex number.

Comparison with ABS formula

IMABS is a recent addition to the Excel formula library, and it provides a new way of handling negative numbers compared to the previously available ABS formula. In this section, we will discuss the ABS formula and the differences between the ABS and IMABS formulas.

Explanation of ABS formula

The ABS function is a basic mathematical formula that calculates the absolute value of a number. In simpler terms, it returns the positive value of a number irrespective of its original sign. The syntax for the ABS formula is:

  • =ABS(number)

Here, the 'number' parameter can be either a direct value or a cell reference containing a numeric value. The ABS formula ignores the sign of the input value and returns only the magnitude of the number. For instance, if the input value is -5, the ABS formula would return 5.

Differences between ABS and IMABS

While the ABS formula calculates only the absolute value of a number, the IMABS formula provides a bit more flexibility when working with negative numbers. The IMABS formula stands for 'Imaginary Absolute' and is primarily used in complex number calculations.

The syntax for the IMABS formula is:

  • =IMABS(inumber)

Here, the 'inumber' parameter can be either a direct complex numeric value or a cell reference containing a complex numeric value. The IMABS function returns the magnitude or the absolute value of a complex number, which is the distance between the origin and the point representing the complex number in the complex plane.

One significant difference between the ABS and IMABS formulas is that the ABS formula cannot handle complex numbers. The IMABS formula is exclusively for complex numbers and can handle both real and imaginary parts of the complex number. Additionally, unlike the ABS formula, the IMABS formula retains the sign of the imaginary part of a complex number after calculating magnitude.

Another minor difference is that the ABS formula round-trips negative input values to positive values. In contrast, the IMABS formula returns a negative result if the imaginary part of a complex number is negative.

Overall, the IMABS formula is an excellent tool to use when working with complex numbers, while the ABS formula is better suited for handling simple mathematical operations on positive and negative integers and decimals.

Advanced Use Cases

In addition to its basic use of returning the absolute value of a number, IMABS function can also be used in combination with other formulas or conditional formatting to perform more complex calculations or highlighting of data. Here are some examples of advanced use cases for the IMABS function.

Using IMABS with Other Formulas

IMABS function can be combined with other Excel formulas to perform more intricate calculations. For instance, you can use it in a formula that calculates the distance between two points in a coordinate plane. The distance formula is the square root of the sum of the squares of the differences in the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the points. However, to get the absolute value of the difference, you use the IMABS function.

Here is an example formula that calculates the distance between two points using IMABS with other formulas:

  • =SQRT((A2-B2)^2+(C2-D2)^2)
Where A2 and C2 are the x-coordinates of point 1, B2 and D2 are the y-coordinates of point 1, and A3 and C3 are the x-coordinates of point 2, B3 and D3 are the y-coordinates of point 2. The formula takes the absolute value of the differences between the coordinates using the IMABS function, squares them, adds them, and then takes the square root to get the distance between the two points.

Combining IMABS with Conditional Formatting

Another way to use the IMABS function is in combination with conditional formatting to highlight data in a worksheet. You can use conditional formatting to change the colors of specific cells based on their values, and with the IMABS function, you can highlight numbers that are further away from zero.

For example, let's say that you have a column of numbers and you want to highlight those numbers that differ by more than 10 from zero. Here is how you can do it:

  • Select the range of cells that you want to apply the formatting to.
  • Click on the "Conditional Formatting" button from the "Home" tab.
  • Select "New Rule".
  • Select "Use a formula to determine which cells to format".
  • Enter the following formula: =IMABS(A1)>10
  • Specify the formatting that you want for the cells that meet the criteria. For instance, you can change their background color to red.
  • Click "OK" to complete the process.

Now any number in the selected range that is greater than 10 away from zero will be highlighted in red.

Common Errors and How to Fix Them

Despite Excel's precision and efficiency, errors can still occur while working with IMABS formula. Here are some common errors:

Error Messages

  • #VALUE! - This error usually occurs when the input provided is not a valid number.
  • #NUM! - This error occurs when the argument provided is outside the acceptable range or is not a numerical value.
  • #REF! - This error occurs when a cell reference used in the formula is not valid. This could be due to the cell being deleted or moved.
  • #NAME! - This error occurs when Excel cannot recognize the name used in the formula. This could be a typo or a missing reference.

How to Troubleshoot Errors

Here are some steps that can be taken to fix these errors:

  • Double-check the input values to ensure that they are in the correct format and are valid.
  • Ensure that the range of input values specified in the formula is correct and does not extend beyond the range of the data being referred to.
  • Check all cell references used in the formula to ensure that they are still valid and have not been altered.
  • Verify the names used in the formula to ensure that they are correct.
  • Use the Excel formula auditing tools to highlight and trace errors, which will help identify the source of the error.

By following the above steps, one can easily fix errors that might occur while working with the IMABS formula in Excel.


IMABS is a powerful and useful Excel formula that can help users manipulate data in a more efficient and effective manner. Here's a quick recap of its importance:

  • IMABS allows users to find the absolute value of a complex number, which is essential for various mathematical calculations.
  • IMABS can help users quickly identify and fix errors in their data sets.
  • IMABS is easy to use and can be applied to numerous types of data sets.

To use IMABS effectively in Excel, keep the following tips in mind:

1. Recognize when to use IMABS

IMABS is most useful when working with complex numbers and data sets that require precise calculations. Knowing when to apply IMABS can make a significant difference in the accuracy and efficiency of your work.

2. Familiarize yourself with the formula

Take the time to understand how the IMABS formula works and what its syntax is. This will help you use it correctly and effectively.

3. Practice!

The more you use IMABS, the more comfortable and proficient you will become. Practicing applying IMABS to various types of data sets will help you develop your skills and make the most of this useful Excel formula.

In conclusion, IMABS is a valuable tool that can greatly benefit Excel users in a variety of fields. By recognizing its importance, familiarizing yourself with the formula, and practicing its application, you can use IMABS to optimize your data manipulation and calculations.

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